- Primary Background Color: #2e1c26
- Secondary Background Color: #473440
- Accent Color: #24bda4 (Cyber green)
- Lighter Shade of Accent Color: #35f0e5
- Text Color: #f0e8f0
- Hover Color: #170d13
- Lighter Shade for Hover Effect: #2e1c26
- Body Text: 'Noto Sans', sans-serif
- Headings: 'Baloo Bhaina', sans-serif
- Header with Navbar and Logo
- Featured Cards
- Call to Action Section
- Footer
Product/Service Page:
- Product/Service Details
- Call to Action Buttons
- Related Products/Services Section
Contact Page:
- Contact Form
- Contact Information
- Map (if applicable)
Responsive Design:
- Ensuring a seamless experience across various devices.
Interactive Cards:
- Hover effects and shadow transitions for cards.
Form Styling:
- Styled form controls with accent color.
- Primary button with hover effect.
Homepage Animation:
- Implement a fade-in animation for the homepage elements.
Card Interactions:
- Cards scale and change box-shadow on hover and click.
Form Validation:
- Implement client-side form validation for a better user experience.
- Responsive design for smaller screens.
- Adjusted margins and paddings for better mobile readability.
- Mobile-friendly navigation.
- Optimized layout for larger screens.
- Larger font sizes and spacing for improved desktop readability.
- Use the provided color palette consistently throughout the website.
- Ensure that the design maintains a clean and modern aesthetic.
- Test the website on various devices and browsers to ensure compatibility.
Ce manuel d'utilisation a été rédigé par Kevin Marville. Contactez l'auteur à Send an email