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haraldschilly edited this page Jan 15, 2013 · 20 revisions

#summary basic installation description, cheat sheet for developers


  • Clone the repository: hg clone lmfdb

  • Install dependencies, i.e. you need Sage. Inside the Sage environment sage -sh: easy_install -U flask easy_install -U flask-login easy_install -U pymongo easy_install -U flask-markdown easy_install -U flask-cache

  • From the command-line: sage -i gap_packages (should check if we really need gap_packages.) sage -i database_gap

  • Regarding !MathJax: No longer necessary to install !MathJax, because it is downloaded from their CDN directly!

    • old and obsolete info: get [ the latest release or beta, i.e. v1.1+], extract, and put the resulting !MathJax directory as lmfdb/static/MathJax in your lmfdb repo.)
  • MongoDB: port forward boxen to get full database: ssh -C -N -L 37010:localhost:37010 [username@] (if "boxen" doesn't work, try "mod")

    • -C for compression of communication
    • -N to not open a remote shell, just a blocking command in the shell (end connection with Ctrl-C) If you don't have access to this server, you can temporarily start your own mongodb server and use it locally. There is no data (obviously) but it will work.
    • Mongo locally: mongod --port 40000 --dbpath [db_directory] --smallfiles

Note: Inside Sage, you might have to update the setuptools first, i.e. easy_install -U setuptools

Optional Parts

  • dirichlet_conrey.pyx:
goto [ its github page]
download dirichlet_conrey.pyx and
run: `sage install`
if it doesn't compile, update sage's cython and then try again:
    `sage -sh`
    `easy_install -U cython`
  • Memcache:
   ` easy_install -U python-memcached` or even better and only possible if you have the dev headers: ` easy_install -U pylibmc `
   install *memcached* (e.g. ` apt-get install memcached `)
   run the service at


Once everything is setup, sage -python --debug should do the trick, but there can be some problems running in debug mode, so you might have omit the --debug. Once the server is running, visit http://localhost:37777/

Maybe, you have to suppress loading of your local python libraries: sage -python -s

If you use a local MongoDB instance, specify its port: sage -python --debug --dbport 40000

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