Personal website of Naiyer (@Microflash)
This site was made possible by
- Gridsome: a Jamstack framework for Vue.js
- Gridsome Portfolio Starter: a simple portfolio theme for Gridsome
- Gridsome Casper V3 Starter: a Gridsome starter based on the Casper theme for Ghost
- Fuse.js: a lightweight fuzzy-search in JavaScript
- Shiki: a beautiful syntax highlighter based on TextMate grammar
- Spritely: a handy Node.js CLI to generate SVG sprites
- Bourbon: a lightweight Sass tool set
- Animate.css: a cross-browser library of CSS animations
This site uses
- CSS properties for responsive design and theme switching
- GraphQL for querying data
- Vue.js as the frontend framework
- Sass as the CSS preprocessor
- Inter as the body font
- JetBrains Mono as the
font - a custom icon pack based on Feather
- Yarn as the package manager
- Git LFS to version large files
- GitHub Actions for continuous integration
- Netlify to host the site
- Affinity Designer to create icons, diagrams and illustrations
The source of this site is available under MIT, the content under CC by SA.