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How to write tests

To ensure high readability, maintainability and also performace, please follow these conventions. There are based on best practices. For more tips how to write good tests read official guidelines.

Limitations of execution environment

Each test run is executed on fresh environment (even local runs). Even database state is not persisted. All test suites have to:

  • Be added to /Test directory
  • Use only Firefox as browser

Code conventions

  • Use variables to reuse values, especially selectors
  • Use keywords to reuse logic, leverage arguments for better reusability
  • Use resource files to reuse keywords
  • Pascal case for global variables, camel case for local variables
  • Avoid adding unecessary documentation using Documentation keyword, use right names for keywords/scenarios/suites instead
  • Keyword name should explain what the keyword does, not how it does it
  • Use descriptive and clear sentences for custom keywords, write them as plain language sentances (capitalizing just the first letter)
  • Leverage Data-driven approach for scenarios that uses large amount of different test data
  • Avoid using sleep unless absolutely necessary. Use Wait ... keywords instead
  • When waiting for long running actions using Wait ..., always specify timeout with some additional time over expected time for action. Keep in mind that tests can be executed on slower machine than yours. Also Wait ... keywords checks given condition repeatedly within time specified in timeout, so bigger timeouts does not increase test execution time.

Test suites and scenarios

  • Use Given-When-Then structure for scenarios
  • Test only one action per scenario
  • Test only relevant outcomes of actions
  • Avoid long scenarios with over usage of AND keyword
  • Leverage Test Suite Setup keyword to setup desired initial application state
  • Make sure that all scenarios are independent - leverage test (suite) setup/teardown, using different user accounts etc.
  • Use tags to split suites into groups by covered functionality
  • Start scenario names with [X.Y.Z] identifier, where X is functionality group number, Y is suite number within functionality and Z is number of scenarion within test suite (see currently implemented scenarios)
  • Start scenario suite names with X.Y- identifier, where X is functionality group number, Y suite number within functionality
  • User underscore _ to separate words in test suite names
  • Use short and descriptive names for suite/scenarios

Finding elements on page

  • Prefer css selectors over xpath. Correctly used css selectors are less dependent on specific page structure
  • Do not check text on element, unless it is relevant for system behavior. For example checking found rule text is relevant (= testing functionality), but checking label on submit button does not (= this is just label, does not affect app behavior)
  • Do not just copy+paste selectors from browser development tools
  • Create your own selectors that are flexible, not tied to specific page structure. For example instead of targeting submit button of form using (copy pasted from Chrome developer tools):
#frm-registrationForm > div.actions > input 

use custom selector

#frm-registrationForm input[type="submit"]

Latter is less fragile, because it does not matter if button is inside div.action element or not.

Test data

If possible, use test data that are already used elsewhere. Check EasyMiner tutorial or REST-API Tests before creating test data on your own.

Adding new tests to repository

This repository has two branches for test definitions - master and v2.4.

Master is used for tests that are in EasyMinerCenter master branch, i.e. development branch.

v2.4 is used for tests that are in EasyMinerCenter v2.4 branch, i.e. latest stable branch.

When new stable version of EasyMinerCenter is released, follow current pattern and create new branch with same name as EasyMinerCenter version tag. And changed used images for services in docker-compose accordingly. This process allows to develop tests for new functionality for currently developed version and still ensure quality of stable releases.

Keep in mind that each push to branches with .travis.yml file triggers build on Travis CI. After Travis build, results are updated to website and emailed to all members of EasyMiner development team. To avoid spamming your team, please push to those branches with caution. Always try to execute your tests locally.

Known issues

Current version of libraries used for automation has problems with Click element keyword if target element is inside iframe element. Use IFrame click on element "${elementSelector}" keyword defined in /Resouces/Common.robot resource file. This keyword uses workaround to simulate click on element selected element.