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Merge branch 'main' into jabolol/function-call
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Jabolol authored Dec 9, 2024
2 parents 5609e31 + e3a8222 commit ec745df
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Showing 6 changed files with 356 additions and 84 deletions.
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions app/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import qualified Codegen.Codegen as C
import qualified Control.Monad as M
import qualified Control.Monad.IO.Class as IO
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Except as E
import qualified Data.Maybe as DM
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified LLVM.Pretty as LLVM
import qualified Options.Applicative as O
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,9 +58,9 @@ optionsInfo =
<> O.header "Scheme-to-LLVM Compiler"

compile :: String -> Bool -> E.ExceptT CompileError IO String
compile input verbose = do
ast <- case P.parse input of
compile :: String -> String -> Bool -> E.ExceptT CompileError IO String
compile input source verbose = do
ast <- case P.parse input source of
Left err -> E.throwE $ ParseError err
Right res -> return res

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ main = do
source <- readInput input

logMsg verbose "Starting compilation..."
result <- E.runExceptT $ compile source verbose
result <- E.runExceptT $ compile (DM.fromMaybe "stdin" input) source verbose

case result of
Left (ParseError err) -> handleError "parsing" err verbose
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions glados.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ library
import: warnings
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ test-suite glados-test
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0

hs-source-dirs: test
Expand Down
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions lib/Ast/Env.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
module Ast.Env (Env (..), emptyEnv, insertVar, insertFn, lookupVar, lookupFn) where

import Ast.Types (Expr)
import qualified Data.Map as Map

-- | The `Env` data type represents an environment that stores mappings
-- of variable names to their values and function names to their definitions.
data Env = Env
{ fn :: Map.Map String Expr,
var :: Map.Map String Expr

-- | Creates an empty environment with no variables or functions.
-- `emptyEnv` returns an `Env` instance with empty mappings for both variables and functions.
emptyEnv :: Env
emptyEnv = Env {fn = Map.empty, var = Map.empty}

-- | Inserts a variable into the environment.
-- `insertVar` takes as parameters:
-- - `String`: The name of the variable.
-- - `Expr`: The value of the variable.
-- - `Env`: The current environment.
-- And returns a new `Env` with the variable added to the `var` mapping.
insertVar :: String -> Expr -> Env -> Env
insertVar name value env = env {var = Map.insert name value (var env)}

-- | Inserts a function into the environment.
-- `insertFn` takes as parameters:
-- - `String`: The name of the function.
-- - `Expr`: The definition of the function (usually a lambda expression).
-- - `Env`: The current environment.
-- and returns a new `Env` with the function added to the `fn` mapping.
insertFn :: String -> Expr -> Env -> Env
insertFn name lambda env = env {fn = Map.insert name lambda (fn env)}

-- | Looks up a variable in the environment by its name.
-- `lookupVar` takes as parameters:
-- - `String`: The name of the variable.
-- - `Env`: The current environment.
-- and returns:
-- - `Just Expr`: The value of the variable if it exists in the `var` mapping.
-- - `Nothing`: If the variable does not exist in the environment.
lookupVar :: String -> Env -> Maybe Expr
lookupVar name env = Map.lookup name (var env)

-- | Looks up a function in the environment by its name.
-- `lookupFn` takes as parameters:
-- - `String`: The name of the function.
-- - `Env`: The current environment.
-- and returns:
-- - `Just Expr`: The definition of the function if it exists in the `fn` mapping.
-- - `Nothing`: If the function does not exist in the environment.
lookupFn :: String -> Env -> Maybe Expr
lookupFn name env = Map.lookup name (fn env)
110 changes: 60 additions & 50 deletions lib/Ast/Parser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,48 +1,47 @@
module Ast.Parser (parse) where
module Ast.Parser (parse, ParseErrorCustom (..)) where

import qualified Ast.Env as E
import Ast.Types (AST (..), Expr (..), Literal (..), Operation (..))
import Control.Applicative (Alternative (..))
import qualified Control.Monad as M
import qualified Control.Monad as CM
import qualified Control.Monad.State as S
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as M
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as MC
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as ML

type Parser = M.Parsec ParseErrorCustom String
type Parser = M.ParsecT ParseErrorCustom String (S.State E.Env)

-- | Custom error type for the parser, representing specific cases of invalid syntax.
data ParseErrorCustom
= InvalidDefineExpression Expr
| InvalidArgsForDefine Expr
| InvalidLambdaExpression Expr
| InvalidArgsForLambda Expr
= UndefinedLambdaReference String
| ReservedKeywordUsed String
| UndefinedVarReference String
| InvalidVarName String
deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)

-- | Implements a custom error message component for the parser.
instance M.ShowErrorComponent ParseErrorCustom where
showErrorComponent (InvalidDefineExpression e) =
"Invalid define expression: expected a variable or a function definition, but got: " ++ show e
showErrorComponent (InvalidArgsForDefine e) =
"Invalid arguments in define: expected all arguments to be variables, but got: " ++ show e
showErrorComponent (InvalidLambdaExpression e) =
"Invalid lambda expression: expected a function definition, but got: " ++ show e
showErrorComponent (InvalidArgsForLambda e) =
"Invalid arguments in lambda: expected all arguments to be variables, but got: " ++ show e
showErrorComponent (UndefinedLambdaReference n) =
"Undefined lambda referenced: expected lambda \"" ++ n ++ "\" to be defined"
showErrorComponent (ReservedKeywordUsed kw) =
"Reserved keyword used as function name: \"" ++ kw ++ "\""
showErrorComponent (UndefinedVarReference n) =
"Undefined var referenced: expected var \"" ++ n ++ "\" to be defined"
showErrorComponent (InvalidVarName n) =
"Invalid var name: \"" ++ n ++ "\" is not valid"

