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FCC Cheat Sheet


Below you will find a table with notes to help you review each Free Code Camp challenge. Keywords are in bold text. Additional comments from me are in italics. :)

The table is organized into 3 columns:

Lesson Summary Example Code*
The name of the FCC challenge, with link. A summary of what the challenge teaches in 3 bullet points or less. Some code that demonstrates the concepts in the challenge.

*Please note: the example code is JUST AN EXAMPLE, it is NOT THE ANSWER. Let's not be that much of cheaters :D


Lesson Summary Example Code
Say Hello to HTML Elements
  • You can edit code in a text editor.Some popular text editors are Sublime Text, Atom, and Brackets.
  • Most HTML elements have an opening tag <> and a closing tag </>.
  • The only difference between opening tags <> and closing tags </> is that closing tags have a slash / after their opening angle bracket. The word immediately after the opening < or </ is the element name.
<h1> SOME TEXT HERE </h1>
Headline with the h2 Element
  • Elements tell the browser about the structure of your website.
  • h1 elements are often used for main headings, and h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6 elements can be used for sub-headings.
<h1> Main Heading </h1>

<h2>Second Heading</h2>

<h3>Third Heading</h3>
Inform with the Paragraph Element
  • p elements are used for normal-sized paragraphs of text.
Uncomment HTML
  • You can make comments inside your code that will not affect the output of the code.
  • To make a comment in HTML, put <!-- and --> before and after what you want to comment.
  • "Uncomment" means "remove the comment tags" (<!-- and -->)
<!-- <h1> This heading will not show up. </h1> -->

<h1> This heading will show up. </h1>
Comment Out HTML
  • Comments are also a good way to temporarily deactivate part of your code.
<!-- <h1> deactivated heading </h1> -->

<p>active paragraph</p>
Fill In the Blank with Placeholder Text
  • Lorem Ipsum is a section of meaningless text that is used as a placeholder. Read more here
  • Placeholder text is used when you want to see how content will look in your design, but you don't have the real content yet.
  • "Kitty ipsum" is FCC's custom version of lorem ipsum. Here are some more fun ones: Khaled Ipsum, Hipster Ipsum, Cat Ipsum, Corporate Ipsum
<p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.</p>
Delete HTML Elements
  • Really? You want to know how to delete an element? Try the backspace key...
There aren't any elements here. I guess I deleted them. Oops!
Change the Color of Text
  • You can put attributes (additional pieces of information) right after the element name, inside the opening tag.
  • Most attributes follow the format: attribute="...".
  • You can change the color (font color) of an element by using the style attribute: style="color: ..."
<p style="color: purple">
this text will be purple
Use CSS Selectors to Style Elements
  • You can also change the way an element looks by using CSS style rules. Your CSS will go inside a style element.
  • CSS style rules have the format:
    selector { property: value; }
  • You can use any element name (like h2 or p) in front of the brackets to select all elements of that type.

h2 { color: purple; }


<h2> This will be purple. </h2>
<p> This will not be purple.</p>
Use a CSS Class to Style an Element
  • The HTML class attribute is used for elements that have something in common. It looks like this:
  • To select elements with a certain class in CSS, use a period . followed by the class name:
    .class-name { ... }
.yellow { color: yellow; }

<h2 class="yellow"> This will be yellow. </h2>
Style Multiple Elements with a CSS Class
  • Because classes are used for grouping elements, you can add the class attribute to as many elements as you want.
.yellow { color: yellow; }

<h2 class="yellow"> This is yellow. </h2>
<p class="yellow"> This is also yellow. </p>
Change the Font Size of an Element
  • You can change the font size (the size of text) by using the CSS font-size property.
  • One of the most common ways to measure font size is in pixels (px). The default font size on Chrome is 16px.
  • It is also common to measure font size in ems (em). A font size of 2em will be twice as big as normal text.
h2 { font-size: 2em; }
p { font-size: 20px; }

<h2> This is bigger. </h2>
<p> This is big. </p>
Set the Font Family of an Element
  • You can change the font family (the style of text) by using the CSS font-family property.
  • You can use the keywords serif, sans-serif and monospace to use the browser's default font for those font styles.
  • You can add more than one property: value; pair to your style rules, just keep the opening bracket { on the same line as the selector.
p {
font-size: 20px;
font-family: sans-serif;

