This is a note on using Jekyll on rainbow/hydro server (IIS U-Tokyo internal note)
- Ruby is already installed Make sure you can use it.
ruby -v
(ruby version to be shown)
- Make your own ruby/gem environment. Add below to your .bashrc
vi ~/.bashrc
(add followings)
#Install Ruby Gems to ~/gems
export GEM_HOME="$HOME/gems"
export PATH="$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH"
Then, install jekyll bandler
gem install jekyll bundler
- Make a test jekyll site Make a test directory and check whether jekyll works OK.
cd ~
mkdir ~/jekyll_test # if you have not created this
cd ~/jekyll_test
jekyll new myblog
cd ./myblog
(Gemfile and other jekill files are shown)
If Jekyll files are generated, this should be OK.
- Test Yamazaki lab site. Copy Yamazaki lab jekyll sources (from GitHub or copy from ~yamadai/public_html/jekyll/). Put it to ~USER/public_html/jekyll. The directory should look like this.
mkdir ~/public_html # if you have not created public_html)
cd ~/public_html/
cp -r ~yamadai/public_html/jekyll ~/public_html/
cd ~/public_html/jekyll
(jekyll datas are to be shown)
assets/ css/ favicon.ico Gemfile images/ js/ _pages/ _site/
_config.yml _data/ fonts/ Gemfile.lock _includes/ _layouts/ _plugins/ _sass/
Remove Gemfile.lock and update it by "gem update", new Gemfile.lock will be created.
cd ~/public_html/jekyll
rm Gemfile.lock
gem update
(this will take some time)
Change "baseurl" in _config.yml to your hydro web url
vi ~/jekyll/_config.yml
(modify followings)
# If constructed on website root, no need to specify
#baseurl: ""
#url: ""
# If constructed other than website root, specify directory
baseurl: ""
url: ""
Then, build jekyll page, static HTML is generated in _site/
jekyll build
ls _site
(index.html and other pages+data ae shown)
Now It can be viewed from web browser (