A powerful and beautiful configurator for Sacred and Sacred Underworld, with using the Material Design.
- Material Design style application. Thanks Material De# Xaml.
- Many useful and very useful settings for the game Sacred and Sacred Underworld.
- Flexibility in customization, you can change a lot in SacredUtils!
- Constant support and updates, bug fixes, help with the game.
- Convenient management of settings and quick work.
- Compatible from Sacred 1.0 to Sacred 2.29.14. (Modifications not supported (e.g FaithfulMod, RavenRock)).
- Run the game with optimized parameters right from the SacredUtils!
- Installing voiceovers (ru, en, de, sp) and gui languages (ru, en, de, sp, fr), and gameserver multicore fix!
- Installing veteran mod and veteran mod dragon fix (by UFO or thourium).
- Installing 2.29.14 and 2.28.01 patches on Sacred Underworld!
- Running balance.bin and creature.pak and weapon.pak editors!
- Running Sacred Hero editor, Sacred Hotkey Tweaker, Sacred Hero Resetter!
- Possibility automatic creating colored nicknames! For one second!
- Working with global.res files (e.g decompiling and compiling global.res).
- Settings generation, auto generate settings.cfg if there is no file.
- Is multilanguage! SacredUtils support: ru, en languages. (en semi-machine translation).
- Check the components of the Sacred Underworld (only 2.28 - 2.29.14) for integrity!
- Enabling or disabling func "Water animation" without set low graphics!
- Enabling or disabling func "bog animation", "lava animation", "player footprints".
- Restoring old Sacred interface, all likes a lot, I think so.
- Ability changing keyboard language layout simple in game! (Shift + Alt)
- Ability running Sacred with CHEATS=1 argument, easy, lol, with fun cheaters.
- Ability create screenshots in FullHD resolution and high (over 4k) :D
- Cool, very fast and cool x2 change hotkey function, use our hotkeys :DD
- Download the source and run the SacredUtils (compiling source requires VS2017+ and .NET 4.7.2+ and C# 7.3).
- Download a pre-compiled SacredUtils from the releases page.
- Download latest version from google drive Release type or Alpha type.
- See SacredUtils change log here (latest version above change log page).
- Hit the star button or say thanks message to MairwunNx@gmail.com .
- May be... Donate please :) QIWI or Yandex.Money.
- Well, or the easiest way to leave feedback here.
- Special thanks to Sha**no*us for testing for errors and bugs and design work test!
- Special thanks to Keboo for beautiful Material Design library and for help with code!
- Special thanks to JetBrains for the free student license! Use this wonderful product!
- All tasks for the future are made! If you have idea, open Issue or send it on email me.