- Department of Computer Engineering
- Advanced Programming project
- Fall 2022
This is an educational consulting system. This system consists of Managers, Consultants and Students. Managers supervise consultants and each consultant, write study plans and checks them correctly executed by their group of students.
You can run jar file of the project in out/artifacts/AP_Project_jar directory. please notice that you must have redis installed and running on port 6379 of your machine in order for project to get connected to DataBase. alternatively you can pull the docker image of project from here and run the following instructions in the terminal.please notice that you have to have docker installed and activated on your machine. you also must have the official image of redis on your machine.
- docker network create mynet
- docker run -p 6000:6379 -d --name myred --network mynet redis
- docker run -p 80:80 -i -t --network mynet mr87mohammadi/ap-project-image
At the beginning you have to choose your role and then enter your credentials to sing in, then you'll see a menu, based on your role, and you can choose the items on the menu. anyone can # as a student, but consultants must be signed up by the manager. managers themselves must be signed up by the owner, and they cannot be added by themselves or any other role but the owner. for interacting with the program you just have to click on the numbers based on the menu that you're currently seeing on the terminal. if you had any question about object-oriented design of the project, you can check diagrams and other related assets which are in the root of project in specified folders.
Mahdi Mohammadi
Feel free to use the project resources.
If you had any question about the project, send a message to my Telegram
In the future, we are going to make a graphical user interface for the project.