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Karl edited this page Oct 3, 2018 · 22 revisions

Selectable fires a number of custom events that the end-user can listen for.

To do so the end-user can attach a number of custom event listeners using the on() method and pass the event name and a callback as the first two arguments:

const selectable = new Selectable();

selectable.on('selectable.XXXX', fn);

Event listeners can be detached by calling the off() method with the same arguments:'selectable.XXXX', fn);

Both the on() and off() methods function the same as the native addEventListener and removeEventListener methods respectively.

This means that in order to remove a custom event listener from the instance, you must pass the same function expression to the off() method as you did to the on() method - declared / anonymous functions cannot be removed.


selectable.on('selectable.end', function(e, selected, unselected) {
    counter.innerHTML = selected.length;


const updateCounter =(e, selected, unselected) => {
    counter.innerHTML = selected.length;

// attach the event listener
selectable.on('selectable.end', updateCounter);

// detach the event listener'selectable.end', updateCounter);

Event reference

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