This is an agent of Liaoning Technical University Education Administration System.
This proxy just like a spider, when you request in this system, our proxy server would simulate your login, parse the important information, and finally return json to you.
WARMING: We don't collect your information, once you changed your password the proxy won't work anymore
- Our API obey RESTful Standard strictly
- We use SSL to make it more security
Method: POST
URI: account/#
param name | not null | type | remarks |
userId | yes | string | |
password | yes | string |
- return:
param name | type | remarks |
userId | string | |
loginToken | string | save it safely, will be used next |
expiresAt | datetime | ISO 8601 format |
userType | string | STUDENT / ADMIN / TEACHER |
- error: Test it on your own
- Header: Key: "Authorization", Value: loginToken
- Method: GET
- URI: student/~self
- param: nil
- return: Try it on your own
- error: Test it on your own
- Header: Key: "Authorization", Value: loginToken
- Method: GET
- URI: class-table/~self
- param:
param name | not null | type | remarks |
year | yes | string | 2014 / 2015 and so on |
term | yes | string | 春 / 秋 |
- return: Try it on your own
- error: Test it on your own
- Header: Key: "Authorization", Value: loginToken
- Method: GET
- URI: unpass-course/~self
- param: nil
- return: Try it on your own
- error: Test it on your own
- Header: Key: "Authorization", Value: loginToken
- Method: GET
- URI: grades/~self
- param: nil
- return: Try it on your own
- error: Test it on your own
- remarks: Includes your average credit
- Header: Key: "Authorization", Value: loginToken
- Method: GET
- URI: exam-plan/~self
- param: nil
- return: Try it on your own
- error: Test it on your own
- Header: Key: "Authorization", Value: loginToken
- Method: GET
- URI: skill-test-score/~self
- param: nil
- return: Try it on your own
- error: Test it on your own