A summary of the most abbreviations I encountered so far. Feel free to contribute via Pull request
Abbreviation | Meaning |
3LOD | Three Lines of Defense |
AAA | Authentication, Authorization, Accounting |
A | Availability |
AC | Attack Complexity |
ACL | Access Control List |
ACLE | Account Life Cycle Events |
ACME | Automated Certificate Management Environment |
ACPI | Advanced Configuration and Power Interface |
ADDS | Active Directory Domain Service |
AEP | ATT&CK Emulation Plans |
AES | Advanced Encryption Standard |
AH | Authentication Header |
AMQP | Advanced Message Query Protocol |
AMSI | Antimalware Scan Interface |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
API | Application Programming Interface |
APIPA | Automatic Pricate IP Addressing |
APT | Advanced Packaging Tool |
APT | Advanced Persistent Threat |
ARP | Address Resolution Protocol |
ASLR | Address Space Layout Randomization |
ASPX | Active Server Page Extended |
ASR | Attack Surface Reduction |
ASVS | Application Security Verification System |
ATM | Asynchronous Transfer Mode |
ATT | App Tracking Transparency |
ATT&CK | Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge |
AuthPF | Authentication Packet Filter |
AV | Antivirus |
AV | Attack Vector |
AWL | App White Listing |
AXFR | DNS Zone Transfer / DNS Query Type |
BEC | Business Email Compromise |
BFP | Berkeley Packet Filter |
BGP | Border Gateway Protocol |
BIOC | Behavioral Indicator of Compromise |
BITS | Background Intelligence Transfer Service |
BLOB | Binary Large Object |
BSS | Base Service Set |
BYOL | Bring Your Own Land |
BYOVD | Bring Your Own Vulnerable Driver |
C2 | Command and Control |
C3 | Custom Command and Control |
C4 | Customizable Command and Control Center |
CAM | Content Addressable Memory |
CAPTCHA | Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans appart |
CAR | Cyber Analytics Repository |
CASB | Cloud Access Security Broker |
CBC | cypher Block Chaining |
CBC-MAC | Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code |
CBSP | Cloud-Based Security Provider |
C | Confidentiality |
ccTLD | Country Code Top-Level Domain |
CDC | Cyber Defense Center |
CDN | Content Delivery Network |
CDP | Certificate Distribution Point |
CEH | Certified Ethical Hacker |
CERT | Computer Emergency Response Team |
CFG | Control Flow Guard |
CFP | Call for Papers |
CHAP | Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol |
CIA | Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability |
CI/CD | Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery |
CIFS | Common Internet File System |
CLM | Constrained Language Mode |
CMMI | Mellon Capability Maturity Model |
CNCF | Cloud Native Computing Foundation |
CN | Change Notice |
COFF | Common Object File Format |
COLO | Co-Location |
COM | Computer Object Model |
CONOPS | Concept of Operations |
CORS | Cross-Origin Resource Sharing |
CPRS | Cross Origin Resource Sharing |
CRC | Code Ready Containers |
CRI | Container Runtime Interface |
CRLF | Carriage Return Line Feed |
CRUD | Create, Read, Update, Delete |
CSAF | Common Security Advisory Framework |
CSD | Client-Side Desync |
CSIRT | Computer Security Incident Response Team |
CSMA/CD | Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection |
CSP | Content Security Policy |
CSPM | Cloud Security Posture Management |
CSRF | Client-Side Request Forgery |
CTA | Czberroam Transparent Authentication |
CTAP | Client to Authenticator Protocol |
CTI | Cyber Threat Intelligence |
CU | Content Update |
CVE | Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures |
CVRF | Common Vulnerability Reporting Framework |
CVSS | Common Vulnerability Scoring System |
CWE | Common Weakness Enumeration |
D3FEND | Detection, Denial, and Disruption Framework Empowering Network Defense |
DAAS | Data, Assets, Applications and Services |
DAC | Discretionary Access Control |
DACL | Discretionary Access Control List |
DAD | Destruction, Alteration, Disclosure |
