SSRC_SleepStatistics - Documentation and Code for generating sleep statistics used at the Surrey Sleep Research Centre
SSRC_SleepStatistics Copyright (C) 2024 Kiran K G Ravindran and contributors. Refer to the License.txt for more details.
"Example_code.m" Allow the import of the example data (Hypnograms and Markers); Generate the sleep statistics for all files and export the data table as a spreadsheet
Get_Markers - Outputs the Marker Info given Marker file path. Marker file format has to match the format in the example data
Get_Hypnogram - Outputs the Hypnogram timevector and sleep stages given Hypnogram file path. Hypnogram file format has to match the format in the example data
Get_SM_row - Format the out put of the Get_SSRC_SleepStatistics function into a table row
Function input - Type set to 0 : Generates all the statistics in the "Polysomnography Data Extraction and Analysis Specification" including the hourly estimates. Function input - Type set to 1 : Generates reduced set of statistics. Does not generate hourly estimates - works for shorter Hypnograms
"RunLength" - Support function used for estimation run lengths of sleep stage segments. REF: Jan (2024). RunLength (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved June 1, 2024.
"Example_SSRC_sleep_statistics.xlsx" - Output file generator from the example data.
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