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Commit cccd612
Update all non-major dependencies (#9)
This PR contains the following updates:
| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | Type |
Update |
| [@sapphire/framework](https://www.sapphirejs.dev)
([source](https://github.com/sapphiredev/framework)) | [`4.2.0` ->
| devDependencies | patch |
([source](https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped)) |
[`18.14.1` ->
| devDependencies | minor |
| [`5.53.0` ->
| devDependencies | minor |
| [`5.53.0` ->
| devDependencies | minor |
| [@vitest/coverage-c8](https://github.com/vitest-dev/vitest) |
[`^0.28.5` ->
| devDependencies | minor |
| [discord-api-types](https://discord-api-types.dev)
([source](https://github.com/discordjs/discord-api-types)) |
[`0.37.28` ->
| devDependencies | patch |
| [discord.js](https://discord.js.org)
([source](https://github.com/discordjs/discord.js)) | [`14.7.1` ->
`14.8.0`](https://renovatebot.com/diffs/npm/discord.js/14.7.1/14.8.0) |
| devDependencies | minor |
| [eslint](https://eslint.org)
([source](https://github.com/eslint/eslint)) | [`8.34.0` ->
`8.37.0`](https://renovatebot.com/diffs/npm/eslint/8.34.0/8.37.0) |
| devDependencies | minor |
| [`8.6.0` ->
| devDependencies | minor |
| [lint-staged](https://github.com/okonet/lint-staged) | [`13.1.2` ->
`13.2.0`](https://renovatebot.com/diffs/npm/lint-staged/13.1.2/13.2.0) |
| devDependencies | minor |
| [prettier](https://prettier.io)
([source](https://github.com/prettier/prettier)) | [`2.8.4` ->
`2.8.7`](https://renovatebot.com/diffs/npm/prettier/2.8.4/2.8.7) |
| devDependencies | patch |
| [thedoctor0/zip-release](https://github.com/thedoctor0/zip-release)
| `0.6.2` -> `0.7.1` |
| action | minor |
| [turbo](https://turbo.build/repo)
([source](https://github.com/vercel/turbo)) | [`1.8.2` ->
`1.8.8`](https://renovatebot.com/diffs/npm/turbo/1.8.2/1.8.8) |
| devDependencies | patch |
| [typedoc](https://typedoc.org)
([source](https://github.com/TypeStrong/TypeDoc)) | [`0.23.25` ->
`0.23.28`](https://renovatebot.com/diffs/npm/typedoc/0.23.25/0.23.28) |
| devDependencies | patch |
| [vitest](https://github.com/vitest-dev/vitest) | [`^0.28.5` ->
`^0.29.0`](https://renovatebot.com/diffs/npm/vitest/0.28.5/0.29.8) |
| devDependencies | minor |
| [yarn](https://github.com/yarnpkg/berry) | [`3.3.1` ->
`3.5.0`](https://renovatebot.com/diffs/npm/yarn/3.3.1/3.5.0) |
| packageManager | minor |
### Release Notes
#### 🐛 Bug Fixes
- Update to discordjs v14.8.0
- **deps:** Update dependency
to ^2.4.6
#### 🐛 Bug Fixes
- **ClientPermissions:** Fixed permission checking for old applications
- **events:** Add missing discordjs events
##### Bug Fixes
- **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-boolean-literal-compare] simplify
fixer and add support for double negation
- **eslint-plugin:** correct crashes with getTypeArguments for ts < 3.7
##### Features
- **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-type-assertions] add suggestions for
- **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-type-assertions] autofix angle bracket
assertions to as
- **eslint-plugin:** add `no-duplicate-type-constituents` rule
##### Bug Fixes
- **eslint-plugin:** \[member-ordering] check order when
optionalityOrder is present with no optional members
- **eslint-plugin:** \[no-misused-promises] avoid unnecessary calls to
- **eslint-plugin:** \[no-misused-promises] fix incorrect detection of
void functions in JSX attributes
- **eslint-plugin:** \[strict-boolean-expression] support falsy and
truthy literals simultaneously
