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File metadata and controls

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Extension creates a new tab in the dataset view that enables you to upload selected resources to a connected jena fuseki triple store.



Needs a running instance of jena fuseki, see for example docker-compose file in optional folder. Point at it through env variables. Also needed is an api-token for an account with the admin privileges to make the background job work on private datasets and resources.

  • Apache Jena and Fuseki server need to be running.
  • A sparklis web app for querying the dataset, see optional folder for a container deployment of jena fuseki and sparklis.


ckanext-fuseki is an extension for enabling the semantic aspect of CKAN with Apache Jena.

This extension provides an ability to let users store a set of semantic resource (e.g. rdf, ttl, owl) in Apache Jena and perform SPARQL semantic queries.


Compatibility with core CKAN versions:

CKAN version     Compatible?  
2.8 and earlier   not tested    
2.9             yes    
2.10             yes    


TODO: Add any additional installation steps to the list below.    For example, installing any non-Python dependencies or adding any required    config settings.

To install ckanext-fuseki:

  1. Activate your CKAN virtual environment, for example:
     . /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate
  1. Clone the source and install it on the virtualenv
    git clone
    cd ckanext-fuseki
    pip install -e .
   pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Add fuseki to the ckan.plugins setting in your CKAN    config file (by default the config file is located at    /etc/ckan/default/ckan.ini).

  2. Restart CKAN. For example, if you've deployed CKAN with Apache on Ubuntu:

     sudo service apache2 reload

Config settings

CKANINI__CKANEXT__FUSEKI__URL = http://<fuseki_host>:<fuseki_port>/

or ckan.ini parameters.

ckan.jena.fuseki.url = http://<fuseki_host>:<fuseki_port>/
ckan.jena.fuseki.username = <admin_user>
ckan.jena.fuseki.password = *****

If no Api Token is given, only public resources can be uploaded to the triple store!

You can set the default formats to preselected for upload by setting the formats,

CKANINI__CKANEXT__FUSEKI__FORMATS = 'json turtle text/turtle n3 nt hext trig longturtle xml json-ld ld+json'

else it will react to the listed formats by default

if a sparklis web app is available, you can set

CKANINI__CKANEXT__FUSEKI__SPARKLIS__URL = http://<sparklis_host>:<sparklis_port>/

the query button will redirect to sparklis instead.


This project's work is based on a fork of the repo etri-odp/ckanext-jena, and we like to thank the authors of that project for sharing their work. It was supported by Institute for Information & communications Technology Promotion (IITP) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No.2017-00253, Development of an Advanced Open Data Distribution Platform based on International Standards)