This doc is a reference to the sparkMeasure API, modules, and configuration parameters.
- StageMetrics - metrics
- StageMetrics - Scala
- StageMetrics - Python
- StageInfoRecorderListener
- TaskMetrics - metrics
- TaskMetrics - Scala
- TaskInfoRecorderListener
- TaskMetrics - Python
- Flight Recorder Mode - File Sink
- InfluxDBSink and InfluxDBSinkExtended
- KafkaSink and KafkaSinkExtended
- Prometheus PushGatewaySink
- IOUtils
- Utils
These are the metrics collected by StageMetrics. For a description of each metric, see the Spark documentation
numStages, numTasks, elapsedTime, stageDuration, executorRunTime, executorCpuTime, executorDeserializeTime,
executorDeserializeCpuTime, resultSerializationTime, jvmGCTime, shuffleFetchWaitTime, shuffleWriteTime, resultSize,
diskBytesSpilled, memoryBytesSpilled, peakExecutionMemory, recordsRead, bytesRead, recordsWritten, bytesWritten,
shuffleRecordsRead, shuffleTotalBlocksFetched, shuffleLocalBlocksFetched, shuffleRemoteBlocksFetched, shuffleTotalBytesRead,
shuffleLocalBytesRead, shuffleRemoteBytesRead, shuffleRemoteBytesReadToDisk, shuffleBytesWritten, shuffleRecordsWritten
Please note that the timing metrics executorCpuTime
, executorDeserializeCpuTime
, and shuffleWriteTime
have been converted
to milliseconds to ensure uniformity with other timing metrics, namely:
, executorRunTime
, executorDeserializeTime
, jvmGCTime
, resultSerializationTime
, and shuffleFetchWaitTime
case class StageMetrics(sparkSession: SparkSession)
Stage Metrics: collects stage-level metrics with Stage granularity
and provides aggregation and reporting functions for the end-user
Example usage for stage metrics:
val stageMetrics =
stageMetrics.runAndMeasure(spark.sql("select count(*) from range(1000) cross join range(1000) cross join range(1000)").show)
spark.sparkmeasure.stageinfo.verbose, boolean, default true
Note: this control print the stage info report and collecting executor memory metrics
spark.sparkmeasure.stageinfo.executormetrics, string, default "JVMHeapMemory,OnHeapExecutionMemory")
Note: this is the list of executor metrics that are captured
documentation on the available metrics at:
def begin(): Long // Marks the beginning of data collection
def end(): Long // Marks the end of data collection
def removeListener(): Unit // helper method to remove the listener
// Compute basic aggregation on the Stage metrics for the metrics report
// also filter on the time boundaries for the report
// The output is a map with metrics names and their aggregated values
def aggregateStageMetrics() : LinkedHashMap[String, Long]
// Extracts stages and their duration
def stagesDuration() : LinkedHashMap[Int, Long]
// Custom aggregations and post-processing of metrics data
def report(): String
// Runs report and prints it
def printReport(): Unit
// Custom aggregations and post-processing of executor metrics data with memory usage details
// Note this report requires per-stage memory (executor metrics) data which is sent by the executors
// at each heartbeat to the driver, there could be a small delay or the order of a few seconds
// between the end of the job and the time the last metrics value is received
// if you receive the error message java.util.NoSuchElementException: key not found,
// retry running the report after waiting for a few seconds.
def reportMemory(): String
// Runs the memory report and prints it
def printMemoryReport(): Unit
// Legacy transformation of data recorded from the custom Stage listener
// into a DataFrame and register it as a view for querying with SQL
def createStageMetricsDF(nameTempView: String = "PerfStageMetrics"): DataFrame
// Legacy metrics aggregation computed using SQL
def aggregateStageMetrics(nameTempView: String = "PerfStageMetrics"): DataFrame
// Custom aggregations and post-processing of metrics data
// This is legacy and uses Spark DataFrame operations,
// use report instead, which will process data in the driver using Scala
def reportUsingDataFrame(): String
// Shortcut to run and measure the metrics for Spark execution, built after spark.time()
def runAndMeasure[T](f: => T): T
// Helper method to save data, we expect to have small amounts of data so collapsing to 1 partition seems OK
def saveData(df: DataFrame, fileName: String, fileFormat: String = "json", saveMode: String = "default")
* Send the metrics to Prometheus.
