The problem this solves is enabling Spark jobs to access resources protected by Kerberos authentication.
This recipe allows to:
- distribute the Kerberos credentials cache file from the driver to the executors
- set the relevant environment variables in the executors processes
- enable the use of Kerberos authentication for Spark executors in a Hadoop/YARN clusters
- this recipe does not apply to Kerberos authentication for HDFS in a Spark+Hadoop cluster. In that case a more scalable, delegation token-based, implementation is available.
Tested on: Apache Spark 1.6, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 + YARN/Hadoop
to get the Kerberos TGT in the credential cache file if not already there. -
klist -l
to get the path of the credential cache file.
$ klist -l
Principal name Cache name
-------------- ----------
luca@CERN.CH FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1001_Ve9jN3
- Send the Kerberos credentials cache file to the Spark executors YARN containers and set
the KRB5CCNAME variable to point to the credential files. Examples:
Pyspark (Python):
pyspark --master yarn --files <path_to_Kerbero_Cache_File>#krbcache --conf spark.executorEnv.KRB5CCNAME="FILE:krbcache"
# Example:
pyspark --master yarn --files /tmp/krb5cc_1001_Ve9jN3#krbcache --conf spark.executorEnv.KRB5CCNAME="FILE:krbcache"
Spark-shell (Scala):
spark-shell --master yarn --files <path_to_Kerbero_Cache_File>#krbcache --conf spark.executorEnv.KRB5CCNAME="FILE:krbcache"
# Example:
spark-shell --master yarn --files /tmp/krb5cc_1001_Ve9jN3#krbcache --conf spark.executorEnv.KRB5CCNAME="FILE:krbcache"
If KRB5CCNAME is already set in your environment startup scripts, you can use it to get the path to the Kerberos cache, beware of handling the "FILE:" prefix
Strategy and techniques used:
- Distribute the Kerberos credential cache from the driver/client to all YARN containers as a local copy
- use the standard Spark functionality, using
--files <path>
(or--conf spark.yarn.dist.files=<path>
) #krbcache
suffix provides an alias to the file which is handy to use in this context
- use the standard Spark functionality, using
- Set the executors' environment variable KRB5CCNAME to point to a local copy of the Kerberos credential cache file that is distributed in the YARN containes for the Spark executors
- How to set the Spark executor environment variable with a path relative to YARN container root directory
- use Spark configuration to set the environment variable KRB5CCNAME as in:
--conf spark.executorEnv.KRB5CCNAME=FILE:<PATH_to_credential_cache>
- using
appears to be working and pick the file in the working directory of the YARN container - another possibility is using
to prefix the path of the credential cache to address the location of the root of the YARN container - another option is using
as a prefix for the YARN container working directory. Note the need of using of single quotes to avoid resolving $PWD locally. Note also that this particular method does not seem to work well for Python/PySpark use cases.
- use Spark configuration to set the environment variable KRB5CCNAME as in:
- Distribute the Kerberos credential cache from the driver/client to all YARN containers as a local copy
An alternative method to shipping the credential cache using Spark command line option "--files", is to copy the credential cache to all nodes of the cluster using a given value for the path (for example /tmp/krb5cc_$UID) and then set KRB5CCNAME to the path value.
An alternative syntax for distributing the credentials to the YARN containers instead of using
from the command line is to explicitly set the configuration parameter:--conf spark.yarn.dist.files=<path>
What is the advantage of shipping the credential cache to the executors, compared to shipping the keytab? The cache can only be used/renewed for a limited amount of time, so it offers less risk if "captured" and provides a more suitable solution for short-running jobs in a shared environment for example, which is the case of many Spark jobs in a YARN environment.
What are the key findings in this note?
- When using YARN/Hadoop, Spark executors have their working directory set to the YARN container directory
- That Spark executors working directory is also where the "shipped" via
are located - You can set relevant environment variables, for example KRB5CCNAME, to point to the files shipped
to executor's containers. If you need an absolute path, use the
You can adapt this method to setting other environment variables that, similarly to KRB5CCNAME in this example, may depend on a relative path based on the YARN root container path.
Author:, April 2017, last updated on April 2018
This work includes contributions by: and