NodeJS + Typescript
This API was built for a fictitious car rental company - RentX, during the Ignite - NodeJS Trail course by Rocketseat.
- It must be possible to register a new car.
- It should not be possible to register a car with an existing license plate.
- The car must be registered, by default, with availability.
- The user responsible for the registration must be an administrator user.
- It should be possible to list all available cars
- It should be possible to list all available cars by - category name
- It should be possible to list all available cars by - brand name
- It should be possible to list all available cars by - car name
- The user does not need to be logged into the system.
- It must be possible to register a specification for a car
- It should not be possible to register a specification for an - unregistered car.
- It should not be possible to register an existing specification for the same car.
- The user responsible for the registration must be a user - administrator.
- It must be possible to register the image of the car
- Use multer to upload files
- The user must be able to register more than one image for the - same car
- The user responsible for the registration must be a user - administrator.
- It must be possible to register a rental
- The rental must have a minimum duration of 24 hours.
- It should not be possible to register a new lease if there is already one open for the same user
- It should not be possible to register a new rental if there is already one open for the same car
- The user must be logged into the application
- When making a rental, the status of the car must be - changed to unavailable
- It must be possible to return a car
- If the car is returned with less than 24 hours, it will be charged the full daily rate.
- When making the return, the car must be released for - another rental.
- When making the return, the user must be released - for another rental.
- When making the return, the total rent must be calculated.
- If the return time is longer than the expected delivery time, a fine will be charged - proportional to the days of delay.
- If there is a fine, it must be added to the total rent.
- The user must be logged into the application
- It must be possible to search for all rentals for the user
- The user must be logged into the application
- It must be possible for the user to recover the password by informing the email
- The user must receive an email with the step by step for password recovery
- User should be able to enter a new password
- User needs to enter a new password
- The link sent for recovery must expire in 3 hours
1. Run a git clone
git clone git@github.com:LuisMarchio03/ignite-rentx.git
2. Access the project
cd ignite-rentx
3. install the dependencies
npm i
4. run the application
yarn dev
npm run dev
Unitary tests + Integration Tests + Jest
LuisMarchio03 - GitHub
Luís Gabriel Marchió Batista - Linkedin