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LukeZGD edited this page Feb 20, 2024 · 20 revisions

powdersn0w refers to custom firmware creation that utilizes an exploit with iOS 5 or iOS 7, allowing to restore and boot to unsigned target iOS versions. The term powdersn0w originated from the original tool of the same name by kok3shidoll (also known as dora2ios.)

The target versions supported can range to all supported iOS versions of that device, except for iOS 3 and 10. iOS 4.2.x and below versions also do not work for the iPad 1 and iPhone 4 CDMA (iPhone3,3).

In Legacy iOS Kit, powdersn0w is modified to add features including automatic creation of files needed, ease of use, and extended platform, device and version support.

To use the powdersn0w feature, you will need iOS 7 SHSH blobs for your device. The exceptions to this are the iPad 1, iPod touch 3, and iPhone 4 devices, where no blobs are needed since iOS 5.1.1 and 7.1.2 are signed.


  • iPad 1 and iPod touch 3
  • iPhone 4 GSM and CDMA (iPhone3,1 and iPhone3,3)
  • iPad 2 Rev A (iPad2,4) - iOS 7.1.x blobs
  • iPad 4 - iOS 7.0.x blobs
  • iPhone 4S - iOS 7.1.x blobs
  • iPhone 5 and 5C - iOS 7.0.x or 7.1.x blobs
  • iPod touch 5 - iOS 7.1.x blobs


For usage, go to Restore-iPhone-4-and-older or Restore 32-bit device

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