Welcome to the Web Development Wonderland! 🚀
In this repository, you'll find a comprehensive collection of web development concepts and technologies. From HTML and CSS for beautiful designs, to JavaScript, jQuery, and Node.js for interactive and dynamic web experiences, I've got it all covered!
Happy coding! 💡
command is a shortcut for initializing a new Node.js project using npm (Node Package Manager) with default settings.
So, when you run npm init -y, it will quickly generate a package.json file in the current directory with default values.
command is used to install the Express.js framework in a Node.js project.
Express.js is a popular web application framework for Node.js that simplifies the process of building web applications and APIs.
When you run this command, npm will fetch the Express package from the npm registry and install it in your project's node_modules directory.
Additionally, it will update the dependencies section of your project's package.json file to include Express as a dependency.
ad requirements
- express
- mysql
- database connectivity