Welcome to Nextrium! This is the config file for the Nextrium plugin! Here you can configure the features and settings of the plugin.
- You can use hex colors like this: if the hex is
, you make it like this:&x&f&f&f&f&f&f
- It works like this: the
is replaced by anx
and you always have to add the&
or what you have set in the config. - By default, it is
, then you just make&
and then the hex, and then you get something like this:&x&f&f&f&f&f&f
- Please note that hex colors are only supported from version 1.16 of Minecraft and above.
- You will find more info about each setting above the setting.
- Good luck and have fun with Nextrium! :D
messages.enableMessage: Message displayed when the plugin is enabled.
- Default:
&x&a&a&f&f&f&fNextrium is now enabled!
- Default:
messages.disableMessage: Message displayed when the plugin is disabled.
- Default:
&x&6&f&a&b&c&fNextrium is now disabled!
- Default:
messages.reloadMessage: Message displayed when the plugin is reloaded.
- Default:
&x&a&a&f&f&f&fNextrium is now reloaded!
- Default:
messages.prefix: Prefix for all plugin messages.
- Default:
&7[&x&6&f&a&b&c&fNextrium&7] &8»
- Default:
messages.colorCodeCharacter: Character used for color codes.
- Default:
- Default:
messages.noPermission: Message displayed when a user lacks permission.
- Default:
&cYou don't have permission to use this command!
- Default:
messages.sudoUsage: Usage message for the sudo command.
- Default:
&x&a&a&f&f&f&fUsage: /sudo <player> <command>
- Default:
messages.playerNotFound: Message displayed when a player is not found.
- Default:
&cPlayer not found!
- Default:
messages.onlyPlayers: Message displayed when a command is player-only.
- Default:
&cOnly players can execute this command!
- Default:
messages.rtpYouAreInCombat: Message displayed when a player is in combat.
- Default:
&cYou are in combat!
- Default:
messages.rtpYouAreInCooldown: Message displayed when a player is in cooldown for RTP.
- Default:
&cYou are in cooldown for &c%cooldown% &cseconds!
- Default:
messages.rtpDelay: Message displayed during teleport delay.
- Default:
&x&6&f&a&b&c&fTeleporting in &c%delay% &x&6&f&a&b&c&fseconds...
- Default:
messages.rtpSuccess: Message displayed when teleport is successful.
- Default:
&x&a&a&f&f&f&fTeleported successfully!
- Default:
messages.rtpFailedToFindPosition: Message displayed when RTP fails.
- Default:
&cFailed to find position! This might happen sometimes. If it happens again, please contact an admin!
- Default:
messages.featureDisabled: Message displayed when a feature is disabled.
- Default:
&cThis feature is disabled. If this is a mistake, contact an admin!
- Default:
messages.gamemodeUsage: Usage messages for gamemode commands.
- Default:
&x&a&a&f&f&f&fUsage: /gamemode <gamemode> &x&a&a&f&f&f&fUsage: /gamemode <gamemode> <player> &x&6&f&a&b&c&fUsage: /gms &x&6&f&a&b&c&fUsage: /gmc &x&6&f&a&b&c&fUsage: /gma &x&6&f&a&b&c&fUsage: /gmsp
- Default:
messages.gamemodeSwitchMessage: Message displayed when gamemode is switched.
- Default:
&x&6&f&a&b&c&fYou are now in %gamemode% mode!
- Default:
messages.summonUsage: Usage messages for summon commands.
- Default:
&x&6&f&a&b&c&fUsage: /summon <entity> &x&6&f&a&b&c&fUsage: /summon <entity> <amount>
- Default:
messages.summonOneMessage: Message displayed when one entity is summoned.
- Default:
&x&a&a&f&f&f&fSummoned an %entity%!
- Default:
messages.summonMultipleMessage: Message displayed when multiple entities are summoned.
- Default:
&x&a&a&f&f&f&fSummoned %amount% %entity%'s!
- Default:
messages.invalidEntityType: Message displayed when an invalid entity type is specified.
- Default:
&cInvalid entity type!
- Default:
messages.maxSummonPerCommand: Message displayed when exceeding max summon limit.
- Default:
&cYou can only summon up to %maxSummons% entities per command!
- Default:
permissions.coloredChat: Permission for colored chat.
- Default:
- Default:
permissions.sudoCommand: Permission for sudo command.
- Default:
- Default:
permissions.reloadCommand: Permission for reload command.
- Default:
- Default:
permissions.rtpCommand: Permission for RTP command.
- Default:
- Default:
permissions.rtpCooldownTimeBypass: Permission to bypass RTP cooldown.
- Default:
- Default:
permissions.gamemodeCommand: Permission for gamemode command.
- Default:
- Default:
permissions.gamemodeOtherCommand: Permission for changing other players' gamemode.
- Default:
- Default:
permissions.summonCommand: Permission for summon command.
- Default:
- Default:
features.rtp: Enable/Disable RTP feature.
- Default:
- Default:
features.coloredChat: Enable/Disable colored chat feature.
- Default:
- Default:
features.sudoCommand: Enable/Disable sudo command feature.
- Default:
- Default:
features.reloadCommand: Enable/Disable reload command feature.
- Default:
- Default:
features.gamemodeCommand: Enable/Disable gamemode command feature.
- Default:
- Default:
features.summonCommand: Enable/Disable summon command feature.
- Default:
- Default:
features.debugCommand: Enable/Disable debug command feature.
- Default:
- Default:
settings.rtpCenter.x: Center of the RTP feature on the x-axis.
- Default:
- Default:
settings.rtpCenter.y: Center of the RTP feature on the y-axis.
- Default:
- Default:
settings.rtpHeight.max: Max height of the RTP feature.
- Default:
- Default:
settings.rtpHeight.min: Min height of the RTP feature.
- Default:
- Default:
settings.minRtpRadius: Min radius of the RTP feature.
- Default:
- Default:
settings.rtpAllowByPassPermission: Enable/Disable the RTP cooldown bypass permission.
- Default:
- Default:
settings.rtpCoolDownTime: RTP cooldown time in seconds.
- Default:
- Default:
settings.rtpDelay: Countdown for the RTP command.
- Default:
- Default:
settings.rtpSpawnBlockBlacklist: List of blocks on which the player cannot spawn.
- Default:
- Default:
settings.rtpDefaultWorld: Default world for the RTP command.
- Default:
- Default:
settings.rtpMaxRetries: Number of retries to find a location that meets all conditions before giving an error message.
- Default:
- Default:
settings.rtpSpawnOnNonSolidBlocks: Enable/Disable spawning on non-solid blocks during RTP.
- Default:
- Default:
settings.maxRtpRadius: Max radius of the RTP feature.
- Default:
- Default:
settings.rtpCanTpInCombat: Enable/Disable teleporting in combat.
- Default:
- Default:
settings.rtpWorlds: List of worlds where the RTP command can be used.
- Default:
world: Overworld world_nether: Nether world_the_end: The End
- Default:
settings.maxSummons: Max entities you can summon using the custom summon command at once.
- Default:
- Default: