This project is a simulation of an autonomous driving project based on planning and vehicle dynamics.
The planning part uses the Dijkstra algorithm for global path planning and the DWA algorithm for local path planning.
Implemented based on move_base
Global path planning: Dijkstra algorithm
The basic idea of this algorithm is to start from the initial point and gradually expand to other nodes until the target node is found or all nodes are traversed. By maintaining a distance table that records the shortest distance from the starting point to each node and a predecessor table that records the previous node in the shortest path to each node, the algorithm continuously updates the values of these two tables until the target node is found or expansion is not possible.
Local path planning: DWA algorithm
The Dynamic Window Approach (DWA) algorithm is a method for local path planning in robot navigation. It is a dynamic window-based approach to search for the best velocity command for the robot's current state to avoid obstacles and reach the target position.
The core idea of the DWA algorithm is to search a dynamic window in the velocity-turning space based on the robot's dynamics model and environmental information. This window includes some possible ranges of changes in the robot's current velocity. Then, by evaluating the safety and proximity to the target for each velocity command, the algorithm selects the best velocity command as the robot's next move.
The implementation steps of the algorithm are as follows:
- Get the current state of the autonomous vehicle, including position, velocity, and orientation.
- Define a dynamic window in the velocity-turning space, determined by the maximum velocity and maximum turning velocity limits of the autonomous vehicle.
- For each velocity command in the dynamic window, predict the trajectory of the autonomous vehicle within a given time.
- For each trajectory, evaluate its safety distance from obstacles and its distance from the target position.
- Based on the evaluation results, calculate the score for each velocity command and choose the velocity command with the highest score as the next move for the autonomous vehicle.
- Send the selected velocity command to the autonomous vehicle for execution.
The advantage of this algorithm is that it does not require smoothing the path generated by global planning, as the local paths generated by DWA conform to the vehicle's kinematics. Additionally, due to its real-time planning nature, it enables real-time obstacle avoidance.
==Refer to the
files under/src/simulation_launch/param
for the parameter settings of the path planning algorithm.==
The control part uses dual PID controllers. The advantages of using PID controllers include ease of implementation and better handling of nonlinear and time-varying systems, improving the stability and performance of the control system.
One PID controller's output is the throttle size, and the other PID controller's output is the steering angle.
//—————————————————Dual PID Controller————————————————————//
// Define PID controller parameters
// Throttle
double throttle_Kp = 1.0;
double throttle_Ki = 0.0;
double throttle_Kd = 0.0;
// Steering
double steering_Kp = 0.8;
double steering_Ki = 8.0;
double steering_Kd = 0.0;
// Outputs of the dual PID controller
double throttle_delta[2] = {0.}; // Throttle change 2D, {Throttle, Steering};
// Define dual PID controller
class PIDController {
double error; // Error
double integral; // Integral
double derivative; // Derivative
double previous_error; // Previous error
double Kp; // Proportional coefficient
double Ki; // Integral coefficient
double Kd; // Derivative coefficient
// Constructor
PIDController(double kp, double ki, double kd) {
Kp = kp;
Ki = ki;
Kd = kd;
error = 0.0;
integral = 0.0;
derivative = 0.0;
previous_error = 0.0;
// Calculate output (Throttle, Steering)
double calculate(double expectation, double measured, double dt) {
error = expectation - measured;
double output;
integral += error ;
derivative = (error - previous_error);
output = Kp * error + Ki * integral + Kd * derivative;
previous_error = error;
return output;
// Create PID controller objects
PIDController throttle_controller(throttle_Kp, throttle_Ki, throttle_Kd);
PIDController steering_controller(steering_Kp, steering_Ki, steering_Kd);
For the throttle_controller
, the input is the forward velocity, and the output is the throttle size.
For the steering_controller
, the input is the angular velocity, and the output is the steering angle.
Update the state based on the given vehicle dynamics model.
