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Gui Modifiers

Lily edited this page Jan 19, 2024 · 46 revisions

Gui Modifiers (Slotify)

Gui Modifiers allow you to tweak many aspects of a GUI.

These include:

  • Moving slots
  • Adding images
  • Changing slots highlight color
  • Move some specific GUI elements

Modifiers were a feature from Slotify, mod which has been merged into Polytone. You can also refer to its old wiki page here

Getting started

You can start by adding a simple .json files in your resource pack in the path assets/[your pack namespace]/polytone/gui_modifiers/[modifier name].json

You can name them whatever you want but you'll need to create ONE PER GUI you want to target.

Here is an example of a simple gui modifier. Following will be a more in depth explanation

  "target_type": "menu_id",  
  "target": "generic_9x3",  
  "slot_modifiers": [  
      "slots": "27->62",  
      "x_offset": 0,  
      "y_offset": 7  
  "sprites": [  
      "x": -8,  
      "y": -8,  
      "z": -500,  
      "width": 16,  
      "height": 16,  
      "texture": "textures/block/stone.png"  

This is a simple gui modifier for the normal chest. It places a 16x16 sprite of the minecraft stone texture in the middle of the screen, as well as offsetting the entire player inventory by 7 pixels to the bottom.

JSON Structure

Each modifier can contain these fields:

Field Function
target_type GUI targeting strategy
target Information on GUI to target
slots_modifiers Slot modification logic
widgets_modifiers Button modification logic
special_offsets Some special offset parameters for some specific GUI
title_x_offset Screen title x offset
title_y_offset Screen title y offset
label_x_offset Screen label x offset
label_y_offset Screen label y offset
sprites Extra images to render on the Screen


The target_type is used to determine which GUI to target.

When it comes to GUI, game uses two types of concepts:

  • Screens: represent what a player actually sees.
  • Menu: a server side abstraction that handles Slots and communicates them to its own Screen.

Different targeting strategies are thus requires as not all Screens have a Menu and only Menu have a unique Registry ID associated with them. Both of them can have unique classes.

Here is what each of the target types are:

target_type value Required target Content Can modify slots?
menu_class Obfuscated full class path of target Menu class yes
menu_id Registry name of the Menu you are targeting yes
screen_title Sceen title's translation key no
screen_class Obfuscated full class path of target Screen class no

Note that all the _class types can also work with non obfuscated / non fully qualified class paths in some circumstances.

Here below is an example for each:

The target field defines which GUI is being targeted, when menu_class is the target type, you will need the class obfuscated class path like shown below.

    "target_type": "menu_class",  
    "target": "net.minecraft.class_1723"

If the target_type is set to menu_id, you will need to use one of the predefined GUI names as the target, the full list can be found further down.

    "target_type": "menu_id",  
    "target": "generic_9x6"

When using "screen_title" as your "target_type" you can either use translation strings or the screen name shown ingame as the "target".

    "target_type": "screen_title",  
    "target": "container.enderchest"

The "target_type" "screen_class" refers to specific screen classes and needs the screen class name as the "target".

    "target_type": "screen_class",  
    "target": "net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.inventory.SignEditScreen"

Do note that "screen_title" takes priority when layered with "menu_id"


Slot modifiers can be used to tweak the position of the specified GUI's slots on screen.

Note the square brackets denote a list meaning you can define multiple modifiers in the same slots_modifier field.

Here is a list of all the parameters and their use

Parameter Content
slots Slots to target
x_offset Screen X pixel offset
y_offset Screen Y pixel offset
color Slot Highlight primary color
color2 Slot Highlight secondary color

The slot numbers are the ones are assigned to each slot, for figuring out which slot has which number, you can use this website

They can be defined either as an integer,

    "slot_modifiers": [  
        "slots": 0,  
        "x_offset": -20,  
        "y_offset": 22  

as an array of integers

      "slot_modifiers": [  
          "slots": [1,2,3,4],  
          "x_offset": 27,  
           "y_offset": -11  

or as a string formatted as "[from slot]->[to slot]".

    "slot_modifiers": [  
          "slots": "5->8",  
          "x_offset": 36,  
          "y_offset": -1,  
          "color": "#696969",  
          "color2": "#tf67hj"  

The specified slots' locations on the screen can be modified using x_offset and y_offset with an integer representing the offset in screen pixels.

Their hover color can be changed using color, color2 and the #hexcode as a string.

The "special_offsets" currently only includes "player" (the survival inventory player model), which can be modified in the same way as slots (excluding color).

    "special_offsets": {  
      "player": {  
        "x_offset": 35,  
        "y_offset": 0  


Sprites are useful for appending further textures in inventories, they use "x", "y" and "z" to determine the position on screen.

    "sprites": [  
        "x": -102,  
        "y": -95,  
        "z": -200,  
        "width": 204,  
        "height": 190,  
        "texture": "assets/modid/textures/gui/container/inventory_frame.png"  

"z" determines the layer on which the texture is placed, ranging from -200 to 200. use -200 if items should appear on top of the custom sprite.
"width" and "height" determine the size of your sprite, it is recommended to use the actual size of your texture to get accurate pixel sizes.
The texture path is the same as in vanilla, pointing to a .png in your assets/textures folder.


Widget modifiers let you customize buttons such as the 'sign' button in the book and quill screen, they are split into target parameters and modifiers, the former being used to find the button that you want to modify and the latter to modify the button.

These are used to target the buttons upper left corner, the coordinates are measured in pixels, originating from the center of the screen.

    "widget_modifiers": [  
        "target_x": 2,  
        "target_y": 2,  
        "target_message": "done",  
        "target_width": 4,  
        "target_class_name": "Button",   

"target_message" is used to select the specific Button with this label.
"target_width" is used to specify the size of the targeted button.
"target_class_name" specifies the targeted button via class names.

"x_offset" and "y_offset" are used to offset the targeted button like slots.
"width_increment" modifies the width of the targeted button.

        "x_offset": 5,  
        "y_offset": 4  
        "width_increment": 4


"title_x_offset" and "title_y_offset" move the title text of the GUI/screen.

      "title_x_offset": -14,  
      "title_y_offset": 20  


"label_x_offset" and "label_y_offset" move the label text of the GUI/screen.

      "label_x_offset": -14,  
      "label_y_offset": 20  

Vanilla Menu Registry ID target list

  • inventory (if this also modifies the creative inventory please use this)
  • generic_9x1
  • generic_9x2
  • generic_9x3
  • generic_9x4
  • generic_9x5
  • generic_9x6
  • generic_3x3
  • anvil
  • beacon
  • blast_furnace
  • brewing_stand
  • crafting
  • enchantment
  • furnace
  • grindstone
  • hopper
  • lectern
  • loom
  • merchant
  • shulker_box
  • smithing
  • smoker
  • cartography_table
  • stonecutter

Modify Survival Inventory

Sometimes a special class is required to modify the survival inventory without messing up the creative one. In this case, please use this as the target and target_type:

  "target_type": "menu_class",
    "target": "net.minecraft.class_1723",
    "slot_modifiers": []
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