It is possible to load asincronously the resources placed in the assets folder and subdivided in group folder. Each folder can contain specific scene resources organised in the following mandatory sub folders:
for audio files,img
for textures,data
for json data and translations.
// after loading resources in the init() fn of your scene...
// ("sceneOne" is the name of the folder in /assets)
await this.engine.loader.loadAssetsGroup("sceneOne");
// ... you can get the sprite by using the name of the file without the extension
The ScreenManager
manages the dimensions of the game screen and the origin and scale of the game scene. It uses the aspectRatio
property from the engine's configuration object to determine the width and height of the game screen. This ensures that the game is displayed correctly across different devices and screen sizes and the current game scene is appropiately sized and placed.
Thanks to the Entity
decorator it is possible to instanciate Gameobject with an unique id and add them automatically to the current scene.
The engine provides several methods to search for objects and query the game world:
getEntityGroup(name: string)
to retrieve a list of GameObjects belonging to the relevant group.
It's possible to decorate GameObjects with tags and retrieve a list of GameObject instances that match the given tags with the getEntitiesByTags(tags: string | string[], condition: 'AND' | 'OR' = 'AND')
tags:["soldier", "robot"]
export class EnemyCommander extends GameObject {
// code here..
// in a game scene to search for entities
const enemies = this.engine.getObjectsByTags(['soldier','!friend']) // to invert use "!" before the tag => soldier NOT friend :-(
The "Gameobject" class extends the PIXI.Container, and being the "Entity" is composed of components. The engine provides out of the box:
- sprite component
- rigidbody component to manage collision of rigid bodies via the library Matter-js
- script component to manage custom logic
- input-controller component to manage the entity via user inputs
export class Player extends GameObject {
constructor(name: string, spriteName: string) {
this.addComponent(new SpriteComponent(this, spriteName));
this.addComponent(new HealthComponent(this, 100));
new RigidBodyComponent(this, {
shape: "rectangle",
isStatic: false,
collisionFilter: {
category: GROUP.PLAYER,
position: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
this.addComponent(new InputController(this, 150));
For the time being Systems are not implemented but the engine provides a method to update all the components of the game world with the update(dt: number, delta: number)
method of the GameObject class.
The engine provides the following template entities:
- Trigger: invisible, one time box to fire events
- Positional Sound Emitter: volume is based on the distance with the player
- TODO...
The SoundManager class is responsible for managing sound resources in the game.It is used with the property sounds
of the main Engine
A map of all the .mp3 resources is available after pre loading and sounds are managed with the following methods:
to play a soundthis.engine.sounds.stopSound(name:string)
to stop a soundthis.engine.sounds.toggleSound(name:string)
to toggle a soundthis.engine.sounds.playRandomSound(keys: string[])
. to play a random sound from a list of keysthis.engine.sounds.fadeInSound(name: string, duration: number = 1)
to fade in a soundthis.engine.sounds.fadeOutSound(name: string, volume: number = 0, duration: number = 1)
to fade out a sound
It is possible to manage the game scenes with the SceneManager
class. It is used with the property scenes
of the main Engine
Game scenes extend PIXI.Container and allow in the init method to load asincronously the required resources of the scene.
export class Scene extends Container {
constructor() {
* Initialize objetct and load resources asyncronously
async init() {}
update(dt: number, delta: number) {}
* Clean up and load resources for next scene
onExit() {
console.log(, " exit");
onResize(width: number, height: number) {}
The engine provide methods to change scenes with gsap transitions.
It is possible to manage the user keyboard inputs with the property keyboard
of the main Engine
to check CONTINUOSLY if a key has been pressed -
to check if a key has been pressed in the current frame (and was not pressed on the previous)if (this.engine.keyboard.iskeyDownOnce("M")) { // do something }
It is possible to manage the user mouse inputs with the the property mouse
of the main Engine
to check CONTINUOSLY if mouse button One has been pressedif (this.engine.input.isMouseButton1Down()) { // do something }
to check if mouse button One has been pressed in the current frame (and was not pressed on the previous)isMouseButton2Down()
to check CONTINUOSLY if mouse button Two has been pressedisMouseButton2Pressed()
to check if mouse button Two has been pressed in the current frame (and was not pressed on the previous)
The engine provides a simple camera manager to manage the game camera. It is used with the property camera
of the main Engine
The camera class allows to:
- make the camera follow a gameObject with the method GameObject, currentScene: Scene)
- animate the camera with the, duration, ease, callback)
method. - move the camera with Point, duration, ease, callback)
- animate on a bezier curve with Point, controlOne: Point, controlTwo: Point, end: Point, callback)
- shake camera with number, amplitude: number)
- set the camera bounds with Rectangle)
It's possible to manage the game speed with the setGameSpeed(speed)
and manage timers with the following methods:
- Run a function after a certain delay with the method
after(delay, fn)
- Add a function that will be called count times every delay seconds with the method
every(delay, callback, repeat)
- Run a function only during specific frames with
runOnFrameNum(frameNumbers, fn)
The engine provides a simple event manager to send and listen to events.