//—————————————————State Update Function————————————————————//
// State update, input parameters are the current state xC, throttle change throttle_delta, and time interval dt
void update_xC(double* xC, double* throttle_delta, double dt) {
// Define vehicle parameters
double Cm1 = 0.287; // Front wheel slip torque coefficient
double Cm2 = 0.0545; // Front wheel slip torque coefficient
double Cr0 = 0.0218; // Tire rolling resistance coefficient
double Cr2 = 0.00035; // Tire rolling resistance coefficient
double B_r = 3.3852; // Rear wheel lateral force coefficient
double C_r = 1.2691; // Rear wheel lateral force coefficient
double D_r = 0.1737; // Rear wheel longitudinal force coefficient
double B_f = 2.579; // Front wheel lateral force coefficient
double C_f = 1.2; // Front wheel lateral force coefficient
double D_f = 0.192; // Front wheel longitudinal force coefficient
// Define vehicle mass and inertia
double m = 0.041; // Vehicle mass
double Iz = 27.8e-6; // Vehicle inertia
double l_f = 0.029; // Distance from front axle to center of mass
double l_r = 0.033; // Distance from rear axle to center of mass
double g = 9.8; // Gravity acceleration
// Calculate front and rear axle loads
double Nf = m * g * l_r / (l_f + l_r);
double Nr = m * g * l_f / (l_f + l_r);
// Get the current state
double phi = xC[2]; // Current yaw angle of the vehicle
double v_x = xC[3]; // Current longitudinal velocity of the vehicle
double v_y = xC[4]; // Current lateral velocity of the vehicle
double omega = xC
[5]; // Current angular velocity of the vehicle
double D = throttle_delta[0]; // Throttle change
double delta = throttle_delta[1]; // Steering wheel angle
// Calculate front and rear wheel slip angles
double alpha_f = std::atan2((l_f * omega + v_y), std::abs(v_x)) - delta;
double alpha_r = std::atan2((v_y - l_r * omega), std::abs(v_x));
// Calculate front and rear wheel lateral and longitudinal forces
double F_fy = D_f * std::sin(C_f * std::atan(-B_f * alpha_f));
double F_fx = -Cr0 * Nf - Cr2 * v_x * v_x;
double F_ry = D_r * std::sin(C_r * std::atan(-B_r * alpha_r));
double F_rx = (Cm1 * D - Cm2 * D * v_x - Cr0 * Nr - Cr2 * v_x * v_x);
// Calculate dx
double dx[6] = {0.0};
dx[0] = v_x * std::cos(phi) - v_y * std::sin(phi);
dx[1] = v_y * std::cos(phi) + v_x * std::sin(phi);
dx[2] = omega;
dx[3] = 1 / m * (F_rx + F_fx * std::cos(delta) - F_fy * std::sin(delta) + m * v_y * omega);
dx[4] = 1 / m * (F_ry + F_fx * std::sin(delta) + F_fy * std::cos(delta) - m * v_x * omega);
dx[5] = 1 / Iz * (F_fx * std::sin(delta) * l_f + F_fy * l_f * std::cos(delta) - F_ry * l_r);
// Update xC
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {xC[i] = xC[i] + dx[i]*dt ;}
// Set initial state constraints to position and velocity to 0
if(throttle_delta[0] == 0.0 && throttle_delta[1] == 0.0){xC[0] = 0.0;xC[3] = 0.0;}
// Limit x-axis velocity
if (xC[3] < min_vx && xC[3]!=0) {xC[3] = min_vx;}
if (xC[3] > max_vx) {xC[3] = max_vx;}
// Limit y-axis velocity
xC[4] = 0.0;
// Limit angular velocity
if (xC[5] > max_vphi) {xC[5] = max_vphi;}
if (xC[5] < min_vphi) {xC[5] = min_vphi;}
The controllers are integrated into the main function vehicle_fake_node
and are not implemented as separate nodes.
- Ubuntu 20.04.2
- ROS1 Noetic
- rviz
- map_server
- move_base
- amcl
Running the project:
Create a workspace and open a terminal
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws
Copy the
folder into this directory. -
Compile the packages
Set the environment variables
source ./devel/setup.bash
Run the launch file to start the nodes
roslaunch simulation_launch move_base_simulation.launch
After that, in the opened rviz visualization interface, use 2D Pose Estimate and 2D Nav Goal to select the start and end points for simulation.