default_stages: - pre-commit # Run locally - manual # Run in CI exclude: 'vllm/third_party/.*' repos: - repo: rev: v0.43.0 hooks: - id: yapf args: [--in-place, --verbose] additional_dependencies: [toml] # TODO: Remove when yapf is upgraded - repo: rev: v0.9.3 hooks: - id: ruff args: [--output-format, github, --fix] - repo: rev: v2.4.0 hooks: - id: codespell additional_dependencies: ['tomli'] args: ['--toml', 'pyproject.toml'] - repo: rev: 0a0b7a830386ba6a31c2ec8316849ae4d1b8240d # 6.0.0 hooks: - id: isort - repo: rev: v19.1.7 hooks: - id: clang-format exclude: 'csrc/(moe/|quantization/gguf/(ggml-common.h|dequantize.cuh|vecdotq.cuh|mmq.cuh|mmvq.cuh))|vllm/third_party/.*' types_or: [c++, cuda] args: [--style=file, --verbose] - repo: rev: v0.9.27 hooks: - id: pymarkdown args: [fix] - repo: rev: v1.7.7 hooks: - id: actionlint - repo: rev: 0.6.2 hooks: - id: pip-compile args: [requirements/, -o, requirements/test.txt] files: ^requirements/test\.(in|txt)$ - repo: local hooks: - id: mypy-local name: Run mypy for local Python installation entry: tools/ 0 "local" language: python types: [python] additional_dependencies: &mypy_deps [mypy==1.11.1, types-setuptools, types-PyYAML, types-requests] stages: [pre-commit] # Don't run in CI - id: mypy-3.9 # TODO: Use when mypy setup is less awkward name: Run mypy for Python 3.9 entry: tools/ 1 "3.9" language: python types: [python] additional_dependencies: *mypy_deps stages: [manual] # Only run in CI - id: mypy-3.10 # TODO: Use when mypy setup is less awkward name: Run mypy for Python 3.10 entry: tools/ 1 "3.10" language: python types: [python] additional_dependencies: *mypy_deps stages: [manual] # Only run in CI - id: mypy-3.11 # TODO: Use when mypy setup is less awkward name: Run mypy for Python 3.11 entry: tools/ 1 "3.11" language: python types: [python] additional_dependencies: *mypy_deps stages: [manual] # Only run in CI - id: mypy-3.12 # TODO: Use when mypy setup is less awkward name: Run mypy for Python 3.12 entry: tools/ 1 "3.12" language: python types: [python] additional_dependencies: *mypy_deps stages: [manual] # Only run in CI - id: shellcheck name: Lint shell scripts entry: tools/ language: script types: [shell] - id: png-lint name: Lint PNG exports from excalidraw entry: tools/ language: script types: [png] - id: signoff-commit name: Sign-off Commit entry: bash args: - -c - | if ! grep -q "^Signed-off-by: $(git config <$(git config>" .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG; then printf "\nSigned-off-by: $(git config <$(git config>\n" >> .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG fi language: system verbose: true stages: [commit-msg] - id: check-spdx-header name: Check SPDX headers entry: python tools/ language: python types: [python] - id: check-filenames name: Check for spaces in all filenames entry: bash args: - -c - 'git ls-files | grep " " && echo "Filenames should not contain spaces!" && exit 1 || exit 0' language: system always_run: true pass_filenames: false # Keep `suggestion` last - id: suggestion name: Suggestion entry: bash -c 'echo "To bypass pre-commit hooks, add --no-verify to git commit."' language: system verbose: true pass_filenames: false # Insert new entries above the `suggestion` entry