* serverIPnPort: String with prometheus pushgateway address, format is hostIP:Port,
* metricsJob: job name,
* labelName: metrics label name, default is sparkSession.sparkContext.appName,
* labelValue: metrics label value, default is sparkSession.sparkContext.applicationId
def sendReportPrometheus(serverIPnPort: String,
metricsJob: String,
labelName: String = sparkSession.sparkContext.appName,
labelValue: String = sparkSession.sparkContext.applicationId): Unit
class StageInfoRecorderListener extends SparkListener
* This listener gathers metrics with Stage execution granularity
* It is based on the Spark Listener interface
* Stage metrics are stored in memory and use to produce a report that aggregates resource consumption
* they can also be consumed "raw" (transformed into a DataFrame and/or saved to a file)
Data structures:
val stageMetricsData: ListBuffer[StageVals] = ListBuffer.empty[StageVals]
val stageIdtoJobId: HashMap[Int, Int] = HashMap.empty[Int, Int]
val stageIdtoJobGroup: HashMap[Int, String] = HashMap.empty[Int, String]
val stageIdtoExecutorMetrics: HashMap[(Int, String), ListBuffer[(String, Long)]]
// This methods fires at the end of the stage and collects metrics flattened into the stageMetricsData ListBuffer
override def onStageCompleted(stageCompleted: SparkListenerStageCompleted): Unit
override def onJobStart(jobStart: SparkListenerJobStart): Unit
// Record executor metrics detailed per stage, this provides memory utilization values. Use with Spark 3.1.0 and above
override def onExecutorMetricsUpdate(executorMetricsUpdate: SparkListenerExecutorMetricsUpdate): Unit
// contains the list of task metrics and other measurements of interest at the Stage level,
case class StageVals
StageMetrics class provides the API to collect and process task metrics data aggregated by execution stage.
This is a Python wrapper class to the corresponding Scala class of sparkMeasure.
class StageMetrics:
Example usage:
from sparkmeasure import StageMetrics
stagemetrics = StageMetrics(spark)
stagemetrics.runandmeasure(globals(), 'spark.sql("select count(*) from range(1000) cross join range(1000) cross join range(1000)").show()')
# Marks the beginning of data collection
def begin(self):
# Marks the end of data collection
def end(self):
# Custom aggregations and post-processing of metrics data
def report(self):
# Returns a dictionary of the aggregated stage metrics data.
def aggregate_stagemetrics(self):
# Runs report and prints it
def print_report(self):
# Return the collected stage metrics data for memory usage.
def report_memory(self):
# Runs the memory report and prints it
def print_memory_report(self):
# Runs the code and measures the metrics for Spark execution
def runandmeasure(self, env, codetorun):
# Creates a Spark Dataframe from the collected stage metrics data.
def create_stagemetrics_DF(self, viewname="PerfStageMetrics"):
