CGSC is using libuv for asynchronous operations, libuv is a cross-platform library for asynchronous I/O based on event loops. It was primarily developed for use in Node.js, but it is also used in other projects.
libuv provides a number of features that are useful for building scalable networked applications, including:
- An event loop, which allows you to register callbacks for various types of I/O events (e.g., reading from a socket, writing to a file) and schedule them to be executed asynchronously.
- A thread pool, which allows you to offload time-consuming tasks to a pool of worker threads, allowing the event loop to remain responsive.
- File system and network I/O functions, which are implemented in a platform-agnostic way and can be used to build portable applications.
- Other utility functions, such as timers, signals, and process management.
void WorkerCallback(uv_work_t* req)
// Get the async worker and the worker data
async_worker* worker = (async_worker *)req->data;
some_data_t* data = (some_data_t *)worker->data;
// Or only get the data if needed.
some_data_t* data = (some_data_t *)AsyncWorkerData(req);
qboolean running = qfalse;
// Do some work
int error = some_polling_query(data->result, &running);
// Error handling
if (error)
AsyncWorkerDone(req, ASYNC_FAILURE);
while (running && worker->status != ASYNC_CANCEL);
AsyncWorkerDone(req, ASYNC_SUCCESSFUL);
int main()
async_handler *handler = AsyncInit();
some_data_t *data = (some_data_t *)malloc(sizeof(some_data_t));
data->foo = 1;
data->bar = 2;
async_worker* worker = AsyncWorker(handler, data, WorkerCallback);
return AsyncLoopRun(handler->loop);
Initialize the async handler. The async handler can be freed with AsyncShutdown().
async_handler* handler = AsyncInit();
Create an async loop. The loop can be freed with AsyncLoopFree().
uv_loop_t* loop = AsyncLoopCreate();
Run the async loop.
Stop the async loop.
Free and stop the async loop.
AsyncWorker(async_handler* handler, void* data, uv_work_cb callback, uv_after_work_cb afterCallback)
Create a new async worker. handler - The async handler. data - The data. callback - The async loop. afterCallback - The after callback.
some_data_t *data = (some_data_t *)malloc(sizeof(some_data_t));
data->foo = 1;
data->bar = 2;
async_worker* worker = AsyncWorker(handler, data, WorkerCallback, NULL);
Get the worker data from a uv_work_t. req - The worker.
some_data_t *data = (some_data_t *)AsyncWorkerData(req);
Set the worker status and stop running. req - The worker. status - The worker done status.
AsyncWorkerDone(req, ASYNC_SUCCESSFUL);
Cancel a worker. req - The worker.
Free a worker. req - The worker.
Shutdown the async handler by canceling any pending requests and waiting for all threads to complete. handler - The async handler.