Enable single operator to monitor all namespaces (#188)
Added flag to control the logging level (#202)
Updated operator-sdk to v0.4.1 (#200)
Added newline to the end of the role YAML file (#199)
Added mention to WATCH_NAMESPACE when running for OpenShift (#195)
Added openshift route to role (#198)
Added Route to SDK Scheme (#194)
Add Jaeger CSV and Package for OLM integration and deployment of the … (#173)
Changed to use recommended labels (#172)
Enable dependencies and index cleaner by default (#162)
Fix log when spak depenencies are used with unsupported storage (#161)
Fix serviceaccount could not be created by the operator on openshift. (#165)
Add Elasticsearch index cleaner as cron job (#155)
Fix import order for collector-test (#158)
Smoke test (#145)
Add deploy clean target and rename es/cass to deploy- (#149)
Add spark job (#140)
Automatically format imports (#151)
Silence 'mkdir' from e2e-tests (#153)
Move pkg/configmap to pkg/config/ui (#152)
Fix secrets readme (#150)
Configure sampling strategies (#139)
Add support for secrets (#114)
Fix crd links (#132)
Create e2e testdir, fix contributing readme (#131)
Enable JAEGER_SERVICE_NAME and JAEGER_PROPAGATION env vars to be set … (#128)
Add CRD to install steps, and update cleanup instructions (#129)
Rename controller to strategy (#125)
Add tests for new operator-sdk related code (#122)
Update README.adoc to match yaml files in deploy (#124)
Notable new Features
Query base path should be used to configure correct path in ingress (#108)
Enable resources to be defined at top level and overridden at compone… (#110)
Add OAuth Proxy to UI when on OpenShift (#100)
Enable top level annotations to be defined (#97)
Support volumes and volumeMounts (#82)
Add support for OpenShift routes (#93)
Enable annotations to be specified with the deployable components (#86)
Add support for Cassandra create-schema job (#71)
Inject sidecar in properly annotated pods (#58)
Support deployment of agent as a DaemonSet (#52)
Breaking changes
Full list of commits:
Query base path should be used to configure correct path in ingress (#108)
Enable resources to be defined at top level and overridden at compone… (#110)
Fix disable-oauth-proxy example (#107)
Add OAuth Proxy to UI when on OpenShift (#100)
Refactor common spec elements into a single struct with common proces… (#105)
Ensure 'make generate' has been executed when model changes are made (#101)
Enable top level annotations to be defined (#97)
Update generated code and reverted change to 'all-in-one' in CRD (#98)
Support volumes and volumeMounts (#82)
Update readme to include info about storage options being located in … (#96)
Enable storage options to be filtered out based on specified storage … (#94)
Add support for OpenShift routes (#93)
Change CRD to use lower camel case (#87)
Factor out ingress from all-in-one and query, as common to both but i… (#91)
Fix operator SDK version as master is too unpredicatable at the moment (#92)
Update generated file after new annotations field (#90)
Enable annotations to be specified with the deployable components (#86)
Remove zipkin service (#75)
Add support for Cassandra create-schema job (#71)
Fix table of contents on readme (#73)
Update the Operator SDK version (#69)
Add sidecar.istio.io/inject=false annotation to all-in-one, agent (da… (#67)
Fix zipkin port issue (#65)
Go 1.11.1 (#61)
Inject sidecar in properly annotated pods (#58)
Support deployment of agent as a DaemonSet (#52)
Normalize options on the stub and update the normalized CR (#54)
Document the disable ingress feature (#55)
dep ensure (#51)
Add support for JaegerIngressSpec to all-in-one
This release brings Jaeger v1.7 to the Operator.
Full list of commits:
Release v1.7.0
Bump Jaeger to 1.7 (#41)
This is our initial release based on Jaeger 1.6.
Full list of commits:
Release v1.6.5
Push the tag with the new commit to master, not the release tag
Fix git push syntax
Push tag to master
Merge release commit into master (#39)
Add query ingress enable switch (#36)
Fix the run goal (#35)
Release v1.6.1
Add 'build' step when publishing image
Fix docker push command and update release instructions
Add release scripts (#32)
Fix command to deploy the simplest operator (#34)
Add IntelliJ specific files to gitignore (#33)
Add prometheus scrape annotations to Jaeger collector, query and all-in-one (#27)
Remove work in progress notice
Add instructions on how to run the operator on OpenShift
Support Jaeger version and image override
Fix publishing of release
Release Docker image upon merge to master
Reuse the same ES for all tests
Improved how to execute the e2e tests
Correct uninstall doc to reference delete not create (#16)
Set ENTRYPOINT for Dockerfile
Run 'docker' target only before e2e-tests
'dep ensure' after adding Cobra/Viper
Update the Jaeger Operator version at build time
Add ingress permission to the jaeger-operator
Install golint/gosec
Disabled e2e tests on Travis
Initial working version