SparkMeasure can be used to instrument parts of your Scala code to measure Apache Spark workload. Use this for example for performance troubleshooting, application instrumentation, workload studies, etc.
You can find an example of how to instrument a Scala application running Apache Spark jobs at this link:
link to example application
How to run the example:
# build the example jar
sbt package
bin/spark-submit --master local[*] --packages --class <path_to_the_example_jar>/testsparkmeasurescala_2.12-0.1.jar
An example of how to collect task metrics aggregated at the stage execution level. Some relevant snippets of code are:
val spark = SparkSession.
val stageMetrics =
stageMetrics.runAndMeasure {
spark.sql("select count(*) from range(1000) cross join range(1000) cross join range(1000)").show()
// print report to standard output
// get metric values as a Map
val metrics = stageMetrics.aggregateStageMetrics()
assert(metrics("numStages") > 1)
// Introduced in sparkMeasure v0.21, memory metrics report:
//save session metrics data
val df = stageMetrics.createStageMetricsDF("PerfStageMetrics")
stageMetrics.saveData(df.orderBy("jobId", "stageId"), "/tmp/stagemetrics_test1")
val aggregatedDF = stageMetrics.aggregateStageMetrics("PerfStageMetrics")
stageMetrics.saveData(aggregatedDF, "/tmp/stagemetrics_report_test2")
Collecting Spark task metrics at the granularity of each task completion has additional overhead compare to collecting at the stage completion level, therefore this option should only be used if you need data with this finer granularity, for example because you want to study skew effects, otherwise consider using stagemetrics aggregation as preferred choice.
- The API for collecting data at task level is similar to the stage metrics case.
An example:
val taskMetrics = taskMetrics.runAndMeasure { spark.sql("select count(*) from range(1000) cross join range(1000) cross join range(1000)").show() }
You have the option to export aggregated stage metrics and/or task metrics to a Prometheus push gateway. See details at: Prometheus Pushgateway
- This is how to run sparkMeasure using a packaged version in Maven Central
bin/spark-submit --packages // or just download and use the jar (it is only needed in the driver) as in: bin/spark-submit --conf spark.driver.extraClassPath=<path>/spark-measure_2.12-0.24.jar ...
- The alternative, see paragraph above, is to build a jar from master (See below).
- If you want to build from the latest development version:
git clone cd sparkmeasure sbt +package ls -l target/scala-2.12/spark-measure*.jar # location of the compiled jar # Run as in one of these examples: bin/spark-submit --jars path>/spark-measure_2.12-0.25-SNAPSHOT.jar # alternative, set classpath for the driver (it is only needed in the driver) bin/spark-submit --conf spark.driver.extraClassPath=<path>/spark-measure_2.12-0.25-SNAPSHOT.jar ...