- **eslint-plugin:** \[strict-boolean-expressions] handle truthy enums
- **eslint-plugin:** add TSPropertySignature with TSFunctionType
annotation to typeMethod selector
##### Features
- **eslint-plugin:** add allowNever support to
##### Bug Fixes
- **eslint-plugin:** \[no-confusing-void-expression] check sequence
expressions for void is in last position
- **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-boolean-literal-compare] fixer
should handle parentheses
##### Features
- **eslint-plugin:** \[lines-around-comment] add extension rule
- **eslint-plugin:** \[member-ordering] add support for grouping
readonly fields
- **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-cond] check logical assignments
- update TypeScript to 5.0 RC
- use [@​eslint-community](https://github.com/eslint-community)
**Note:** Version bump only for package
**Note:** Version bump only for package
##### Features
- **eslint-plugin:** \[promise-function-async] check for promises in
implicit return types
**Note:** Version bump only for package
**Note:** Version bump only for package
##### Features
- **parser:** add exported meta object
**Note:** Version bump only for package
**Note:** Version bump only for package
**Note:** Version bump only for package
##### 🚀 Features
- Allow accessing "vi" methods without context, don't fail when mocker
is not available - by
[@​sheremet-va](https://github.com/sheremet-va) in
- Show browser console in the terminal - by
[@​sheremet-va](https://github.com/sheremet-va) in
- Playwright as browser provider - by
[@​Aslemammad](https://github.com/Aslemammad) and
[@​sheremet-va](https://github.com/sheremet-va) in
- Implement `istanbul` coverage support for browser testing - by
[@​sheremet-va](https://github.com/sheremet-va) and
[@​AriPerkkio](https://github.com/AriPerkkio) in
##### 🐞 Bug Fixes
- Add generic to expect.objectContaining type - by
[@​ArtyMaury](https://github.com/ArtyMaury) in
- Do not fail, when primitive error is thrown - by
[@​sheremet-va](https://github.com/sheremet-va) in
- Handle cloning proxied classes w/ enumerable getters - by
[@​tgriesser](https://github.com/tgriesser) in
- Spy on popup apis like alert - by
[@​Aslemammad](https://github.com/Aslemammad) and
[@​sheremet-va](https://github.com/sheremet-va) in
- Report coverage even when no tests found - by
[@​AriPerkkio](https://github.com/AriPerkkio) in
##### [View changes on
##### 🐞 Bug Fixes
- Import [@​vite/client](https://github.com/vite/client) in
browser code for handling optimizer - by
##### [View changes on
##### 🐞 Bug Fixes
- Bundle UI with
[@​vitest/browser](https://github.com/vitest/browser) - by
##### [View changes on
##### 🐞 Bug Fixes
- **browser**: Relax vitest peer dependency - by
[@​cexbrayat](https://github.com/cexbrayat) in
##### [View changes on
##### 🚀 Features
- `--test-timeout` CLI argument - by
[@​AriPerkkio](https://github.com/AriPerkkio) in
- Add an option to control Vitest pool with filepath - by
[@​sheremet-va](https://github.com/sheremet-va) in
- Process timeout to log names of stuck test files - by
[@​AriPerkkio](https://github.com/AriPerkkio) in
- Support relative path in html report - by
[@​poyoho](https://github.com/poyoho) and
[@​sheremet-va](https://github.com/sheremet-va) in
- Webdriverio (+ custom providers) integration for browser mode - by
[@​Aslemammad](https://github.com/Aslemammad), **Christian
Bromann**, [@​sheremet-va](https://github.com/sheremet-va),
[@​userquin](https://github.com/userquin) and
[@​dammy001](https://github.com/dammy001) in
##### 🐞 Bug Fixes
- Show correct line numbers in stack trace when using vi.resetModules()
