- Default config is now default task setting
- Only compatible with GitLeaks 8.19.0 and higher. Uses the new command structure
- Update dependencies
- Update configs
- Introduced 'gitLeaksIgnoreFilePath' parameter to specify the GitLeaks Ignore Path
- Update dependencies
- Update config
- Fix config
- Update config
- No longer supporting Node10 agents
- Fixed broken definitions (See #87). Thanx @rgmz
- Update definitions
- Update node dependencies
- Switched to Biome linter and dropped eslint
- Added Node20 support
- Added comment that the baseline report should be in json format (thanx @GlashelderWhatever)
- Update definitions
- Update node dependencies
- Update definitions
- Update node dependencies
- Added reportfolder parameter to customize report location
- Added reportartifactname parameter to customize artifact location
- Fixed bug, put log options between quotes
- Fixed GitHub API throttling issue.
- Update node dependencies
- Update node dependencies
- Added feature to add a baseline file, see #73
- Update definitions
- Fixed code smells
- Update node dependencies
- Update definitions
- Bugfix #69 (Not quite bugfix but it will throw an message to the console instead of error)
- Update node dependencies
- Bugfix #65
- Update node dependencies
- Update toml files
- Update node dependencies
- Include parameter
- Updated node dependencies
- Updated GitleaksUdmCombo.toml
- Added Node16 support (Minimal Agent required is 2.144.0)
- Retry for 3 times to handle API throttling for GitHub. When Throttled it waits for 30 seconds
- Updated Config File (GitleaksUdmCombo.toml)
- Updated Config File (GitleaksUdmCombo.toml)
- Updated NPM Packages
- Add custom report name
- Switched to path inputs
- Updated GitleaksUdmCombo.toml / Gitleaks 8.2.3 version
- Support for 32 bit OS (Gitleaks v8.1.2)
- Random GUID in report name is replaced by the GUID of the System.JobId
- Only support GitLeaks 8 and up, please note that GitLeaks 8 does not provide binaries for 32-bit architectures so the task will only work on x64 architectures
- Made configuration of the task easier by providing a 'scanmode' picklist
- Sarif is now default reporting option of the task
- Reports will be uploaded to the 'CodeAnalysisLogs' artifact of de pipeline, regardless of the report-format
- Redact is now default turned on. GitLeaks's default is off however, the reports are stored in Azure DevOps, hence this is default turned on.
- GitleaksUdmCombo.toml is now set as default configuration file, combining GitLeaks default configuration and the Credscan alike configuration by Jesse Houwing
- GitLeaks 8 is made simpler, so the extra arguments input field is removed
- Provided input field for additional log-options
- When the pipeline runs in debug mode (system.debug=true), GitLeaks will be also run in debug mode.
Task v1 is only compatible with gitleaks v7. Since this version is no longer downloadable from GitHub Task V1 will no longer work and provided with this extension.