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2024 CTSM PPE Meeting Notes

Linnia Hawkins edited this page Oct 31, 2024 · 12 revisions

2024 CTSM PPE Meeting Notes

October 31, 2024

Agenda: CLM6-PPE status update

  • CLM6 PPE status update (5min)
  • Evaluating spin-up protocol (5min)
  • Retraining the sparsegrid (25min)
  • Parameter selection & range revisions (15min)

Working parameter list Variables saved


October 3, 2024


  • Linnia will present the latest on the upcoming CLM6 tuning experiments
  • Timeline and CLM6 status updates
  • Parameter selection
  • Retraining the sparsegrid

CLM6-PPE parameter list:


  • Timeline and updates

    • On track getting CLM6 PPE running, working with SEs
    • Adrianna is helping with mesh files and datm subsetting, performance is much slower using full grid datm (vs. sparse grid)
    • Thanks to Sean, now have a script that subsets datm file for GSWP3, working on CRU data now
    • Ideally develop a tool that inputs the sparse gridcells you want and outputs the mesh file, since you would need to repeat this step every time you want to use a different sparse grid
    • Using list of constraints from previous meeting, with OAAT to identify parameters
    • Planning on a new mini-OAAT with CLM6, working towards a new LHC (~1500 members) with CLM6 and a new parameter list using several rounds of history matching for calibration
  • Parameter selection:

    • Thinking beyond LAI; goals include tuning and UQ
    • Easier to start with a larger set of parameters than it is to add later
    • Running with crop model off, Sam will help with crop model tuning separately
    • tpu25ratio: the fact that it has an effect (irrespective of range) is interesting (Rosie), some evidence for taking TPU out of land models (Charlie), only has a parameter effect at elevated CO2 (Daniel), can also ask Danica
    • Acclimation: might not want to treat all params as independent, can we span the overall range and sensitivity of acclimation by designing a specific sampling routine; but there is a question on why we pre-select these relationships - is it actually needed (Ben), Rosie has a spreadsheet that might allow us to play with these params independently, is it safer to treat them independently first vs. trying to understand those relationships later - with some computational tradeoffs (Daniel), benefit to reducing the dimensionality (Linnia)
    • Phenology: need metrics to assess importance of these params, other params we didn't include in CLM5 OAAT?; soilpsi is not linear so be mindful of +/- percentages (Peter), be mindful of sparse grid limitations for these params (Will/Rosie), could try slope of LAI (Adrianna); maybe do a mini OAAT to determine whether phenology should be included in CLM6 calibration
    • FUN parameters are already perturbed together as KCN and could use that as a code example for combining acclimation parameters, be mindful of FUN bug in CLM5.1 - will include KCN in mini OAAT for that reason
    • Hydrology: multiple ways to perturb pedotransfer function parameters, makes sense to perturb them independently; what are the tuning goals for these parameters (Daniel), relates to parameter range definition and spatial dependence of parameter values (Guoqiang), may want to explore how to sample the parameter distributions (Daniel)
    • maximum_leaf_wetted_fraction was found to be important in land-atmosphere interactions (Meg), it is the maximum value fwet can take (Sean)
    • Snow: n_melt_coef is useful and range could be expanded (Guoqiang), SNICAR stuff was useful for Arctic simulations (Will), zsno probably only useful for coupled simulations and was in Claire's ensemble
    • Decomposition: likely some groupings here like respiration fraction litter to SOM and SOM to SOM params and check on ranges (Will), check q10_mr variable name in code (Charlie), watch for making fractions too low (Charlie), check on new CLM6 coarse woody debris parameter rf_cwd (Will), minpsi_hr and maxpsi_hr could be influential (Charlie), think about running bundled params separately for OAAT, consider independence of respiration fraction params (Katie R.)