- by [@​sheremet-va](https://github.com/sheremet-va) in
- Mocking value proxy filter Symbol static properties - by
[@​ChpShy](https://github.com/ChpShy) in
- Escape XML in error stack trace when using junit reporter - by
[@​sheremet-va](https://github.com/sheremet-va) in
##### [View changes on
##### 🚀 Features
- Use custom colors implementation instead of picocolors - by
- Uncaught errors to indicate env teardown - by
[@​AriPerkkio](https://github.com/AriPerkkio) in
- **config**: Add an option to run setupFiles in sequence - by
[@​sheremet-va](https://github.com/sheremet-va) in
##### 🐞 Bug Fixes
- Console log not visible - by
[@​AriPerkkio](https://github.com/AriPerkkio) in
- Remove duplicate execArgv when deps.registerNodeLoader: true - by
[@​AriPerkkio](https://github.com/AriPerkkio) in
- Prevent running test cases timers after environment teardown - by
[@​AriPerkkio](https://github.com/AriPerkkio) in
- Don't mark setupFiles as test files, if experimentaOptimizer is used
- by [@​sheremet-va](https://github.com/sheremet-va) in
- Config errors not visible - by
[@​AriPerkkio](https://github.com/AriPerkkio) in
- \--inspect to work inside workers - by
[@​AriPerkkio](https://github.com/AriPerkkio) in
- **types**: Use `any` as default value for TArgs in vi.fn() - by
[@​jessevanassen](https://github.com/jessevanassen) in
##### 🏎 Performance
- **reporters**: Overall improvements - by
[@​AriPerkkio](https://github.com/AriPerkkio) in
##### [View changes on
##### 🐞 Bug Fixes
- Optimize dependencies in setup files - by
[@​sheremet-va](https://github.com/sheremet-va) in
- **coverage**: C8 provider to work when isolate:false - by
[@​AriPerkkio](https://github.com/AriPerkkio) in
##### [View changes on
##### 🐞 Bug Fixes
- Wait for optimized dependency to be bundled in non-pnpm package
managers - by [@​sheremet-va](https://github.com/sheremet-va)
##### [View changes on
This release makes some significant changes to how tests are running. If
you were using `--no-threads` before, you might consider enabling
`--single-thread` instead (because your tests are now running in
`child_process` instead of a worker thread) or try our new performance
optimization feature (discussed later). If you were relying on API that
was not available inside a worker (like `process.chdir()`, you can now
use this option.
One of the potential breaking bug fixes is that environments do not
share the same global scope anymore if you run them with `--no-isolate`,
`--no-threads` or `--single-thread` - you might need to update your
setup files if you were relying on a global variable before.
If you had performance issues on large code bases before, try the new
option instead of disabling threads. Feedback is welcome!
One of the breaking changes includes adding a link to snapshots inside
snapshot files, meaning you will need to update all your snapshots.
##### 🚨 Breaking Changes
- Vitest as peer dependency for coverage packages - by
[@​AriPerkkio](https://github.com/AriPerkkio) in
- Coverage-c8 to use V8 profiler directly instead of `NODE_V8_COVERAGE`
- by [@​AriPerkkio](https://github.com/AriPerkkio) in
- Add a link to the comment at the top of the snapshot file - by
[@​btea](https://github.com/btea) in
- Always run separate environments in isolation - by
[@​sheremet-va](https://github.com/sheremet-va) in
- Tests with `node` and `jsdom` (and other environments) now don't share
the same global scope, if you run them with `--no-isolate` or
`--no-threads` flag. Vitest doesn't provide a way to restore the
previous behavior as it is considered a bug.
