(@bug Seems to be due to ob's segmentation rendering, which causes a bug in render mode because it is too long (wrong selection range).) fixing this bug:Since things that are not the same "paragraph" may be rendered separately, you can wrap them in code blocks or reference blocks to make them an "indivisible" whole
You can include a large area and you don't need to select the end location
(注意:一般使用N级标题选择器所选择的范围为两个N-1级标题之间的范围) (@todo 按理说这里应该还要有个选项,能够选择当前标题的同级项还是低级项)
- 局部选择器
- 列表选择器
- 引用块选择器
- 代码块选择器
- 全局选择器
- 范围选择器
- 标题选择器
console.log("Hello World")
(@bug Does not currently take effect in render mode)
such as:
- 局部选择器
- 列表选择器
- 引用块选择器
- 代码块选择器
- 全局选择器
- 范围选择器
- 标题选择器
包括引用块 12345
console.log("Hello World")
包括公式块 $$ 1+1=2 $$ }.
==其中,标题选择器最有意思的一点:可以通过'title2list'转化为列表。== ==即列表能做到的标题也能,甚至更强大,可以支持大纲嵌套列表和正文==
==Among them, the most interesting point of the title selector: it can be converted into a list through 'title2list', that is, Even the headings that lists can do, and even more powerful, can support outline nested lists and bodies==
- 局部选择器
- 列表选择器
- 引用块选择器
- 代码块选择器
- 全局选择器
- 范围选择器
- 标题选择器
console.log("Hello World")
syntactic candy:
when use title selector: the first processor like list2xxx
will being title2list|list2xxx
- Long history
- ::icon(fa fa-book)
- Popularisation
- British popular psychology author Tony Buzan
On effectiveness
and features
On Automatic creation
- Uses
- Creative techniques
- Strategic planning
- Argument mapping
- Pen and paper
- Mermaid
- Long history
- ::icon(fa fa-book)
- Popularisation
- British popular psychology author Tony Buzan
On effectiveness
and features
On Automatic creation
- Uses
- Creative techniques
- Strategic planning
- Argument mapping
- Pen and paper
- Mermaid
- Long_history
- Popularisation
- British_popular_psychology_author_Tony_Buzan
- Uses
- Creative_techniques
- Strategic_planning
- Argument_mapping
- Uses
- Pen_and_paper
- Mermaid
- Long history
- ::icon(fa fa-book)
- Popularisation
- British popular psychology author Tony Buzan
On effectiveness
and features
On Automatic creation
- Uses
- Creative techniques
- Strategic planning
- Argument mapping
- Pen and paper
- Mermaid