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Setting up your development environment

Brent Cordis edited this page Mar 4, 2022 · 4 revisions

Proclaim is now using Phing for most operations involving building, testing, and packaging the extension. As a prerequisite for setting up a development environment as described below, Phing must be installed. See the Phing installation instructions to set it up. The first thing is to do is to fork this repository, and then clone your own fork somewhere on your computer. It is not necessary to clone into your development web server's root directory, as phing will be used to create symbolic links to your web server.

Configuring your environment

  1. Open your terminal or windows command prompt.
  2. Navigate to the directory where the repository was cloned.
  3. Run phing dev.setup You will be prompted to set some configuration variables:

Enter the path to your Joomla! root directory [/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/] ?

  • This is the path to your webserver's public root directory.

Set Joomla folder name [joomla-dev] ?

  • Enter the name of the folder where Joomla is installed, OR where you would like Joomla to be setup.

Stage Joomla? [n] ?

  • When staging, Joomla will be cloned from GitHub into the folder name specified in the previous prompt.

Note: The version cloned is specified in the build.xml file.

Depending on whether Joomla needs to be staged, it may take a few minutes to set up the environment. For your system to work without installing the component you may need to edit the autoload_psr4.php file and add the following two lines 'CWM\Component\Proclaim\Administrator\' => [JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_proclaim/src'], 'CWM\Component\Proclaim\Site\' => [JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_proclaim/src'],

-- More to come --

Submitting pull requests

-- in the works

Packaging components

The Proclaim extension is composed of components, modules, plugins, and third-party add-ons. Each of these parts can be packaged to be installed in Joomla! individually or as a whole using the specific phing targets outlined below.

phing package

  • creates /build/packages/ consisting of component, modules, and plugins
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