- Recoil-pitch scale percent setting
- 'IDDET' cheat, to find exits in the automap
- Number of Bloodier Gibbing splats setting
- Setting to show only the powerup names/icons for powerup timers
- Intermission ratio stats setting
- Number of total message lines setting, to let the message review show more messages
- Support for slow-motion toggling sounds
- Applied Hitbox Thing Lighting to weapon sprites
- When dying with freelook enabled, the camera is now pitched towards the killer
- Consequently, freelook can't be controlled manually while dead anymore
- Keys now flash on the automap when flashing of keyed doors is enabled
- Tweaked Bloodier Gibbing effect
- Rare crash involving PNG graphics and weapon inertia [thanks @rfomin]
- Automap zoom being reset when enabling automap with overlay disabled from a NUGHUD
- Direct vertical aiming for melee provoking hit effect without actually hitting an entity
- Specific bug with weapon toggles with switch interruption enabled
- Freecam interpolation issues
- Freecam not being forcefully disabled when enabling strict mode
- Message review overriding message durations even when the new one were shorter
- Message review ignoring the forced-duration setting
being unused