diff --git a/latest/iotaclock.md b/latest/iotaclock.md
index b4a88dc..184d687 100644
--- a/latest/iotaclock.md
+++ b/latest/iotaclock.md
@@ -122,6 +122,56 @@ As above, but the value is interpolated as an angle measured in degrees. The out
+.DefineInput(inputName, defaultValue)
+**Returns:** N/A (`undefined`)
+|Name |Datatype |Purpose |
+|inputName |string |Name of the input to define |
+|defaultValue|any |Default value of the input if unset|
+Adds a named input to the clock. This should be used to funnel user input into the clock. Defined inputs should be set using the `.SetInput()` method (see below) and can be read in a clock cycle method using `IotaGetInput()`. `.DefineInput()` should be used for "continuous" values such as those returned by `keyboard_check()` or `gamepad_axis_value()` or `mouse_x`.
+.DefineInputMomentary(inputName, defaultValue)
+**Returns:** N/A (`undefined`)
+|Name |Datatype |Purpose |
+|inputName |string |Name of the input to define |
+|defaultValue|any |Default value of the input if unset|
+See above for the general purpose for this method. `.DefineInputMomentary()` additionally marks an input as "momentary" which does two things:
+1. Momentary input values are reset to their defaults at the end of the first cycle per tick.
+2. Momentary input values are treated differently when setting values using `.SetInput().` See below for more information.
+.SetInput(inputName, value)
+**Returns:** N/A (`undefined`)
+|Name Datatype |Purpose |
+|inputNamestring |Name of the input to set |
+|value any |Value to set for the input|
+Sets the value of an input defined using one of the two prior methods. For non-momentary "continuous" inputs, `.SetInput()` will simply set the value of the input as you'd expect. However, if an input has been defined as "momentary" then a value will only be set if it is different to the default value for the input. This means that, once set to a different value, an input cannot be reset to the default. This solves problems with dropped inputs when the application framerate is significantly higher than the clock update frequency.
.AddAlarm(milliseconds, method)