Releases: LordKBX/eBookCollection
Releases · LordKBX/eBookCollection
- Editor : Compiled version : now load fully
- Editor : Image Inserter/Selector debugged
- Editor : In File Manager replacement of colors for new files and deleted files
- Library : Compiled version : now load metadata window
- Library : Add tag filter
- Library : Multi filter now totally functional, but only one of the same type for now(in futur multi tags)
- Library : Debug Book list when filtered, now all the case of the table are displayed correctly (lock sorting when loading book list and unlock after)
- Library : Save and reload position and size of block Filters and Infos
- Library : Small UI adjustment for filters
- Library : Info pane Synopsis now in a ScrollArea
- Return of the editor (the lib for text highlight was replaced with custom code)
- improvement and debug Sync API
- could now import cover in metadata editor
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/ ▌ \ Do not put : in series name or tags, the bug would be corrected later
/ ▌ \ Editor Image picker unstable
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/ ▌ \
Add HTTPS API for synchronization with android ebook reader currently a work in progress
- add search option
- debug panel book information, when central table content updated the panel is now successfully up to date
- debug on rename element, the final file path is now in the library folder and not in the app folder
- update color picker
- Editor debug of bad language translation on sub windows
- Add new Custom Color Picker for implementing the settings translation ratter than the automatic system translation
/!\ The editor will crash if you modify the content table when at least one file was opened (even if tab closed)