ops :: [(String, Operation)]
ops = [("+", Add), ("-", Sub), ("*", Mult), ("div", Div), ("mod", Mod), (">", Gt), ("<", Lt), (">=", Gte), ("<=", Lte), ("==", Equal), ("/=", Ne), ("&&", And), ("||", Or)]
ops = [("+", Add), ("-", Sub), ("*", Mult), ("div", Div), ("mod", Mod), (">=", Gte), ("<=", Lte), (">", Gt), ("<", Lt), ("==", Equal), ("/=", Ne), ("&&", And), ("||", Or)]

keywords :: [String]
keywords = ["define", "lambda", "if"] ++ map fst ops

-- | Parses a string into an abstract syntax tree (AST).
-- The `parse` function takes a String as a parameter and returns either an AST or an error message.
parse :: String -> Either String AST
parse input = case M.parse parseProgram "" input of
Left err -> Left (M.errorBundlePretty err)
Right tokens -> Right tokens
-- The `parse` function takes a filename `String`, and an input `String` as a parameter and returns either an AST or an error message.
parse :: String -> String -> Either String AST
parse filename input = case S.runState (M.runParserT parseProgram filename input) E.emptyEnv of
(Left err, _) -> Left (M.errorBundlePretty err)
(Right tokens, _) -> Right tokens

-- | Parses the top-level structure of a program.
-- Returns an `AST` object containing a list of parsed expressions.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,37 +77,35 @@ parseList = Seq <$> list (M.many parseExpr)
parseDefine :: Parser Expr
parseDefine = do
_ <- symbol "define"
e <- lexeme parseExpr
M.choice [parseVariableDefine, parseFunctionDefine]

parseVariableDefine :: Parser Expr
parseVariableDefine = do
name <- lexeme parseVarName
value <- parseExpr
case e of
(Var name) -> return $ Define name value
(Call (Var name) (Seq es)) -> case extractVarNames es of
(Just args) -> return $ Define name $ Lambda args value
_ -> M.customFailure $ InvalidArgsForDefine $ Seq es
_ -> M.customFailure $ InvalidDefineExpression e
S.modify $ E.insertVar name value
return $ Define name value

parseFunctionDefine :: Parser Expr
parseFunctionDefine = do
(name, args) <- list $ do
name <- lexeme parseVarName
args <- M.many $ parseVarName <* M.optional sc
return (name, args)
mapM_ (\arg -> S.modify $ E.insertVar arg $ Var arg) args
value <- parseExpr
let lambda = Lambda args value
S.modify $ E.insertFn name lambda
return $ Define name lambda

-- | Parses a `lambda` expression for defining functions.
-- Returns an `Expr` representing the parsed `lambda` construct.
parseLambda :: Parser Expr
parseLambda = do
_ <- symbol "lambda"
e <- parseExpr
value <- parseExpr
case e of
(Seq es) -> case extractVarNames es of
(Just params) -> return $ Lambda params value
_ -> M.customFailure $ InvalidArgsForLambda $ Seq es
(Call (Var n) (Seq es)) -> case extractVarNames es of
(Just params) -> return $ Lambda (n : params) value
_ -> M.customFailure $ InvalidArgsForLambda $ Seq $ Var n : es
_ -> M.customFailure $ InvalidLambdaExpression e

extractVarNames :: [Expr] -> Maybe [String]
extractVarNames = mapM extractVarName
extractVarName :: Expr -> Maybe String
extractVarName (Var name) = Just name
extractVarName _ = Nothing
params <- list $ M.many $ parseVarName <* M.optional sc
mapM_ (\p -> S.modify $ E.insertVar p $ Var p) params
Lambda params <$> parseExpr

-- | Parses an `if` expression with a condition, true branch, and false branch.
-- Returns an `Expr` of type `If`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,9 +134,12 @@ parseOpeartor = M.choice $ (\(o, c) -> c <$ symbol o) <$> ops
parseCall :: Parser Expr
parseCall = do
name <- lexeme parseVarName
M.when (name `elem` keywords) $ M.customFailure $ ReservedKeywordUsed name
args <- M.some $ parseExpr <* M.optional sc
return $ Call (Var name) $ Seq args
env <- S.get
case E.lookupFn name env of
Just (Lambda _ _) -> do
args <- M.many $ parseExpr <* M.optional sc
return $ Call (Var name) $ Seq args
_ -> M.customFailure $ UndefinedLambdaReference name

-- | Parses a literal value (integer or boolean).
-- Returns an `Expr` of type `Lit`.
Expand All @@ -159,12 +159,22 @@ parseBool = LBool True <$ symbol "#t" <|> LBool False <$ symbol "#f"
-- | Parses a variable expression by matching valid variable names.
-- Returns an `Expr` of type `Var`.
parseVar :: Parser Expr
parseVar = Var <$> parseVarName
parseVar = do
name <- parseVarName
env <- S.get
case E.lookupVar name env of
Just _ -> do
return $ Var name
_ -> M.customFailure $ UndefinedVarReference name

-- | Parses a variable name consisting of alphanumeric characters and underscores.
-- Returns a `String` representing the variable name.
parseVarName :: Parser String
parseVarName = M.some (MC.alphaNumChar <|> M.oneOf "_")
parseVarName = do
name <- M.some (MC.alphaNumChar <|> M.oneOf "_$")
CM.when (name `elem` keywords) $ M.customFailure $ ReservedKeywordUsed name
CM.when (all (`elem` ['0' .. '9']) name) $ M.customFailure $ InvalidVarName name
return name

-- | Skips whitespace and comments during parsing.
-- Used to ensure parsers handle spacing correctly.
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