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MorphL Platform Orchestrator

The MorphL Orchestrator is the backbone of the MorphL platform. It sets up the infrastructure and software that are necessary for running the MorphL platform. It consists of 3 pipelines:

  • Ingestion Pipeline - It runs a series of connectors responsible for gathering data from various APIs (Google Analytics, Mixpanel, Google Cloud Storage, etc.) and save it into Cassandra tables.

  • Training Pipeline - Consists of pre-processors (responsible for cleaning, formatting, deduplicating, normalizing and transforming data) and model training.

  • Prediction Pipeline - It generates predictions based on the model that was trained. It is triggered at the final step of the ingestion pipeline through a preflight check.

The pipelines are set up using Apache Airflow. Below you can see a diagram of the platform's architecture:


1) Virtual Instance

The orchestrator can be installed on a virtual instance on a cloud platform of your choice (Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services, etc.).

We recommend using a clean Ubuntu 16.04 machine, minimum 2 vCPUs, 16GB of RAM, 50GB storage.

2) API subdomain

Model predictions will be exposed through a secure API, for easy integration within a web or mobile app. The API needs an associated domain or subdomain name.

A record

In your DNS zone, add an A record with your subdomain and external IP address of the orchestrator instance:

A ???.???.???.???

where ???.???.???.??? is the IP address of the Ubuntu machine. You should be able to get this IP address from your cloud management interface or by running from your machine:

dig +short

  • Make sure you're using a static IP address that doesn't change when the instance is rebooted.

  • Also, allow both HTTP and HTTPS traffic to your VM.

Settings file

Add your subdomain name in a text file on your machine:

cat > /opt/settings/apidomain.txt << EOF

SSL certificates for the API subdomain will be automatically generated and renewed using Let's Encrypt.

Quick Start Guide

Step 1) Installing the platform

This step is required for setting up the environment and downloading the required software on your instance.

Bootstrap the installation by running the following commands as root:


apt update -qq && apt -y install git ca-certificates

git clone ${WHERE_THE_ORCHESTRATOR_IS} /opt/orchestrator
git clone ${WHERE_AUTH_IS} /opt/auth
git clone ${WHERE_GA_CHP_IS} /opt/ga_chp
git clone ${WHERE_GA_CHP_BQ_IS} /opt/ga_chp_bq

bash /opt/orchestrator/bootstrap/runasroot/

The installation process is fully automated and will take a while to complete (25-35 minutes). The script will install Docker, Docker Registry, Kubernetes, PostgreSQL and various utilities libraries. A second script ( will be run and will install Anaconda, Airflow, JDK, Cassandra, Spark and Hadoop.

Once the installation is done, check the bottom of the output to see the if the status The installation has completed successfully. has been reported.

At this point a few more setup steps are necessary.

Step 2) Provide connectors credentials

The next step is creating a series of files that store credentials for connecting to various data sources APIs.

From the root prompt, log into airflow:

su - airflow

Add credentials depending on our data source API:

  • Churning users based on Google Analytics data (GA_CHP model) - see docs here.

  • Churning users based on Google Analytics 360 with BigQuery integration (GA_CHP_BQ model) - see docs here.

Log out of airflow and back in again, and verify that your key file and view ID have been configured correctly:

cat /opt/secrets/keyfile.json


If the output of env | grep KEY_FILE_LOCATION is empty, like this:


it means you have forgotten to log out of airflow and back in again.

Unless specified otherwise, all commands referred to below should be run as user airflow.

Step 3) Loading historical data

To train the models, you'll need to bring in historical data. If you don't have historical data, you can let the ingestion pipeline gather it. However, in most cases, you'll have data that was already gathered and can be immediately downloaded.

Run the command:

# Load historical data for churning users with Google Analytics

# OR load historical data for churning users with Big Query

You will be presented with a prompt that lets you select the time interval for loading the data:

How much historical data should be loaded?