DAPP | Decentralized Applications |
DCIM | Data Center Infrasctructure Management |
DCOM | Distributed Component Object Model |
DDNS / DynDNS | Dynamic Domain Name System |
DDoS | Distributed Denial of Service |
DEFI | Decentralized Finance |
DEG | Defender Exploit Guard |
DEP | Data Execution Prevention |
DES | Data Encryption Standard |
DFD | Data Flow Diagram |
DFIR | Digital Forensics Incident Response |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol |
DI | Dependency Injection |
DIG | Domain Information Groper |
DKIM | DomainKeys Identified Mail |
DLP | Data Loss Prevention |
DLR | Dynamic Language Runtime |
DMARC | Domain-Based Message Authentication Reporting & Conformance |
DMZ | Demilitarized Zone |
DNF | Dandified YUM |
DNSBL | Domain Name System-Based Blackhole List |
DNSCAA | DNS Certification Authority Authorization |
DNS | Domain Name System |
DNSSEC | Domain Name System Security Extensions |
DOCSIS | Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification |
DOM | Document Object Model |
DOT | DNS over TLS |
DPAPI | Data Protection Application Programming Interface |
DRDoS | DNS Reflection Denial of Service |
DREAD | Damage, Reproducibility, Exploitability, Affected Users, Discoverability |
DSA | Digital Signature Algorithm |
DSCP | Differntiated Services Code Point |
DSP | Digital Signal Procesor |
DTD | Document Type Definition |
DTMF | Dual Tome Multi Frequency |
E2EE | End-to-End Email Encryption |
EAP-AKA | EAP Authentication and Key Agreement |
EAP-AKA' | EAP Authentication and Key Agreement Prime |
EAP-EKE | EAP Encrypted Key Exchange |
EAP | Extensible Authentication Protocol |
EAP-FAST | EAP Flexble Authentication via Secure Tunneling |
EAP-GTC | EAP Generic Token Card |
EAP-IKEv2 | EAP Internet Key Exchange v2 |
EAP-NOOB | EAP Nimble Out-of-Band Authentication |
EAP-POTP | EAP Protected One-Time Password |
EAP-PSK | EAP Pre-Shared Key |
EAP-SIM | EAP Subscriber Identity Module |
EAP-TLS | EAP Transport Layer Security |
EAP-TTLS | EAP Tunneled Transport Layer Security |
EAR | Execution After Redirect |
eBGP | External Border Gateway Protocol |
EBP | Extended Base Pointer |
ECC | Elliptic Curve Cryptography |
ECDH | Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellmann |
ECDSA | Elliptic Curve Digitial Signature Algorithm |
ECP | Encryption Control Protocol |
eCPPTv2 | eLearnSecurity Certified Professional Penetration Tester |
EDR | Endpoint Detection and Response |
EDTR | Endpoint Detection and Threat Response |
EIGRP | Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol |
EIP | Extended Instruction Pointer |
eJPT | eLearnSecurity Junior Penetration Tester |
ELF | Executable and Linkable Format |
ELK | Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana |
ESAE | Enhanced Security Administrative Environment |
ESI | Edge Side Includes |
ESP | Encapsulating Security Payload |
ESP | Extended Stack Pointer |
ETW | Event Tracing for Windows |
FAANG | Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google |
FIB | Forward Information Base |
FIDO | Fast Identity Online |
FIFO | First In, First Out |
FIM | File Integrity Monitoring |
FinTS | Financial Transaction Services |
FIPS | Federal Information Processing Standards |
FLoC | Federated Learning of Cohorts |
FOSS | Free and Open Source Software |
FPM | FastCGI Process Manager |
FTTB | Fiber to the Building |
FTTC/K | Fiber to the Curb / Kerb |
FTTD | Fiber to the Desktop |
FTTDP | Fiber to the Distribution Point |
FTTE/Z | Fiber to the Enclosure / Zone |
FTTF | Fiber to the Frontage |
FTTH | Fiber to the Home |
FTTLA | Fiber to the Last-Amplifier |
FTTN | Fiber to the Note |
FTTO | Fiber to the Office |
FTTP | Fiber to the Premises |
FTTX | Fiber to the X |
FUD | Fully Undetectable |
GCM | Galois Counter Mode |
GCP | Google Cloud Platform |
GDPR | General Data Protection Regulation |
GMSA | Group Managed Service Accounts |
GOT | Global Offset Table |
GPO | Group Policy Object |
