A simple Web Application for simple eCommerce, where user can buy and sell computer parts.
For Live Demo can be seen here https://findcomputer-joshua.herokuapp.com/
For Video Demo can be seen here https://github.com/JoshEvan/FindComputerWeb/blob/master/findcomputer-demo.mp4?raw=true
made using:
- Java Spring Boot, Maven, Spring Dependency Injection
- PostgreSQL Database
- ReactJS Typescript Frontend, webpack, babel
- Dependency Injection Design Pattern
- Domain-Driven Design
- Atomic Design
User Requirements :
- User can register, login, and logout.
- User can update their profile information.
- User can add their items to be sold.
- Item sold by an user must have Item name, Item description, Item category, Item Price, and Item owner.
- User can see their own items in the shop.
- User can remove their own items from the shop.
- User can update their own items from the shop.
- User can see other User items.
- User can search for specific other User items in the shop.
- User can search other User items by category in the shop.
- Categories: RAM, Processor, VGA, Motherboard, Storage.
- User can buy other User items (price doesn’t count, so when you click buy the item will be automatically bought).
- User can’t buy their own products.
- After an item is bought, that item doesn’t exist anymore
To run this project locally:
- clone the repo
- for frontend codes:
- change directory to
- run
npm install
- run
npm install --only=dev
- run
npm run be-prod
- for backend codes:
- run through favorite IDE or
- change directory to
- run command
java -jar findcomputer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- change directory to
Entity Relationship Diagram:
note: transactions and categories table is for later improvement