This document speciffy hints and good practices for source code contributions.
AndroidAPS is community effort and all contributions are welcome! If you wish help us improving AAPS - please read and try to adhere to this guidelines, to make the development and process of change aproval as smooth as possible :)
- There are plenty of ways you can help, some of them are listed on wiki:
- If you wish to help with documentation or translating:
- Use Android Studio with default indents (4 chars, use spaces)
- Use autoformat feature CTRL-ALT-L in every changed file before commit
- Make fork of repository on github
- Create separate branch for each feature, branch from most recent dev
- Commit all changes to your fork
- When ready, rebase on top of dev and make pull request to main repo
- If possible, always use Android translation mechanism (with strings.xml and @strings/id) instead of hardcoded texts
- Provide only English strings - all other languages will be crowd translated via Crowdin ( and
- Start small, it is easier to review smaller changes that affect fewer parts of code
- Take a look into Issues list ( - maybe there is something you can fix or implement
- For new features, make sure there is Issue to track progress and have on-topic discussion
- Reach out to community, discuss idea on Discord (
- Speak with other developers to minimise merge conflicts. Find out who worked, working or plan to work on speciffic issue or part of app