From b992a7f7edbcd6a5a8ca2bf6f362ebe5d46b3537 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Matt Ellis Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2018 10:52:18 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Update plugin metadata for ReSharper --- .../resharper-unity.resharper.nuspec | 104 +++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 77 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-) diff --git a/resharper/src/resharper-unity/resharper-unity.resharper.nuspec b/resharper/src/resharper-unity/resharper-unity.resharper.nuspec index 63c619d975..be19b6b35b 100644 --- a/resharper/src/resharper-unity/resharper-unity.resharper.nuspec +++ b/resharper/src/resharper-unity/resharper-unity.resharper.nuspec @@ -9,57 +9,107 @@ ReSharper support for the Unity engine Adds support for the Unity engine. -• Highlights Unity event functions and fields with an icon in the editor gutter. -• Marks fields and methods implicitly used by Unity as in use. -• Knows about all Unity script classes (MonoBehaviour, ScriptableObject, EditorWindow, etc). +• Code completion of event function declarations in a class. +• Use Generate Code to create event functions, with parameters, or start typing for automatic completion. +• Highlights Unity event functions and serializable fields and marks as implicitly used by Unity. +• Supports Unity API 5.0 - 2018.2, plus undocumented functions. +• Inspections, Quick Fixes and Context Actions for Unity specific issues, with documented explantations. +• Navigate to external Unity documentation. +• Correctly updates .meta files. +• Code completion and rename support for "magic strings" in Invoke and Start/StopCoroutine methods. +• Code completion and rename support for "magic strings" in SyncVar attributes. +• Automatically adds FormerlySerializedAs attribute when renaming fields. +• Automatically sets Unity projects to C# 4 or C# 6. No more suggestions for features that won't compile! +• Highlights UnityEngine.Color and Color32. Edit via colour palette quick fix. +• Unity specific file and live templates. + +Inspections, Quick Fixes and Context Actions: + • Marks empty event methods as dead code. -• Supports Unity API 5.0 - 5.6, and 2017.1b5. • Inspections and Quick Fixes for incorrect event function method signature and return types. -• Support for undocumented functions such as OnValidate and OnPreGeneratingCSProjectFiles. +• Inspection for usage of Camera.main in Update methods. +• Inspection for incorrect usage of null propogation and coalescing operators with Unity types. • Warns if a coroutine return value is unused. • Context actions to add SerializeField or NonSerialized attributes to fields. +• Context actions to mark a field serialized or non-serialized. +• Context actions to mark a field with HideInInspector, or remove the attribute. • Context action to convert auto-property to property with serialized backing field. • Context action to convert event function method signature to/from coroutine. -• Use Generate Code to create event functions, with parameters. -• Start typing for automatic completion of event function declarations in a class. • Event function descriptions for methods and parameters displayed in tooltips and QuickDoc -• "Read more" in QuickDoc navigates to Unity API documentation. -• Correctly update .meta files. • Code completion, find usages and rename support for Invoke, InvokeRepeating, IsInvoking and CancelInvoke. Also Start/StopCoroutine. • Inspections for incorrectly applied attributes. • Inspection and Quick Fix to use CompareTag instead of string comparison. • Inspection and Quick Fix for using new with ScriptableObject or MonoBehaviour. • Inspection and Quick Fix for redundant SerializeField attribute usage. +• Inspection and Quick Fix for redundant HideInInspector attribute usage. +• Inspection and Quick Fix for redundant or mis-applied FormerlySerializedAs attribute usage. • "Create serialized field" from usage Quick Fix. -• Suppress naming consistency checks on event functions. -• Prevent ReSharper from suggesting `Assets` or `Scripts` as part of the namespace of your code. -• Automatically sets Unity projects to C# 4 or C# 6. No more suggestions for features that won't compile! -• Highlights UnityEngine.Color and Color32. Edit via colour palette quick fix. -• Treats Unity debug assertions as assertion methods in ReSharper control flow analysis. -• String formatting assistance for debug log methods. -• Regex assistance for EditorTestsWithLogParser.ExpectLogLineRegex. -• Types and type members marked with UnityEngine.Networking attributes are marked as in use. -• Code completion, find usages and rename support for SyncVarAttribute hook function. • Inspections for incorrect SyncVarAttribute usage. -• Marks empty event functions as dead code, with Quick Fix to remove. + +ShaderLab support: + • Parse ShaderLab files, with syntax highlighting and syntax error highlighting. • Simple highlighting and code completion in Cg and HLSL code blocks and files. • Brace matching, todo explorer and commenting support for ShaderLab files. • Colour highlighting and editing in ShaderLab files. -• Support for modularised UnityEngine assemblies. -• Unity specific file templates. +• Code completion, navigation and find usages for ShaderLab variables. + +Assembly Definition file support: + +• Code completion and validation of references. +• Navigation to referenced assembly definition files. +• Rename of assembly definition files. +• JSON validation and code completion of e.g. allowed platforms. -• Add context action to convert auto-property to property with serialized backing field (#195) -• Add context action to mark field as serialized or non-serizable (#191) -• Add inspection and quick fix for redundant SerializeField attribute +• Add support for .asmdef files (#283) +• Recognise custom serializable classes and handle serialized fields and usge (#419, RIDER-9341, RIDER-12239) +• Update API details to 2018.2.0b9 (#611, #613) +• Add undocumented API methods in AssetPostprocessor (OnGeneratedCSProject and OnGeneratedSlnSolution) +• Consolidate multiple incorrect method signature inspections into one, with quick fix (#534) +• Add redundant SerializeField attribute on readonly field inspection, plus quick fix (#503, #586) +• Add redundant HighlightInInspector attribute on serialised field, plus quick fix (#585, #586) +• Add context actions to toggle HideInInspector attribute on serialised fields (#494, #586) +• Rework make serialised/non-serialised field context actions (#583, #586) +• Serialised field context action and quick fixes work correctly with multiple field declarations (#586) +• Add FormerlySerializedAs attribute when renaming a serialised field (#54, #659, RIDER-12298, RIDER-17887) +• Add redundant FormerlySerializedAs attribute inspection and quick fix, with code wiki entry +• Add possible mis-application of FormerlySerializedAs attribute on multiple field declaration, with quick fix and code wiki entry +• Add inspection for usage of Camera.main in Update methods (#196) +• Mark potential event handler methods and property setters as in use (#625, RIDER-17276) +• Add sprop and sfield Live Templates (#565) +• Don't show incorrect "always false" warning for "this == null" in Unity types (#368) +• Remove highlighted background for Cg blocks in ShaderLab files (RIDER-16438) +• Add ShaderLab colour scheme settings page (RIDER-17305) +• Fix ShaderLab highlighting of keywords (RIDER-17287) +• Fix rename's "find in text" renaming non-text elements in ShaderLab files +• Fix Unity specific inspections not showing in Solution Wide Errors tool window (#680) + +From 2018.1: +• Bumped version to 2018.1 to match Rider and ReSharper releases +• Add inspections for null coalescing and null propagation opertators (#342, #35, #148) +• Add go to definition, find usages, highlighting, code completion for ShaderLab variable references (#362) +• Add undocumented UIBehaviour APIs (#394, #395, RIDER-12649) +• Add code inspection wiki for most inspections +• Workaround Unity's old version of annotations and make [PublicAPI] mark all members as in use (#337) +• Change inspection for incorrectly applied attributes from error to redundant code (#325, #322, #376) +• Remove option to disable ShaderLab parsing from UI (#236) +• Fix ShaderLab colour reference handling with non-US cultures (#346) +• Fix ShaderLab vector properties showing colour highlighting or throwing exceptions (#384, #397) +• Fix parse error with trailing whitespace in ShaderLab variable references (#257, #357) +• Fix exceptions with existing features + +From 2.1.3 (for ReSharper 2017.3): +• Add context action to convert auto-property to property with serialized backing field (#195, #302) +• Add context action to mark field as serialized or non-serizable (#191, #295) +* • Add inspection and quick fix for redundant SerializeField attribute (#295) • Add inspections and quick fixes for method signature of methods with Unity attributes (#248) • Add inspections for incorrectly applied attributes (#247) • Fix code completion before a field with an attribute (#259, #286) • Improve relevance of Unity event functions in code completion (#260, #273) • Improve reliability of attaching debugger to Unity Editor (#262, #268) -From 2.1.2 (Rider 2017.2): +From 2.1.2 (for ReSharper 2017.2): • Fix code completion and generation not working with newer versions of Unity (#219) • Support Unity API up to 2017.3.0b3 (#218) • Recognise projects with modularised UnityEngine assembly references (#241) @@ -171,10 +221,10 @@ From previous releases: - Copyright 2017 JetBrains, s.r.o + Copyright 2018 JetBrains, s.r.o false - + resharper unity unity3d