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Using Jekyll on Rainbow

This is a note on using Jekyll on rainbow/hydro server (IIS U-Tokyo internal note)

Install jekyll

  1. Ruby is already installed Make sure you can use it.
ruby -v
 (ruby version to be shown)
  1. Make your own ruby/gem environment. Add below to your .bashrc
vi ~/.bashrc
 (add followings)
#Install Ruby Gems to ~/gems
export GEM_HOME="$HOME/gems"
export PATH="$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH"

Then, install jekyll bandler

gem install jekyll bundler
  1. Make a test jekyll site Make a test directory and check whether jekyll works OK.
cd ~
mkdir ~/jekyll_test  # if you have not created this
cd ~/jekyll_test
jekyll new myblog
cd ./myblog
 (Gemfile and other jekill files are shown)

If Jekyll files are generated, this should be OK.

  1. Test Yamazaki lab site. Copy Yamazaki lab jekyll sources (from GitHub or copy from ~yamadai/public_html/jekyll/). Put it to ~USER/public_html/jekyll. The directory should look like this.
mkdir ~/public_html   # if you have not created public_html)
cd ~/public_html/

cp -r ~yamadai/public_html/jekyll ~/public_html/
cd ~/public_html/jekyll
  (jekyll datas are to be shown)
  assets/      css/    favicon.ico  Gemfile    images/     js/        _pages/  _site/
  _config.yml  _data/  fonts/      Gemfile.lock    _includes/  _layouts/  _plugins/  _sass/

Remove Gemfile.lock and update it by "gem update", new Gemfile.lock will be created.

cd ~/public_html/jekyll
rm Gemfile.lock 
gem update
  (this will take some time)

Change "baseurl" in _config.yml to your hydro web url

vi ~/jekyll/_config.yml

(modify followings)

# If constructed on website root, no need to specify
#baseurl: ""
#url: ""
# If constructed other than website root, specify directory
baseurl: ""
url: ""

Then, build jekyll page, static HTML is generated in _site/

jekyll build
ls _site
 (index.html and other pages+data ae shown)

Now It can be viewed from web browser (