1) 2018-08-04 - present time (5 days worth of data)
2) 2018-07-30 - present time (10 days worth of data)
3) 2018-07-10 - present time (30 days worth of data)
4) 2018-06-10 - present time (60 days worth of data)
5) 2018-04-11 - present time (120 days worth of data)
6) 2018-02-10 - present time (180 days worth of data)
7) 2017-11-12 - present time (270 days worth of data)
8) 2017-08-09 - present time (365 days worth of data)

Select one of the numerical options 1 thru 8:

Once you select an option, you should see an output like this:

Emptying the relevant Cassandra tables ...

Initiating the data load ...

The data load has been initiated.

Open http://???.???.???.???:8181/admin/ in a browser.
???.???.???.??? is the Internet-facing IP address of the Ubuntu machine.
You should be able to get this IP address from your cloud management interface or by running:

dig +short

To visualize the pipelines' status, logs, etc. you can log into Airflow's web UI.

Use username airflow and the password found with:


Keep refreshing the UI page until all the data for the number of days you specified previously, has been loaded into Cassandra.

Step 4) Scheduling the remaining parts of the pipeline

Once all the raw data has been loaded, there is one more thing to do for the ML pipeline to be fully operational:

# Trigger pipeline for churning users with Google Analytics
airflow trigger_dag ga_chp_training_pipeline

# OR trigger pipeline for churning users with Big Query
airflow trigger_dag ga_chp_bq_training_pipeline

The command above will trigger the training pipeline, and upon running it you should see output similar to this:

[...] {} INFO - Using executor LocalExecutor
[...] {} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /home/airflow/airflow/dags
[...] {} INFO - Created <DagRun ga_chp_training_pipeline, externally triggered: True>

Since we have already loaded historical data (step 3), we can start running the pre-processors and train the models. If you do not manually trigger the training pipeline as described above, it will automatically start at its scheduled date (it runs on a weekly basis).

The step above only needs to be performed once, immediately following the installation.

From this point forward, the platform is on auto-pilot and will on a regular basis collect new data and generate fresh ML models fully automatically.

Using Predictions

Once a model has been trained, the prediction pipeline also needs to be triggered. You can wait until it is automatically triggered by the preflight check at the end of the ingestion pipeline (which runs daily) or you can trigger it yourself with the following command:

# Trigger pipeline for churning users with Google Analytics
airflow trigger_dag ga_chp_prediction_pipeline

# OR trigger pipeline for churning users with Big Query
airflow trigger_dag ga_chp_bq_prediction_pipeline

After the pipeline is triggered, the API can be accessed using the following command:

# Authorize API

# Churning users API
curl -s http://${GA_CHP_KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_IP_ADDRESS}/churning

# Churning users with BigQuery API
curl -s http://${GA_CHP_BQ_KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_IP_ADDRESS}/churning-bq

See GA_CHP Wiki or GA_CHP_BQ wiki for examples on how to access predictions.


Should you need the connection details for Cassandra, the user name is morphl and you can find the password with:


(Optional) PySpark development

Since running PySpark on your local machine can be challenging, we recommend using the MorphL Orchestrator.

To start developing PySpark applications, you need to run the Jupyter Notebook with a very specific configuration.
To do that, you have at your disposal a script that sets up that environment:

Look for these messages in the output:

[I 14:01:20.091 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at:
[I 14:01:20.091 NotebookApp] http://???.???.???.???:8282/?token=2501b8f79e8f128a01e83a457311514e021f0e33c70690cb

It is recommended that every PySpark notebook should have this snippet at the top:

from os import getenv

MASTER_URL = 'local[*]'
APPLICATION_NAME = 'preprocessor'



spark_session = (
                .config('', MORPHL_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS)
                .config('spark.cassandra.auth.username', MORPHL_CASSANDRA_USERNAME)
                .config('spark.cassandra.auth.password', MORPHL_CASSANDRA_PASSWORD)
                .config('spark.sql.shuffle.partitions', 16)

log4j =