# Saves the collected stage metrics data to a file.
def save_data(self, df, filepathandname, fileformat="json"):
# Removes the listener from the SparkContext
def remove_listener(self):
These are the metrics collected by TaskMetrics. For a description of each metric, see the Spark documentation
numTasks, successful tasks, speculative tasks, taskDuration, schedulerDelayTime, executorRunTime, executorCpuTime,
executorDeserializeTime, executorDeserializeCpuTime, resultSerializationTime, jvmGCTime, shuffleFetchWaitTime,
shuffleWriteTime, gettingResultTime, resultSize, diskBytesSpilled, memoryBytesSpilled, peakExecutionMemory,
recordsRead, bytesRead, recordsWritten, bytesWritten, shuffleRecordsRead, shuffleTotalBlocksFetched,
shuffleLocalBlocksFetched, shuffleRemoteBlocksFetched, shuffleTotalBytesRead, shuffleLocalBytesRead,
shuffleRemoteBytesRead, shuffleRemoteBytesReadToDisk, shuffleBytesWritten, shuffleRecordsWritten
Please note that the timing metrics executorCpuTime
, executorDeserializeCpuTime
, and shuffleWriteTime
have been converted
to milliseconds to ensure uniformity with other timing metrics, namely:
, executorRunTime
, executorDeserializeTime
, jvmGCTime
, resultSerializationTime
, and shuffleFetchWaitTime
case class TaskMetrics(sparkSession: SparkSession)
* Task Metrics: collects metrics data at Task granularity
* and provides aggregation and reporting functions for the end-user
* Example of how to use task metrics:
* val taskMetrics =
* taskMetrics.runAndMeasure(spark.sql("select count(*) from range(1000) cross join range(1000) cross join range(1000)").show)
def begin(): Long // Marks the beginning of data collection
def end(): Long // Marks the end of data collection
def removeListener(): Unit // helper method to remove the listener
// Compute basic aggregation on the Task metrics for the metrics report
// also filter on the time boundaries for the report
// The output is a map with metrics names and their aggregatd values
def aggregateTaskMetrics() : LinkedHashMap[String, Long] = {
// Custom aggregations and post-processing of metrics data
def report(): String
// Runs report and prints it
def printReport(): Unit
// Legacy transformation of data recorded from the custom Stage listener
// into a DataFrame and register it as a view for querying with SQL
def createTaskMetricsDF(nameTempView: String = "PerfTaskMetrics"): DataFrame = {
// legacy metrics aggregation computed using SQL
def aggregateTaskMetrics(nameTempView: String = "PerfTaskMetrics"): DataFrame
// Custom aggregations and post-processing of metrics data
// This is legacy and uses Spark DataFrame operations,
// use report instead, which will process data in the driver using Scala
def reportUsingDataFrame(): String = {
// Shortcut to run and measure the metrics for Spark execution, built after spark.time()
def runAndMeasure[T](f: => T): T
// Helper method to save data, we expect to have small amounts of data so collapsing to 1 partition seems OK
def saveData(df: DataFrame, fileName: String, fileFormat: String = "json", saveMode: String = "default")
def sendReportPrometheus(serverIPnPort: String,
metricsJob: String,
labelName: String = sparkSession.sparkContext.appName,
labelValue: String = sparkSession.sparkContext.applicationId): Unit
class TaskInfoRecorderListener() extends SparkListener {
* TaskInfoRecorderListener: this listener gathers metrics with Task execution granularity
* It is based on the Spark Listener interface
* Task metrics are stored in memory and use to produce a report that aggregates resource consumption
* they can also be consumed "raw" (transformed into a DataFrame and/or saved to a file)
Data structures:
val taskMetricsData: ListBuffer[TaskVals] = ListBuffer.empty[TaskVals]
val StageIdtoJobId: collection.mutable.HashMap[Int, Int] = collection.mutable.HashMap.empty[Int, Int]
val StageIdtoJobGroup: collection.mutable.HashMap[Int, String] = collection.mutable.HashMap.empty[Int, String]
override def onJobStart(jobStart: SparkListenerJobStart): Unit
override def onTaskEnd(taskEnd: SparkListenerTaskEnd): Unit
case class TaskVals
* Contains the list of task metrics and other measurements of interest at the Task level, as a case class
TaskMetrics class provides the API to collect and process task metrics data aggregated by task execution
This is a finer granularity than StageMetrics and potentially collects much more data.
