BingPhoto is a simple PHP class which fetches Bing's image of the day with meta data.
$bing = new BingPhoto();
$image = $bing->getImage();
// Example result ($image)
[startdate] => '20160913'
[fullstartdate] => '201609130700'
[enddate] => '20160914'
[url] => ''
[urlbase] => '/az/hprichbg/rb/Meteora_EN-US6763889417'
[copyright] => 'Roussanou and other monasteries in Metéora, Greece (© Stian Rekdal/Nimia)'
// ...
The class has some optional parameters to control various options:
Parameter | Description | Default | Valid values |
$date | Date of photo | BingPhoto::DATE_TODAY |
BingPhoto::DATE_YESTERDAY , BingPhoto::DATE_TODAY , BingPhoto::DATE_TOMORROW , any integer >= -1 |
$n | Number of photos to fetch, going from date backwards | 1 | 1 - 8 |
$locale | Locale code | en-US | Whatever language Bing supports |
$resolution | Image resolution | BingPhoto::RESOLUTION_HIGH |
// Fetches two images of the day in high resolution from the American Bing portal
$bing = new BingPhoto(BingPhoto::YESTERDAY, 2);
$images = $bing->getImages();
// Fetches three images of the day in low resolution, starting yesterday from the French Bing portal
$bing = new BingPhoto(BingPhoto::YESTERDAY, 3, 'fr-FR', BingPhoto::RESOLUTION_LOW);
foreach ($bing->getImages() as $image) {
printf('<img src="%s">', $image['url']);