August 8, 2024

Linnia & Daniel

Discussion of experimental design for tuning CLM6

Objective 1: Tuning LAI in CLM6 for CESM3

Objective 2: Carbon cycle uncertainty

May 16, 2024

Joint with CLM Meeting [10 people in room, 19 on call]



  • Kachinga Silwimba (PhD student at Boise State Univ., ASP GVP visitor through end of May) presents his work on "History Matching with Gaussian Processes and Evidential Deep Neural Networks to Improve Total Water Storage Simulations in the Community Land Model"


CLM-PPE analysis for hydrological applications

  • Tuning CLM Total Water Storage (TWS) to GRACE satellite anomalies

First objectives:

  • Develop methodology for emulating timeseries and seasonality
  • Test and compare multiple ML methods for emulating CLM
  • Perform sensitivity tests (Fourier amplitude & Sobol sensitivity tests)
    • Using the emulator to perform the sensitivity tests.

Longer term objective: Once an emulator is built and evaluated, the next step will be to perform history matching (in progress)

  • GRACE TWS will be used as observational target data set.

Step 1: Augment the dataset to emulate timeseries (specifically seasonality) of TWS

  • PPE dataset was augmented to incorporate time
  • Training data:
    • X: input array (500 parameters * 100 years * 12 month = 600,000 )
      • include month and year as predictors
      • use cyclic encoding of month (to ensure December and January are "close together" rather than 12 and 1)
    • y: monthly TWS (1901-2000)
  • Validation data: (2001-2014 montly TWS)

Step 2: Compare three different tools for emulation, Gaussian process, Depp Neural Network, and Evidential Neural Network

  • Gaussian Processes: -Gaussian process emulators do not scale well with larger datasets (impossible to train on 600k training data) -Trained GP to emulate the annual mean TWS. -Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity test (performed with GP) showed the most influential parameters were related to ET and soil moisture (fff, d_max) as expected.


  • Performs well and shows high skill for predicting seasonality (2001-2014)
  • Performed Fourier amplitude sensitivity test with DNN (same parameters are important as with GP)

Evidential DNN : "best of both GP and DNN" scales well with large training dataset and provides an estimate of uncertainty in predictions.

  • validation looks good
  • partitions aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty
  • Epistemic is larger (as expected)
  • Sensitivity tests with EDNN show similar results to DNN and GP

Summary: Sobol and FAST sensitivity analysis show similar results (regardless of emulator used)

  • indicates robustness of sensitivity tests

Emulation of timeseries (seasonality) is working well with DNN and Evidential DNN

Evidential Deep Neural Network is a promising tool for PPE emulation

  • scales well with large datasets
  • provides uncertainty estimates in predictions (critical for history matching)
  • partitions uncertainty into aleatoric and epistemic

Next steps:

  • Emulate the CLM-PPE TWS anomalies and evaluate them with GRACE
  • Incorporate space (in addition to time) to emulation.
  • Perform history matching.


  • Can you apply the SOBOL test to EDNN uncertainty?
    • maybe, something to try
  • Why doesn't GP work for emulating timeseries?
    • dataset is too large (compute scales cubically with the input data size)
  • Compare the uncertainty estimates from GP to EDNN
    • GP uncertainty is sensitive to choice of kernel but a comparison would be useful.
  • Evidential DNN captures expected epistemic uncertainty relative to magnitude of aleatoric
    • Epistemic is a combination of uncertainty in hyperparameter tuning and sparse PPE sample
    • Epistemic could be reduced by adding more PPE ensemble members
  • Quantile transform may be useful when incorporating space.

April 11, 2024

[4 people in room, 16 on call]