GPON | Gigabit-Capable Passive Optical Networks |
GPP | Group Policy Password |
GRC | Governance, Risk Management and Compliance |
GRE | Generic Routing Encapsulation |
GRPC | Google Remote Procedure Calls |
GSSAPI | Generic Security Services Application Program Interface |
gTLD | Generic Top-Level Domain |
HBCI | Home Banking Computer Interface |
HFC | Hybrid Fiber-Coaxial |
HIDS | Host-Based Intrusion Detection System |
HIPS | Host-based Intrusion Prevention System |
HMAC | Hash-Based Message Authentication Code |
HOTP | HMAC-Based One-Time Password |
HPC | High Performance Computing |
HQL | Hybernate Query Language |
HSDPA | High-Speed Downlink Packet Access |
HSRP | Host Standby Router Protocol |
HSTS | HTTP Strict Transport Security |
HTA | HTML Application |
HTML | Hypertext Markup Language |
IAM | Identity Access Management |
IAVM | Information Assurance Vulnerbaility Alert |
iBGP | Internal Border Gateway Protocol |
ICMP | Internet Control Message Protocol |
IDN | International Domain Name |
IDOR | Insecure Direct Object Reference |
IDS | Intrusion Detection System |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission |
IFS | Internal Field Separator |
IGMP | Internet Group Management Protocol |
IGRP | Interior Gateway Routing |
I | Integrity |
IKE | Internet Key Exchange |
IMAP | Internet Message Access Protocol |
IMDS | Instance Metadata Service Version |
IMEI | International Mobile Equipment Identity |
IMSI | International Mobile Subscriber Identity |
IOA | Indicator of Attack |
IOC | Indicator of Compromise |
IOMMU | Input-Output Memory Management Unit |
IPAM | IP Address Management |
IPC | Inter-Process Communication |
IPFIX | Internet Protocol Flow Information Export |
IP | Internet Protocol |
IPSEC | Internet Protocol Security |
IPS | Intrusion Prevention System |
IRDP | ICMP Router Discovery Protocol |
ISAC | Information Sharing and Analysis Center |
ISAMKP | Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol |
IS-IS | Intermediate System to Intermediate System |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
JS | JavaScript |
JSON | JavaScript Object Notation |
JSP | Java Server Pages |
JWKS | JSON Web Key Set |
KASLR | Kernel Address Space Layout Randomization |
KDC | Key Distribution Center |
KQL | Kibana Query Language |
LAPS | Local Administrator Password Solution |
LDAP | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol |
LEAP | Lightweight Extensible Authentication |
LFI | Local File Inclusion |
LIFO | Last In, First Out |
LINQ | Language-Integrated Query |
LLC | Logical Link Layer |
LLM | Large Language Model |
LLMNR | Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution |
LOC | Logistic Operation Center |
LORAWAN | Long Range Wide Area Network |
LOTL | Living of the Land |
LPD | Line Printer Daemon |
LQL | Lucene Query Language |
LSASS | Local Security Authority Subsystem Service |
LXC | Linux Container |
LXD | Linux Daemon |
MAC | Mandatory Access Control |
MAC | Medium Access Control |
MAC | Message Authentication Code |
mDNS | Multicast DNS |
MDR | Managed Detection and Response |
MEAN | MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, Node.js |
MFA | Multi-Faktor Authentication |
MIB | Management Information Base |
MIME | Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions |
MOK | Machine Owner Key |
MPLS | Multiprotocol Label Switching |
MQTT | Message Queue Telemetry Transport Protocol |
MSHTA | Microsoft HTML Application |
MS-NRPC | Microsoft NetLogon Remote Protocol |
MSS | Maximum Segment Size |
MSSP | Managed Security Service Provider |
MTA | Mail Transfer Agent |
MTASTS | Mail Transfer Agent-Strict Transport Security |
MTLS | Mutual TLS |
NAK | Negative Acknowledgement |
NBNS | NetBIOS Name Server |
NCSC | National Cyber Security Centre |
NDA | Non-Disclosure Agreement |
NDR | Network Detection and Response |
NFC | Near-Field Communication |
NFS | Network File System |
NGAV | Next-Generation Antivirus |
