It's very easy to contribute to this project
Fork the project & clone locally.
- Fork it then run after going to a proper folder
git clone<YOUR_GITHUB>/epatriote_smart_benin.git
cd epatriote_smart_benin git remote add upstream //Install dependencies flutter pub get
Branch for each separate piece of work. ---
git checkout <high_level_branch> git pull upstream <high_level_branch> git push origin <high_level_branch> git checkout -b <your_working_branch> ---
Do the work, write good commit messages, and read the CONTRIBUTING file. Note: make sure you're working on your <your_working_branch>
Push to your origin repository. ---
git push -u origin <your_working_branch> ---
Create a new PR in GitHub. Note: You can do this in your forked repo on github Note: When pulling request, please chose <high_level_branch> as base branch on the upstream remote url
Respond to any code review feedback. Note: If you don't follow the guidlines in this docs, your PR will not be accepted !
Thank for participating ❤️
Happy hacking
Thank to be eP