This is a Python wrapper class to the corresponding Scala class of sparkMeasure.
class TaskMetrics:
Example usage:
from sparkmeasure import TaskMetrics
taskmetrics = TaskMetrics(spark)
taskmetrics.runandmeasure(globals(), 'spark.sql("select count(*) from range(1000) cross join range(1000) cross join range(1000)").show()')
# Marks the beginning of data collection
def begin(self):
# Marks the end of data collection
def end(self):
# Custom aggregations and post-processing of metrics data
def report(self):
# Returns a dictionary of the aggregated task metrics data.
def aggregate_taskmetrics(self):
# Runs report and prints it
def print_report(self):
# Runs the code and measures the metrics for Spark execution
def runandmeasure(self, env, codetorun):
# Creates a Spark Dataframe from the collected task metrics data.
def create_taskmetrics_DF(self, viewname="PerfTaskMetrics"):
# Creates a Spark Dataframe from the aggregated task metrics data.
def aggregate_taskmetrics_DF(self, viewname="PerfTaskMetrics"):
# Saves the collected task metrics data to a file.
def save_data(self, df, filepathandname, fileformat):
# Removes the listener from the SparkContext
def remove_listener(self):
class FlightRecorderStageMetrics(conf: SparkConf) extends StageInfoRecorderListener
class FlightRecorderTaskMetrics(conf: SparkConf) extends TaskInfoRecorderListener
* Use sparkMeasure in flight recording mode to instrument Spark applications without touching their code.
* Flight recorder mode attaches a Spark Listener to the Spark Context, which takes care of
* collecting execution metrics while the application runs and of saving them for later processing.
* There are two different levels of granularity for metrics collection:
* stage aggregation, with FlightRecorderStageMetrics, and task-level metrics with FlightRecorderTaskMetrics.
* How to use: attach the relevant listener to a Spark Context using the extra listener infrastructure
For FlightRecorderStage:
For FlightRecorderTaskMetrics:
--conf spark.sparkmeasure.outputFormat=<format>
Note: valid values: json,json_to_hadoop,java the default is "json"
--conf spark.sparkmeasure.outputFilename=<output file>
Note: default = "/tmp/stageMetrics_flightRecorder"
--conf spark.sparkmeasure.printToStdout=<true|false> /
Note: default is false. Set this to true to print JSON serialized metrics for debug purposes.
serialization formats, write to the driver local filesystemjson_to_hadoop
, writes to JSON serialized metrics to HDFS or to an Hadoop compliant filesystem, such as S3A- The amount of data generated by FlightRecorderStageMetrics is relatively small in most applications: O(number_of_stages)
- FlightRecorderTaskMetrics can generate a large amount of data O(Number_of_tasks), use with care
class InfluxDBSink(conf: SparkConf) extends SparkListener
class InfluxDBSinkExtended(conf: SparkConf) extends InfluxDBSink(conf: SparkConf)
* InfluxDBSink: write Spark metrics and application info in near real-time to InfluxDB
* use this mode to monitor Spark execution workload
* use for Grafana dashboard and analytics of job execution
* How to use: attach the InfluxDBSInk to a Spark Context using the extra listener infrastructure.
* --conf
* InfluxDBSinkExtended Extends the functionality to record metrics for each executed Task
* How to use:
* --conf,
Configuration for InfluxDBSink is handled with Spark configuration parameters:
InfluxDBSink parameters:
spark.sparkmeasure.influxdbURL (default "http://localhost:8086")
spark.sparkmeasure.influxdbUsername (default "")
Note: username and password can be empty only if InfluxDB runs with auth-enabled=false
spark.sparkmeasure.influxdbPassword (default "")
spark.sparkmeasure.influxdbName (default "sparkmeasure")
Note: the DB will be created if it does not exist already
spark.sparkmeasure.influxdbStagemetrics, (boolean, default is false)
Note: when this is true stage metrics will be collected too
spark.sparkmeasure.influxdbEnableBatch, boolean, default true
Note: this is to improve write performance,
but it requires to explicitly stopping Spark Session for clean exit: spark.stop()
consider setting it to false if this is an issue
This code depends on "", you may need to add the dependency explicitly:
--packages org.influxdb:influxdb-java:2.14
Note currently we need to use version 2.14 as newer versions generate jar conflicts
class KafkaSink(conf: SparkConf) extends SparkListener
class KafkaSinkExtended(conf: SparkConf) extends KafkaSink(conf) {
**KafkaSink** is a class that extends the SparkListener infrastructure.
It collects and writes Spark metrics and application info in near real-time to an Apache Kafka backend
provided by the user. Use this mode to monitor Spark execution workload.
