This is a repository for making and consolidating plymouth themes primarily for use on the Rasbperry Pi
Plymouth should already be installed on the full Raspbian, but if you're using Raspian Lite then you'll need to go through the following steps to enable it:
sudo apt-get install plymouth plymouth-themes
Install Raspberry Pi Foundation Pixel splash
sudo apt-get install pix-plym-splash
Enable in /boot/cmdline.txt
add quiet splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles
on the same line
and remove plymouth.enable=0
if you're using retropie
plymouth-set-default-theme --list
sudo plymouth-set-default-theme yourtheme
sudo plymouthd
sudo plymouth --show-splash
sudo plymouth quit
If you want a little more debugging while testing:
sudo plymouthd --debug --debug-file=/tmp/plymouth-debug-out ; sudo plymouth --show-splash ; for ((I=0;I<10;I++)); do sleep 1 ; sudo plymouth --update=event$I ; done ;sudo plymouth --quit
Add your new themes to: