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A C application for creating animated presentations


Animated Presentation is a presentaiton software written from scratch in C. It can run on Linux, Windows, and there is a web version. To get started with Animated Presentation, install the latest release for your platform of choice. You can also download the example presentation if you would like.

The presentations are made a in custom, human-readable, file format. To run the program, you need to specify which presentation file to load. In the web version, the file to load is specified in a paragraph tag in the HTML. For Windows and Linux, the file to load will be the first command line argument. If there is no argument, it will try to load main.pres by default. On Windows, you can also right click a presentation file, click open with, choose another applicaiton, and open it with Animated-Presentation.exe.

File Format

There is a custom file format for presentation files: .pres. It is similar to JSON. Here is an example:

plugins = [
settings = [
    reference_dim = vec2{ 1600, 900 },
    background_color = vec4{ .5, 0.6, 0.7, 1 },
    title = "Test Presentation"
slides = [
    global {
        font {
            source = "res/Hack.ttf",
            sizes = [64, 96],
            default = true
    slide {
        text {
            x = 300, y = 100,
            text = "Hello World\nHello Again",
            center_y = true, center_x = true
            col = vec4{ 0, 1, 1, 1 }

As you can see, there are three main parts to a .pres file: plugins, settings, and slides.


Here are the core data types:

  • Float 64 (double)
    • 123.456
  • Strings
    • "Hello World\nHello Again"
  • Booleans
    • true or false
  • 2D Vector
    • vec2{1, 2}
  • 3D Vector
    • vec3{3, 4, 5}
  • 4D Vector
    • vec4{6, 7, 8, 0}

You can also have an array of each of these. All elements in an array have to be the same type. The type of the array is implicitly defined by the first element.

[ "One", "Two", "Three " ]


This is the most straight forward section. Plugins are just a list of strings that contain the name of each plugin. This does not include the path or the file extension. The actual plugin files are dynamic libraries and are stored in a plugins folder that is in the executable directory.

In the example, I am using plugin_basic and plugin_text. These are two plugins that I wrote, and they come with the application. There is more information about these two below.


This is also relatively simple. There are three fields that you can set in settings.

  • reference_dim
    • The application will scale these dimensions to fit the current window.
    • All objects can treat the screen as having these dimensions
  • background_color
    • This is just the background color
    • RGBA
  • title
    • This will be the title of the window or tab that the application is running in


This is where the majority of the presentation is defined. Broadly, this is a list of slide, but there is one exception. You can have one special global slide. In the example, I am using the global slide to load in a font.

A slide is a list of object and an object is a set of key-value pairs separated by commas. The key-value pairs are defined by the plugins.

test_obj {
    key1 = 123.456,
    key2 = [ "Hello", "World" ],
    key3 = false


This plugin has four objects: rectangles, images, convex polygons, and bezier curves.

  • rectangle
    • x: f64
    • y: f64
    • w: f64
      • Width
    • h: f64
      • Height
    • fill: bool
      • Whether or not to fill the rectangle
    • fill_col: vec4
      • RGBA
    • col: vec4
      • RGBA
    • outline: bool
      • Whether or not to have an outline on the rectangle
    • outline_col: vec4
      • RGBA
    • outline_width: f64
      • How wide the outline should be
      • NOTE: the total dimensions of the rectangle will not change; the outlne will grow inward
  • image
    • x: f64
    • y: f64
    • scale: vec2
      • Instead of width and height, images have a scale factor that is so that you can easily maintain the original image's aspect ratio
    • source: string8
      • File path of the image
    • col: vec4
      • RGBA
  • polygon
    • x: f64
    • y: f64
    • points: vec2 []
      • List of points for the polygon
      • NOTE: As of now, polygons have to be convex
    • col: vec4
      • RGBA
  • bezier
    • p0: vec2
    • p1: vec2
    • p2: vec2
    • p3: vec2
      • The points of the bezier
    • width: f64
    • col: vec4
      • RGBA
    • gradient: bool
    • start_col: vec4
    • end_col: vec4
      • Colors for the gradient


This plugins only has two objects: font and text. This plugin uses stb_truetype.h and stb_rect_pack.h for font rendering.

  • font
    • source: string8
      • Path to font file
    • sizes: f64 []
      • List of possible font sizes
    • default: bool
      • Whether or not this is the default font
      • The default size is the first size in the list
    • NOTE: I would recommend to putting font in the global slide
  • text
    • text: string8
    • font: string8
      • The font to use, not including the full path and file extension
      • Ex: For a font at res/MyFont.ttf, you would write "MyFont" for this field
    • x: f64
    • y: f64
    • center_x: bool
    • center_y: bool
    • col: vec4
      • RGBA

Build Instructions

This project uses premake5 for build configuration.

git clone
cd Animated-Presentation

NOTE: By default, clang will be used on both linux and windows. To avoid this, you can use the --no-clang option when running premake.


You can change the version if you do not have Visual Studio 2022 installed.

premake5 vs2022

Open the Visual Studio Solution to build the project.


You made need to install some packages. The project needs to link with X11, GL, and GLX.

premake5 gmake2


This does not work well on Windows. If you can only use Windows, you will have to modify the makefile that premake5 generates.

premake5 gmake2 --wasm
emmake make

Custom Plugins


Inspired by


A C application for creating animated presentations







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