A wrapper for the Microsoft LUIS cognitive that provides universal language support (after training) using the bing translate api
The .NET port can be found here: ULIS.NET
- LUIS Account
- Bing Translate Key
- Add keys to the configuration file
$ npm install ulis
- Upload natural language samples to LUIS using either the testTrainBot or the Batch insertion tool
- Tag translation intents and entities
var ulis = require('ulis');
//Setup ulisClient using client id and secret
var ulisClient = new ulis.getClient({
bingTranslate_clientId: 'TRANSLATE_CLIENT_ID',
bingTranslate_secret: 'TRANSLATE_CLIENT_SECRET',
//Or setup ulisClient using translate api_key from azure portal
var ulisClient = new ulis.getClient({
//Make a query
ulisClient.query('אפשר לקבוע תור למחר', (err, ulisRes) => {
if (err) return console.log(err.message);
console.log(`Translated As: " ${ulisRes.translatedText} "\n\nLUIS Intent: " ${ulisRes.intent} " \n\nLUIS Entities \n\n" ${JSON.stringify(ulisRes.entities)}`);
Optionally, you can specify the format of the text being translated. The supported formats are text/plain
(default) and text/html
It is also possible to execute a function on the translated text before it is sent to LUIS. This is especially helpful if you want to exclude content from translation, see http://docs.microsofttranslator.com/text-translate.html#excluding-content-from-translation.
var ulisClient = new ulis.getClient({
// set the format
contentType: 'text/html',
// pass a function that is applied to the translated text and removes the HTML
// from text enclosed with <div class="notranslate">text<\/div>
replaceInTranslation: text => text.replace(/<div class="notranslate">(.*?)<\/div>/g, ' $1')