It's possible to send events to gameObject or to gameObject groups with the methodsendEvent(GameEvent<BasePayload> | GameEventForGroup<BasePayload>)
. It is used with the property events
of the main Engine
// queue a game event
new GameEvent(, this.player, this.enemy, {
message: "You are dead!",
The class GameObject implements the method onEventHandler(event)
to listen to game events:
// on a GameObject
onEventHandler(event: GameEvent<BasePayload, BaseEventType> | GameEventForGroup<BasePayload, BaseEventType>) {
console.log(`GameObject ${} received event:`, event);
The engine provide a sinple class to manage locale translations. Put in the assets folder a folder called i18n/data
(or configure its name in the configuration object) and the engine will load the relevant json files on engine bootstrap. The default locale is the navigator.language
so use as names of the .json files appropiate names.
The GameStats
class is a utility class used to manage game statistics. The class provides methods to add, update, delete, and reset the values of these stats. It is used with the property stats
of the main Engine
Here's an example of how to use it on a game scene:
// Add a new stat key
// Update the value of a stat key
this.engine.stats.updateStatKey("killed-enemy", 100);
// Delete a stat key
// Reset specified stat keys to zero
The engine provides a simple class to manage player saving in localstorage. It is used with the property storage
of the main Engine
class."player-score", { kills: 45, death: 12 });
- Math functions for random
- Object pool
- CrossHair management
- PIXI Filters management in dedicated class
- PIXI Particles in dedicated class
The GameRoot
class holds the current state of the game and provides methods to manipulate it and being a GameObject can receive GameEvents. It is used with the property game
of the main Engine
Here's an example of how to use its methods:
export const Config: GameConfig<{ score: number }> = {
name: 'My Game',
// to manage game state as global object
state: {
score: 0,
// in a scene{ score: 100 }); // OR> { ...state, score: state.score + 10 });
// to get the state
const score ='score');
// to listen to state changes TODO:'score', (newScore, oldScore) => {
console.log('Score changed from', oldScore, 'to', newScore);
//to reset state;
The GameLogic
class is responsible for managing the game's logic, checking the conditions that determine winning, losing, progression and triggering relevant events in the game.
The engine.logic.registerGameLogicConditions(obj: GameObject, condition: 'WIN' | 'LOSE' | 'EVENT' = 'WIN')
method is used to register game logic conditions for a specific GameObject. The condition parameter determines whether the object is checked for a win condition, lose condition, or event condition. By default, the condition is set to 'WIN'.
// the game logic is registered in the init() method of the scene
this.engine.logic.registerGameLogicConditions(this.player, "LOSE");
//in the player class add method to check the lose, win condition or specific game event
satisfyLoseGameCondition(): boolean {
let healthC = this.getComponent<HealthComponent>('HealthComponent')
if (healthC?.alive) {
return < 0;
return false
The GameLogic track the game logic conditions every n frames (where n is defined in the property framesToCheckLogic
of the configuration object) by checking the win conditions, lose conditions, and event conditions. If a win condition is satisfied, a GameWon event is triggered. If a lose condition is satisfied, a GameLose event is triggered. If an event condition is satisfied, a GameEvent event is triggered.
The UIManager
class is responsible for managing user interface (UI) objects in the game. The class provides methods to add, remove, hide, and show GameObjects.
Here's an example of how to use it in a game scene:
// Add a GameObject to the UILayer
this.engine.ui.addUIElement("PLAYER-LIFE_BAR", new PlayerLifeBar());
// Remove GameObject from the UILayer
// Show/Hide specific GameObject
// hide / show UILayer