* How to use: attach the KafkaSink to a Spark Context using the extra listener infrastructure.
* --conf
**KafkaSinkExtended** Extends the functionality to record metrics for each executed Task
* How to use:
* --conf,
Configuration - KafkaSink parameters:
--conf spark.sparkmeasure.kafkaBroker = Kafka broker endpoint URL
Example: --conf
--conf spark.sparkmeasure.kafkaTopic = Kafka topic
Example: --conf spark.sparkmeasure.kafkaTopic=sparkmeasure-stageinfo
Note: the topic will be created if it does not yet exist
This code depends on "kafka-clients", you may need to add the dependency explicitly, example:
--packages org.apache.kafka:kafka-clients:3.7.0
class PushGatewaySink(conf: SparkConf) extends SparkListener
**PushGatewaySink** is a class that extends the SparkListener infrastructure.
It collects and writes Spark metrics and application info in near real-time to a Prometheus Pushgateway instance
provided by the user. Use this mode to monitor Spark execution workload.
Notes, the amount of data generated is relatively small in most applications: O(number_of_stages)
* How to use: attach the PrometheusGatewaySink to a Spark Context using the listener infrastructure. Example:
* --conf
Configuration - PushGatewaySink parameters
--conf spark.sparkmeasure.pushgateway=SERVER:PORT
Example: --conf spark.sparkmeasure.pushgateway=localhost:9091
--conf spark.sparkmeasure.pushgateway.jobname=JOBNAME // default is pushgateway
The object IOUtils contains some helper code for the sparkMeasure package The methods readSerializedStageMetrics and readSerializedTaskMetrics are used to read data serialized into files by the "flight recorder" mode. Two serialization modes are supported currently: java serialization and JSON serialization with jackson library.
def writeSerializedJSON(fullPath: String, metricsData: AnyRef): Unit =
def writeSerializedJSONToHadoop(fullPath: String, metricsData: AnyRef, conf: SparkConf): Unit
def writeToStringSerializedJSON(metricsData: AnyRef): String
def writeSerialized(fullPath: String, metricsData: Any): Unit
def readSerializedStageMetricsJSON(stageMetricsFileName: String): List[StageVals]
def readSerializedStageMetrics(stageMetricsFileName: String): ListBuffer[StageVals]
def readSerializedTaskMetricsJSON(taskMetricsFileName: String): List[TaskVals]
def readSerializedTaskMetrics(stageMetricsFileName: String): ListBuffer[TaskVals]
The object Utils contains some helper code for the sparkMeasure package The methods formatDuration and formatBytes are used for printing stage metrics reports
// Boilerplate code for pretty printing
def formatDuration(milliseconds: Long): String
def formatBytes(bytes: Long): String
def prettyPrintValues(metric: String, value: Long): String
def encodeTaskLocality(taskLocality: TaskLocality.TaskLocality): Int
// Return the data structure use to compute metrics reports
def zeroMetricsStage() : LinkedHashMap[String, Long]
def zeroMetricsTask() : LinkedHashMap[String, Long]
// Handle metrics format parameter
def parseMetricsFormat(conf: SparkConf, logger: Logger, defaultFormat:String) : String
def parseMetricsFilename(conf: SparkConf, logger: Logger, defaultFileName:String) : String
// Parameter parsing
def parsePrintToStdout(conf: SparkConf, logger: Logger, defaultVal:Boolean) : Boolean
def parseMetricsFilename(conf: SparkConf, logger: Logger, defaultFileName:String) : String
def parseInfluxDBURL(conf: SparkConf, logger: Logger) : String
def parseInfluxDBCredentials(conf: SparkConf, logger: Logger) : (String,String)
def parseInfluxDBName(conf: SparkConf, logger: Logger) : String
def parseInfluxDBStagemetrics(conf: SparkConf, logger: Logger) : Boolean
def parseKafkaConfig(conf: SparkConf, logger: Logger) : (String,String)
def parsePushGatewayConfig(conf: SparkConf, logger: Logger): (String, String)