<p> This is big sans-serif text. </p>
Import a Google Font
  • You can also use the name of a specific font to set the font family.
  • You can use a basic set of fonts available on your computer (such as Arial, Helvetica, or Times New Roman) or you can import another font from Google Fonts or somewhere else.
  • You can link to another file, such as a CSS file, with a <link> element.
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

h2 { font-family: Quicksand; }

<h2> Heading in the Quicksand font </h2>
Specify How Fonts Should Degrade
  • Not all fonts and features work in all browsers. Sometimes we have to fall back, or degrade, to a different option.
  • You can include a list of font names for the CSS font-family property, and the browser will use the first one that it can.
  • The font names should be separated by a comma ,. Usually keywords such as sans-serif come last.
p { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; }

<p> If the computer doesn't have Arial, it will use whatever sans-serif font it has. </p>
Add Images to Your Website
  • You can add an image with an <img> element.
  • The src attribute contains the image address (often ends in .jpg or .png), and the alt attribute contains alternative text to display if the image cannot be loaded.
  • Elements that only use one tag, such as <link> and <img>, are called self-closing elements.
<img src="" alt=".jpg photo of Crater Lake under the stars">

<img src="" alt="random photo via the API">
Size Your Images
  • You can use the CSS width property to set an element's width.
  • Common CSS measurements are px, em, or %.

img { width: 300px; }
h2 { width: 50%; }

Add Borders Around Your Elements
  • To make a border in CSS, use the border-width, border-style, and border-color properties.
  • You can also use the shorthand border property to set border width, style, and color at the same time.
  • The HTML class attribute allows more than one value inside the same quotes.
.purple-border { 1px solid purple; }

.blue-border {
border-width: 1px;
border-style: solid;
border-color: blue;

.orange-text { color: orange; }

<p class="orange-text blue-border"> orange text with blue border </p>
Add Rounded Corners with a Border Radius
  • The CSS border-radius property is used to round the borders of an element.

.rounded { border-radius: 2px; }


<img class="rounded" src="..." alt="...">
Make Circular Images with a Border Radius
  • If your element has the same height and width, any border-radius value that is 50% of the element's size or greater will result in a circle.

.circle-image {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
border-radius: 100px;


<img class="circle-image" src="..." alt="...">
Link to External Pages With Anchor Elements
  • You can use an a element, or "anchor" element, to put a link on your page.
  • The href attribute contains the link's URL, and the link text goes inside (between the tags of) the a element.
  • <a></a> vs. <link>: An a element allows the user to click on it and go to another page or section, while a link element is used for linking to files and does not display anything.
<a href=""> beautiful public domain photos </a>
Nest an Anchor Element Within a Paragraph
  • "Nest" means "put one thing inside another thing".
  • Each HTML element is actually a box - think of the opening <> and closing </> tags as the sides of the box. photo of nested boxes
  • To put something "inside" an element, you put it between the opening and closing tags of the element. (NOT inside one of the tags).
<p> Link inside paragraph: <a href=""> text inside link </a> </p>
Make Dead Links Using the Hash Symbol
  • If you don't have a specific URL for a link yet, you can set the href attribute to # to create a dead link. That way the a element will still look and behave as a link.
  • The value of an attribute refers to the part inside quotes: attribute="value".
<a href="#"> dead link </a>
Turn an Image into a Link
  • You can put HTML elements inside a elements instead of just plain text.
<a href=""> <img src="" alt="Unsplash logo"> </a>
Create a Bulleted Unordered List
  • You can use a ul element to create an "unordered list", where the items in the list are not numbered.
  • Each item in the list will be inside a li, or "list item", element.
  • ul elements are used for bullet point lists, like this one :), and also for navigation lists on web pages.
<li>You can use a ul element to create an "unordered list", where the items in the list are not numbered.</li>
<li>Each item in the list will be inside a li, or "list item", element.</li>
<li>ul elements are used for bullet point lists, like this one :), and also for navigation lists on web pages.</li>
Create an Ordered List
  • You can use an ol element to create an "ordered list", where the items in the list have a number (default) or a letter.
  • The ol element contains li elements for each list item.
<li> Thing I need to do first </li>
<li> Thing I need to do second </li>
Create a Text Field
  • An input element is used to get input from the user. It is self-closing (no end tag): <input>
  • The type attribute defines what kind of input it can get from the user. There are over 20 possible types of input.
  • An input element with type="text" will create a text field where the user can enter text.
<input type="text">

<input type="number">

<input type="date">
Add Placeholder Text to a Text Field
  • You can put a placeholder attribute inside an input element to give the user an example of what they need to type.
  • The placeholder text will show up as faded text inside the input element, and will disappear as soon as the user starts typing.
<input type="text" placeholder="@my-username">