- Use child_process when --no-threads is used - by
[@​sheremet-va](https://github.com/sheremet-va) in
- Tests inside `chid_process` might run longer due to the communication
overhead. If you want to restore the previous behavior, use
##### 🚀 Features
- Add test seed to banner - by
[@​btkostner](https://github.com/btkostner) in
- Use custom source-map-support implementation - by
[@​sheremet-va](https://github.com/sheremet-va) in
- Add an option to enable Vite optimizer - by
[@​sheremet-va](https://github.com/sheremet-va) in
- **coverage**:
- Add support for coverage reporter options - by
[@​AriPerkkio](https://github.com/AriPerkkio) in
- Automatic threshold updating - by
[@​AriPerkkio](https://github.com/AriPerkkio) in
- **spy**:
- Implement mock.withImplementation API - by
[@​obadakhalili](https://github.com/obadakhalili) and
[@​sheremet-va](https://github.com/sheremet-va) in
- **vite-node**:
- Cli option for vite mode - by
[@​abarke](https://github.com/abarke) in
##### 🐞 Bug Fixes
- Wait for console.log to print a message before terminating a worker
- by [@​sheremet-va](https://github.com/sheremet-va) in
- Cleanup last mocked cache when call vi.doMock - by
[@​mysteryven](https://github.com/mysteryven) in
- Reload changed configuration file on watch mode - by
[@​AriPerkkio](https://github.com/AriPerkkio) in
- **coverage**: Custom providers to work inside worker threads - by
[@​AriPerkkio](https://github.com/AriPerkkio) in
##### [View changes on
##### Bug Fixes
- add missing `RESTGetAPIWebhookWithTokenQuery`
##### Features
- add various new flags
- **RESTGetAPICurrentUserGuildsQuery:** add `with_counts`
- **RESTPostAPIGuildChannelJSONBody:** add
##### Features
- **AutoModeration:** add `custom_message` field support
##### Bug Fixes
- `StageRaiseHand` should be unstable
##### Bug Fixes
- **GuildSystemChannelFlags:** "suppress" typo
##### Features
- add `managed` field to `ChannelType.GroupDM`
- **CDNRoutes:** add `storePageAsset()`
- **ConnectionService:** add `instagram`
- **RESTJSONErrorCodes:** add error `30011`
- **RESTJSONErrorCodes:** add error `30060`
- **RESTJSONErrorCodes:** add error `30061`
##### Bug Fixes
- **GatewayDispatchPayload:** add missing GuildAuditLogEntry
##### Features
- **MessageType:** add `SuppressNotifications`
##### Features
- **APIGuildMember:** add support for guild member flags
- **GatewayDispatchEvents:** add `GuildAuditLogEntryCreate`
#### Bug Fixes
- **snowflake:** Snowflakes length
- **Actions:** Inject built data by using a symbol
- **Message#deletable:** Add check for deletable message types
- **Message:** `bulkDeletable` permissions should be retrieved later for
- **AutoModerationActionExecution:** Transform `action`
- **MessageReaction:** `toJSON()` infinite recursion
- **ThreadChannel:** Insert starter message from threads created in
forum channels
- **ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadata:** Export the class correctly
- Don't auth for interaction `showModal()`
- **WebSocketShard:** Zombie connection fix
- Keep other properties in triggerMetadata
- **escapeX:** Emojis with underlines
- **WebSocketShard:** Either start close timeout or emit destroyed but
never both
- **DMChannel:** `recipientId` edge case
- Return only boolean for `disabled`
- Export missing `escapeX()` functions
- **WebSocketShard:** Only cleanup the connection if a connection still
- Add `@discordjs/formatters` to dependency list
- **resolveColor:** Invalid colors
- **WebSocketShard:** Clear listeners on reconnect
- Re-export formatters
#### Documentation
- **MessageManager:** Add clarification to fetch messages
- Make interactionResponse as optional
- Fix typos
- **chatInputApplicationCommandMention:** Parameters are not nullable
- No `@type` description and reveal info block
- **ThreadEditOptions:** Move info tag back to `invitable`
- Fix a typo in the MentionableSelectMenuInteraction link
- **ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadata:** Add documentation
- Fix malformed overridden documentation
- **GuildForumThreadManager:** Fix `sticker` type
- Fix deprecated links
- **UserFlagsBitField:** Make `.Flags` static
#### Features
- **Collector:** Add lastCollectedTimestamp
### Configuration
📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - "before 10am on Saturday" (UTC),
Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).
🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you
are satisfied.
♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.
👻 **Immortal**: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get
[config help](https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate/discussions) if
that's undesired.
- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box
This PR has been generated by [Mend
Renovate](https://www.mend.io/free-developer-tools/renovate/). View
repository job log
Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>1 parent 72998c4 commit cccd612Copy full SHA for cccd612
File tree
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0 commit comments