Gaussian Process Dependency python version 3.10 or higher is recommended. rye seting up python environment easily and safely. only numpy, matplotlib, notebook are needed to run all scripts in this repository. Setup git clone cd gaussian_process rye sync Usage Gaussian Process Regression cd gaussian_process rye run jupyter notebook notebooks/gp_regression_1d.ipynb cd gaussian_process rye run jupyter notebook notebooks/gp_regression_2d.ipynb Bayesian Optimization cd gaussian_process rye run jupyter notebook notebooks/bayesian_optimization_1d.ipynb bayesian_optimization_1d.mp4 cd gaussian_process rye run jupyter notebook notebooks/bayesian_optimization_2d.ipynb bayesian_optimization_2d.mp4 cd gaussian_process rye run jupyter notebook notebooks/bayesian_optimization_path_tracking.ipynb bo_pathtracking_1080p.mp4