  • Motivation: is the sparse grid still serving us?
  • Also motivated by Adrianna's FATES work
  • Large computational savings from sparse grid (14x faster than 2 degree)
  • Why 400? Based on variable representativeness (relative to full grid) and what we could afford
    • Use ILAMB plots to look at bias and tradeoffs with # gridcells
  • Limitations
  • Current sparsegrid is fine for gridcell output, but now we are interested in PFT-level output
    • Can we construct a similarity matrix at the patch level? Each PFT has its own similarity matrix?
    • Would potentially increase # gridcells to run at each simulation
  • Consider validation data as well, consider matching with obs
    • Building an emulator could use idealized setup, then switch to more realistic setup for validation
  • Alternatives
    1. Use current sparse grid
    2. Re-run clustering for PFT information
    3. Select gridcells for dominant PFTs
    4. Start with dominant and add co-dominant cells
    5. Full grid
    6. Idealized surface datasets
  • Where do we put our uncertainty?
    • Error in sparse grid propagates to calibration
    • Error in PFT representation
  • PFT interactions within gridcells for cluster analysis with PFT information - how do we account for this?
    • Relationship between PFTs within a column
    • Subset by common combinations of PFTs? Use those to seed the clustering
    • Linnia: 1 PFT tends to co-exist with 1 or 2 other PFTs at most, so it seems like this is reasonable
    • Daniel: run clustering on h1 data (patches), then you are selecting patches to run vs. selecting gridcells
  • Adrianna: proportional area vs. dominance thresholds plots
    • How can we pick different grids that map up to different PFTs?
    • Defining dominance ecologically
    • Defining co-dominance, secondary grids after running some initial simulations
  • PFT interactions - might need additional simulations to diagnose these
  • Iterative process of running clustering algorithm

March 14, 2024

[28 people on call]



  • Linnia presents updates on the CLM-PPE and discusses some of the implications of our experimental design.


  • Wave 1 of history matching: focused on PFT x biome spatial aggregation, vary PFT parameters independently
    • Some PFTs are harder to emulate / have greater emulator uncertainty
  • Wave 0 (original LHC PPE) scaled PFT parameters uniformly
    • Implausibility score rules out parts of the parameter space
    • Ignoring structural uncertainty (for now)
  • Sample from plausible sets: how best to do this?
    • Goal is to reduce emulator uncertainty
    • Use close to latin hypercube to select 100 members to re-run in CLM (Wave 1)
  • Wave 1 results
    • Observational uncertainty varies across biomes
    • Emulator uncertainty is dominating
    • Wave 1 from CLM falls generally within uncertainty band (obs + emulator uncertainty)
    • Vary PFT parameters independently works ok
  • Issues to address
    • Uncertainty: observational, forcing, emulator
    • Sparse grid: PFT interactions
    • Metrics: trend, IAV, seasonality
  • Emulator uncertainty
    • Adding 100 ensemble members is not reducing emulator uncertainty - why?
    • Wave 1 allowed PFT parameters to vary independently, which matters when PFTs share gridcells
    • Needleleaf dominated gridcell: adding wave0 and wave1 ensemble members decreases variance
    • Needleleaf/broadleaf split gridcell: adding wave1 ensembles members does NOT decrease variance
    • Test adding NL LAI as a predictor: adding wave1 ensemble members decreases variance (Ben: how sensitive is the performance to adding LAI from which wave?)
    • Rosie: should we just focus on dominated gridcells?
  • Rethinking sparse grid
    • Option 1: Select gridcells with one PFT dominating (FATES approach)
    • Option 2: Select new sparse grid with PFT as a factor
      • Sparse grid redesign likely important to sampling enough PFT gridcells
      • Adding targets that may not be aggregated by PFT (e.g., GPP) - do the data exist somewhere? Gordon: GPP product has an underlying landcover classification, could calculate FLUXCOM GPP using CLM land surface dataset. Ben: useful variance information
  • Andy: Try parameter selection sequentially based on PFTs in the gridcell? Conditional optimization in a sequence. Hydrology analogy would be calibrating snow first, fixing it, then calibrating soil parameters. (Adrianna is taking this approach. Learn more in dominant gridcells and then introduce a new grid partway through.) Linnia: Small parts of grass everywhere is challenging, keep it fixed?
  • Adrianna: biome land area vs. "dominance threshold" for diagnosing spatial importance of a particular PFT. Each PFT would get its own set of gridcells (think about how many), consider observational uncertainty. [Great future discussion topic for this group!]
  • Ben: spatial element to the calibration cascade, bringing in information in the data as well
  • Aleya: what is a PFT interaction? All below ground interactions via moisture/nutrients because all PFTs in a gridcell share the same soil column
  • Linnia: started looking at trend in LAI, Daniel has shown that LAI trend is an important constraint
  • Andy: resampling from emulator results, different approaches to interpreting implausibility score
    • Early waves may not want to focus the resampling too narrow (to reduce emulator uncertainty), but later waves could consider this. Also consider how observational uncertainty maps onto interpreting implausibility. Draw on hydrology community experience.
  • How do wave0 training members impact emulators? Add more to wave1? Throw out the worst of wave0?

