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Paparazzi Patches

Mohammad Jafar Mashhadi edited this page Jul 30, 2020 · 3 revisions

For the research project I was doing, I patched up paparazzi source code to better suit my needs. Here I am documenting the required changes.

Version Info

Paparazzi Version: 5.14 (paparazzi/paparazzi 3fb4ee4d5)


Frequency of FLIGHT_PARAM messages

This message is sent by server every 500ms [1]. To match what I was collecting from MicroPilot I changed it too 200ms.

let aircraft_msg_period = 500 (* ms *)

Added custom telemetry mode

I created a new telemetry mode (lazily named it mjafar) that sends required input/outputs with a 5Hz frequency. Most notable of those is the COMMANDS message that provides the servo outputs.

<mode name="mjafar">
  <message name="AIRSPEED"            period="0.2"/>
  <message name="ATTITUDE"            period="0.2"/>
  <message name="CIRCLE"              period="0.2"/>
  <message name="COMMANDS"            period="0.2"/>
  <message name="NAVIGATION"          period="0.2"/>
  <message name="DESIRED"             period="0.2"/>
  <message name="PPRZ_MODE"           period="5."/>
  <message name="SETTINGS"            period="5."/>
  <message name="GPS"                 period="0.25"/>
  <message name="ALIVE"               period="5"/>
  <message name="ESTIMATOR"           period="1.3"/>
  <message name="WP_MOVED"            period="1.4"/>
  <message name="ENERGY"              period="1.1"/>
  <message name="SEGMENT"             period="3.2"/>
  <message name="CALIBRATION"         period="5.1"/>
  <message name="NAVIGATION_REF"      period="9."/>
  <message name="STATE_FILTER_STATUS" period="5."/>
  <message name="DATALINK_REPORT"     period="5.1"/>
  <message name="DL_VALUE"            period="1.5"/>
  <message name="IR_SENSORS"          period="5.2"/>
  <message name="IMU_GYRO"            period="10.1"/>
  <message name="SURVEY"              period="2.1"/>
  <message name="GPS_SOL"             period="5.0"/>

this message should be added to default_fixedwing.xml

Changed GCS default map loading policies

Hotfixed two options in GCS to load map tiles from cache only and also load them automatically as the map moves. Having to set these options from the menu every time that I opened the GCS was annoying!

(1) Set auto to true. [2]

let auto = ref true

(2) Change default policy to NoHttp somewhere during the program start. [3]

Gm.set_policy Gm.NoHttp;
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