This helper enables you to see client-side changes in real-time using Browsersync. It works by spinning up a local server that watches files (according to the configuration) for changes to be able reload/inject static resources with or without reloading the page for every active browser session. Find more information in the official documentation.
const cssFilesPath = '**/*.css';
const jsFilesPath = '**/*.js';
const browsersyncOptions = {
files: [
gulp.task('browsersyncStart', () => browsersync.browsersyncServe(browsersyncOptions));
Using proxy mode requires an existing vhost added in the options, which Browsersync will create a proxy for.
If you are not using the proxy mode, the terminal will ask you to add a snippet just before the closing tag, for example:
<script id="__bs_script__">//<![CDATA[
document.write("<script async src='http://HOST:3000/browser-sync/browser-sync-client.js'><\/script>".replace("HOST", location.hostname));