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Maescool edited this page Mar 23, 2012 · 6 revisions

This document explains what the Multiplayer will be/should be looking like

Phase 1 (DONE)

Massive backend work

Total redesign of how MP(multiplayer) will be handled by the client

Current state

Now the 2 clients are bawse, synced with a synchronized random On LAN this works perfectly fine, but as soon there is some latency (ping) between the 2 clients, everything goes foobar..

Future view

There is a lot of documentation about how MP networking can be done, here is some reading material:

this means:

  • fast but reliable network connection (extended UDP) (TCP IS ABSOLUTE EVIL FOR MULTIPLAYER!)
  • input prediction
  • lag compensation
  • ticks handled by the server

Phase 2

Multiplayer Lobby

The title explains it self.. when hosting a server, player can join a lobby, until the game-master starts the game.

Master server

When you host a server, you have the choice to make it public or private

Phase 3

Ranking system

Tis will require that you register your nickname, so your game-stats will be ranked.. this is just some initial information that this phase is in the back of our minds, but needs to be worked out..