NGE | Next Generation Encryption |
NGFW | Next-Generation Firewall |
NIDS | Network-based Intrusion Detection System |
NIPS | Network-based Intrusion Prevention System |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
NLA | Network Level Authentication |
NMI | Non-maskable Interrupt |
NMS | Network Monitoring System |
NOC | Network Operation Center |
NONCE | Number used once |
NoSQL | Not only SQL |
NoTW | Mark-of-the-Web |
NSX | Full-Stack Network & Security Virtuakization |
NTFS | New Technology File System |
NTLM | New Technology Lan Manager |
NX | Non-Executable Stack |
OCSP | Online Certificate Status Protocol |
OGNL | Object-Graph Navigation Language |
OIDC | Open ID Connect |
OID | Object Identifier |
OOB | Out-of-Band |
OSCP | Offensive Security Certified Professional |
OSINT | Open Source Intelligence Tools |
OSPF | Open Shortest Path First |
OSSEC | Open Source HIDS Security |
OSSEM | Open Source Security Event Metadata |
OSSTMM | Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual |
OSWE | Offensive Security Web Expert |
OVAL | Open Vulnerability and Assessment Framework |
OWASP | Open Web Application Security Project |
PAM | Pluggable Authentication Module |
PAM | Privileged Access Management |
PAP | Password Authentication Protocol |
PBKDF1 | Password-Based Key Derivation Function 1 |
PBKDF2 | Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 |
PCI | Payment Card Industry |
PEAP-MSCHAPv2 | Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol MS-CHAPv2 |
PEAP | Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol |
PEB | Process Environment Block |
PEM | Privacy Enhanced Mail |
PI | Process Instrumentation |
PIE | Position Independent Executable |
PII | Personally Identifiable Information |
PIM | Privileged Identity Management |
PKCS | Public-Key Cryptography Standard |
PNAC | Port-Based Network Access Control |
POC | Phone Operation Center |
POP | Post Office Protocol |
POSIX | Portable Operating System Interface |
PQC | Post Quantum Cryptography |
ProgID | Programmatic ID |
PR | Privileges Required |
PSAD | Port Scan Attack Detector |
PSA | Public Service Announcement |
PTA | Permission-to-Attack |
PTK | Pairwise Transient Key |
PTK | Penetration Testing Kit |
QCR | Quantum Computer Resistant |
QEMU | Quick Emulator |
QUIC | Quicik UDP Internet Connections |
RAX | Register "a" extended |
RBAC | Role Based Access Control |
RBCD | Resource Based Constrained Delegation |
RBL | Realt-Time Blackhole List |
RBL | Return Black List |
RBP | Register Base Pointer |
RBX | Register "b" extended |
RC4 | Rivest Cipher 4 |
RCX | Register "c" extended |
RDI | Register Destination Index |
RDNS | REverse Domain Name System |
RDP | Responsible Disclosure Policy |
R&D | Research and Development |
RDX | Register "d" extended |
RELRO | Relocation Read-Only |
REST | Representional State Transfer |
RFC | Request for Comments |
RFI | Remote File Inclusion |
RID | Relative Identifier |
RIP | Routing Information Protocol |
RNDC | Remote Name Daemon Control |
ROE | Rules of Engagement |
ROP | Return Oriented Programming |
RPC | Remote Procedure Calls |
RPKI | Resource Public Key Infrastructure |
RSA | Rivest-Shamir-Adlemann Algorithm |
RSI | Register Source Index |
RSP | Register Stack Pointer |
RTCO | Red Team Certified Operator |
RTP | Real-Time Transport Protocol |
RX | Receiving |
SAML | Security Assertion Markup Language |
SAM | Security Accounts Manager |
SAN | Subject Alternative Name |
SA | Security Associations |
SASL | Simple Authentication and Security Layer |
SAST | Static Application Security Testing |
SCD | Source Code Disclosure |
SCEP | Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol |
SCTP | Stream Control Transmission Protocol |
SDDL | Security Descriptor Definition Language |
SDLC | Software Development Lifecycle |
SDL | Security Development Lifecycle |
SDP | Session Description Protocol |
SD-WAN | Software-Defined Wide Area Network |
SEO | Search Engine Optimization |
