# Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# If you update this file, please follow
# https://suva.sh/posts/well-documented-makefiles

REPO_ROOT	:= $(shell git rev-parse --show-toplevel)

SHELL:=/usr/bin/env bash


##@ KEPs

.PHONY: update-toc verify-toc verify-metadata

update-toc: ## Updates KEP Table of Contents.

verify-toc: ## Verifies the Table of Contents is in the correct format.

verify-metadata: ## Verifies the KEP metadata is valid yaml.

##@ Verify

.PHONY: add-verify-hook verify verify-boilerplate verify-build verify-golangci-lint verify-go-mod verify-shellcheck verify-spelling

add-verify-hook: ## Adds verify scripts to git pre-commit hooks.
# Note: The pre-commit hooks can be bypassed by using the flag --no-verify when
# performing a git commit.
	git config --local core.hooksPath "${REPO_ROOT}/.githooks"

# TODO(verify): Reconcile with duplicate target
verify: ## Runs all verification tests.

# TODO(lint): Uncomment verify-shellcheck once we finish shellchecking the repo.
verify: tools verify-boilerplate verify-build verify-golangci-lint verify-go-mod #verify-shellcheck ## Runs verification scripts to ensure correct execution

verify-boilerplate: ## Runs the file header check

verify-build: ## Builds the project for a chosen set of platforms

verify-go-mod: ## Runs the go module linter

verify-golangci-lint: ## Runs all golang linters

verify-shellcheck: ## Runs shellcheck

verify-spelling: ## Verifies spelling.

##@ Tests

.PHONY: test test-go-unit test-go-integration

test: test-go-unit ## Runs unit tests

test-go-unit: ## Runs Golang unit tests

test-go-integration: ## Runs Golang integration tests

##@ Tools

.PHONY: tools

WHAT ?= kepctl kepify

tools: ## Installs all KEP tools, can select via e.g. WHAT=kepctl
	./compile-tools $(WHAT)

##@ Dependencies

.SILENT: update-deps update-deps-go update-mocks
.PHONY:  update-deps update-deps-go update-mocks

update-deps: update-deps-go ## Update all dependencies for this repo
	echo -e "${COLOR}Commit/PR the following changes:${NOCOLOR}"
	git status --short

update-deps-go: GO111MODULE=on
update-deps-go: ## Update all golang dependencies for this repo
	go get -u -t ./...
	go mod tidy
	go mod verify
	$(MAKE) test-go-unit

update-mocks: ## Update all generated mocks
	go generate ./...
	for f in $(shell find . -name fake_*.go); do \
		cp hack/boilerplate/boilerplate.go.txt tmp ;\
		sed -i.bak -e 's/YEAR/'$(shell date +"%Y")'/g' -- tmp && rm -- tmp.bak ;\
		cat $$f >> tmp ;\
		mv tmp $$f ;\

##@ Helpers

.PHONY: help

help:  ## Display this help
	@awk \
		-v "col=${COLOR}" -v "nocol=${NOCOLOR}" \
		' \
			BEGIN { \
				FS = ":.*##" ; \
				printf "\nUsage:\n  make %s<target>%s\n", col, nocol \
			} \
			/^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?##/ { \
				printf "  %s%-15s%s %s\n", col, $$1, nocol, $$2 \
			} \
			/^##@/ { \
				printf "\n%s%s%s\n", col, substr($$0, 5), nocol \
			} \