This package contains the core UI themes for LabKey Server.
# Using npm
npm install @labkey/themes --save-dev
If you're working with this package to develop themes you will need to have a local development instance of LabKey Server available.
The LabKey core
module is dependent on this package. It "deploys" the assets from @labkey/themes
by copying them to the module's resources directory. This means that anything included in this package's
public distribution will be available to any LKS page.
To iterate on the themes in your development environment you will need to copy this package's built
distribution to the node_modules path in the core
module. This copying operation can be scripted to
fit your environment. A general Makefile
would look like:
# Path to where this package's distribution is located in your file system
source = <YOUR_PATH>/labkey-ui-components/packages/themes/dist/
# Path to where your LabKey Server's core module copies @labkey/themes assets
core = <LABKEY_SERVER_ROOT>/server/modules/platform/core/node_modules/@labkey/themes/dist
.PHONY: build
npm run build
.PHONY: copy
rsync -rav ${source} ${core}
.PHONY: bc
bc: build copy
Release notes for this package are available here.