SHIM | First Stage Bootloader |
SID | Security Identifier |
SIEM | Security Information and Event Management |
SIKE | Supersingular Isogeny Key Encapsualtion |
SIM | Subscriber Identity Module |
SIP | Session Initiaton Protocol |
SKEL | Skeleton |
SLAAC | Stateless Address Auto-Configuration |
SMB | Server Message Block |
SMIME | Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension |
SMTP | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol |
SOAR | Security Orchestration, Automation and Response |
SOA | Statement of Applicability |
SOC | Security Operation Center |
SoC | System on Chips |
SOP | Same Origin Policy |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
SOQL | Salesforce Object Query Language |
SPA | Sender Protocol Address |
SPF | Sender Policy Framework |
SPI | Security Parameter Index |
SPN | Service Principal Name |
SPX | Secure PDF Exchange |
SQLI | Server-Query Language Injection |
SQL | Structured Query Language |
S | Scope |
S-SDLC | Secure Software Development Lifecycle |
SRI | Subresource Integrity |
SSDT | Secondary System Descriptor Tables |
SSE | Server-Side Encryption |
SSI | Server Side Includes |
SSL | Secure Socket Layer |
SSN | Syscall Service Numbers |
SSO | Single Sign-On |
SSOT | Single Source of Truth |
SSPR | Self-Service Password Reset |
SSRF | Server-Side Request Forgery |
SSTF | Scroll to Text Fragment |
SSTI | Server-Side Template Injection |
STAS | Sophos Transparent Authentication Suite |
STEM | Systematic, Threat, Evaluation, Methodology |
STIG | Security Technical Implementation Guide |
STIX | Structured Threat Information Expression |
STRIDE | Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information Disclosure, Denial of Service, Elevation of Privilege |
STS | Security Token Service |
TAN | Transaction Authentication Number |
TAXII | Trusted Automated Exchange of Intelligence |
TCSEC | Trusted Computer System Evalutation Criteria |
TEAP | Tunnel Extensible Authentication Protocol |
TEE | Trusted Execution Environment |
TELNET | Teletype Network |
TGS | Ticket Granting Service |
TGT | Ticket Granting Ticket |
THA | Target Hardware Address |
TI | Threat Intelligence |
TLD | Top-Level Domain |
TLS | Transport Layer Security |
TOS | Terms of Service |
TOTP | Time-Bases One-Time Password |
TPM | Trusted Platform Module |
TPS | Testing Procedure Specification |
TSIG | Transaction Signatures |
TTP | Tactics, Techniques and Procedures |
TX | Transmitting |
UAF | Use-After-Free |
UIPI | User Interface Privilege Isolation |
UI | User Interaction |
UI | User Interface |
UPN | User Principal Name |
URI | Uniform Resource Identifier |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator |
USART | Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter |
UUID | Universally Unique Identifier |
VACM | View-Based Access Control Model |
VBA | Visual Basic for Application |
VDP | Vulnerbaility Disclosure Program |
VICI | Versatile IKE Configuration Interface |
VOC | Video Operation Center |
VoLTE | Voice over Long-Term Evolution |
VPN | Virtual Private Network |
WAN | Wide Area Network |
WAP | Web Application Protection |
WASM | Web Assembly |
WAT | Web Assembly Text Format |
WCD | Web Cache Deception |
WDM | Wavelength-Division Multiplexing |
WEP | Wired Equivalent Privacy |
WinRM | Windows Remote Management |
WMIC | Windows Management + Instrumentation Command-Line |
WPA2 | Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 |
WPAD | Web Proxy Autodiscovery Protocol |
WPA | Wi-Fi Protected Access |
WSH | Windows Script Host |
XDP | Express Data Path |
XDR | Extended Detection and Response |
XHR | XML HTTP Request |
XOR | Exclusive or |
XSLT | Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation |
XSS | Cross-Site Scripting |
XST | Cross-Site Tracing |
XXE | XML External Entity |
YAML | YAML Ain't Markup Language |
YUM | Yellowdog Updater, Modified |
ZTA | Zero Trust Approach |
ZTNA | Zero Trust Network Access |