February 15, 2024


  • We have a google group / email list! Feel free to add yourself and share with others.
  • CESM Land Model Working Group meeting is February 27-29, register here.
    • Lots of PPE talks!
  • Linnia is running a PPE tag on Derecho! Thanks to Erik, Keith, Sam L., Daniel for making this happen.
  • Thinking about LAI calibration at the PFT-biome level, working towards calibration for CLM6.
  • Adrianna is working on FATES calibration cascade.


  • Khachik Sargsyan (DOE Sandia) and Daniel Ricciuto (DOE Oak Ridge) present on "Reduced-Dimensional Neural Network Surrogate Construction and Calibration of the E3SM Land Model." Slides here.


  • Forward UQ: global sensitivity analysis & inverse UQ: model calibration
  • Reduced dimensional surrogate construction
  • Using satellite phenology version of ELM, will work with BGC model next
  • 2 degree resolution, 275 members, 10 parameters
  • Karhunen-Loeve expansion: SVD type dimensionality reduction but centralized, continuous form
    • linear encoder of the output
    • solving for eigen-features
    • uncertain parameters and "certain" conditions
    • working with latent space
    • they have tried autoencoders but not worth the effort, linear encoding is acceptable here
  • neural network based surrogate, they do compare with GP but prefer combining outputs
  • Evaluating at 96 FLUXNET sites, 180 months
    • using different time averaging: monthly, monthly climo, seasonal climo, annual
    • issues with memory and high dimensionality
  • Retaining 8 eigenvalues (FLUXNET sites) and 11 (global) retaining most of the variance
  • Recommend residual NN (ResNet)
  • fLNR most sensitive parameter, mbbopt second most (Ball-Berry stomatal conductance slope)
  • Reference data is FLUXCOM GPP
  • Posterior sampling via MCMC
  • Likelihood in reduced space: project observed data to KL eigenspace to calibrate
  • Also looked at local (site-specific) parameter posterior PDFs - how to interpret?
    • Correlate PFT fractions with best fLNR values


  • Linear approximation w/ PFT-output? Using aggregated output for now as a "compression".
  • Issues with GPP calibration making another variable worse? Could add latent heat flux to the methodology via vectorization.
  • Informing structural issues? Embedded model error approach - augment Bayesian likelihood for model inadequacy. Internal approaches to add statistical representations - some preliminary work.
  • Performance at different sites? Surrogate performance does vary based on site, haven't looked at calibration yet.
  • Losing information from PCA - is KL method different? PCA does not centralize the data. Formally this is not PCA, it is more like SVD.
  • Choice of eigenvectors based on default? A different eigenbasis would impact this workflow.
  • Model is forced with reanalysis but also looking at FLUXNET sites? FLUXCOM is the target.

Additional Questions (follow-up)

  • Comparing NN vs. GP - with CLM we have found separate emulators work well.
    • We have compared with PC (polynomial chaos - see some of the additional slides)
    • GP like PC would have to be built separately for each latent feature. Putting all outputs together might be a bit awkward, particularly if each GP is tuned to its own best hyperparameter setting (and tuning I feel might be required for high-d input space, e.g. 10 parameters).
    • advantage of GP or PC is that the have a natural way of quantifying the emulator error, which NN does not have readily.
  • Details on ResNet?
  • Quantifying the NN emulator error?
    • not really, but there is a whole industry on quantifying NN emulator errors with many methods like Laplace approximation, MC-dropout, variational inference etc... None of them are ideal or easy to train/interpret though.
  • Sensitivity metric?
    • Sobol sensitivity indices that capture variance fraction due to a given parameter.
  • How is the model prior defined?
    • Nothing tricky so far, just uniform prior for each parameter in a range driven by literature/expert knowledge.
  • In all this, the elephant in the room is the model error - there is no ideal way to tackle it of course, but the embedded approach (,5a3895a14afb242f,1d2810e66490c327.html) is what we have been trying with some success.